Sunday 23rd of June 2024
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Saudi petrodollars urge international community to keep silence on catastrophe in Yemen - Grand Ayatollah Makarem

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Senior cleric Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi said on Wednesday that the Saudi petrodollars have urged the international community to keep mum against the catastrophe in Yemen.
Saudi petrodollars urge international community to keep silence on catastrophe in Yemen - Grand Ayatollah Makarem

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Senior cleric Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi said on Wednesday that the Saudi petrodollars have urged the international community to keep mum against the catastrophe in Yemen.

Referring to the crimes and atrocities committed by Al Saud, he said a rebel government named Al Saud is now bombarding defenseless people in Yemen for several months.

Condemning the silence of the international community in dealing with such crimes, he said the world has kept silent in dealing with the crimes against people in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

The so-called advocates of human rights and those claiming to advocate justice in the world should be accountable, he said.

International organizations such as the United Nations and UN Security Council have not taken any stands in dealing with the crimes committed by Saudi regime, said Ayatollah Makarem.

The regime is now giving bribes to others to urge them to remain silent in dealing with these crimes, he said, adding that they even have instructed world media not to reflect ongoing tragedy in Yemen.

source : abna
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