Sunday 16th of June 2024
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The Sunni Fatwa that Ahl Hadith are Apostates and misguided

The Sunni Fatwa that Ahl Hadith are Apostates and misguided

In al Barelviyaath, Ehsan Ellahi records the following: page 175 we read:

Ahlul Hadith are Kaffir, misguided encourage others to follow them".

al Barelviyaath by Ehsan Ellahi page 175

The Sunni Fatwa that Ahlul Hadith are the dogs of hellIn Hanafeeyuth aur Mahziyaat, a collection of Hanafi Fatwas we read: page 35

La madhabi are the dogs of hell, Wahabis are worse than Hindus whoever reads behind Ahlul Hadith it is not permitted to read behind them, his nikah becomes void from Fatawi Razooba Volume 6 page 90, 13 and 121 and Thalash Munzil page 23"


source : www.rafed.net
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