Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Dutch national TV airs blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders on Wednesday aired blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Dutch national television.
Dutch national TV airs blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders on Wednesday aired blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Dutch national television.

Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders on Wednesday aired blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Dutch national television.

The cartoons broadcast on the state-run television were first shown at an exhibition of the Great Prophet cartoons last month in Texas, U.S., where Wilders was one of the speakers.

Wilders aired the cartoons in programming reserved for political parties, saying that he broadcast the drawings to defend freedom of expression.

Spokesman for Council of Moroccan Mosques in the Netherlands (RMMN) Aissa Zanzen said that Wilders used the live national TV programming period reserved for political parties to do publicity for himself. He added that Wilders is doing his best to provoke Muslims.

source : abna
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