Thursday 2nd of January 2025
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The sermon of Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.) in Al-Kufa

Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.), the daughter of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (a.s.), gave the following sermon in Ibn Ziad’s palace:
The sermon of Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.) in Al-Kufa
Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.), the daughter of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (a.s.), gave the following sermon in Ibn Ziad’s palace:
"Now then! O Kufans! O men of vaunt! O treacherous men! O retreaters! Beware! May your lament never cease and may your wailing never end. Verily your similitude is that of a woman who untwirls the threads spinned by herself. You have broken your pledges by deceit and there remains nothing in you except pretense, self-conceit, exorbitance and dishonesty.

You have adopted the flatter of maids and coquettishness of the enemies as your customs.

Your similitude is of that of the expanse vegetation or jewellery in the graveyard. Beware! What an evil have you brought forth for yourselves that has invited Allah's wrath upon you and you have earned a place of fury in the Hereafter. You weep for my brother? Verily yes by Allah! You should weep, for you deserve it. Weep abundantly and laugh less, thus you are tainted with disgrace and trapped in contempt that you shall never be able to wash off.

How will you wash off the blood of the son of the 'Seal of Prophethood and the Mine of Apostleship' from yourselves, who was the Master of the Youth of Paradise, the General of the battlefield, and an Asylum of your group. He was a residence of repose for you and your well-being.

He healed your wounds and safeguarded you against whatever evil came towards you. You approached him when you quarreled among yourselves. He was your best counsel and you relied upon him, and he was a lantern of your path. Beware! What evil have you brought forth for yourselves and what load have you put upon your neck for the Day of Judgment. Perdition! Perdition! Destruction! May your search go vain and may your hands paralyze that you have handed over the affairs of your provisions to the wind.

You have occupied a place in Allah's wrath, while the stamp of contempt and misfortune is sealed upon your forehead. Woe be to you! Do you know that you have amputated the dear child of Muhammad (p.)? And what pledge have you broken off from him? And what endeared family of his have you brought out onto the streets? And what veil of sanctity have you snatched away from them? And what blood have you shed from him? What an awry thing have you brought forth that it is likely that the heavens would fall down and the earth would disperse, while the mountains would crumble down as much as the fill of the earth and the heavens. The bride of your affairs is hairless, unfamiliar, indecent, blind, ugly and sullen.

You wonder why the heavens rain blood. The chastisement of the Hereafter is more disgraceful and there will be no helper. Let not this respite make you frivolous, for none has the power to anticipate upon Allah, the Mighty, the Sublime, and seeking vengeance does not lapse from him. No, not at all, your Lord is in ambush for you."

source : abna24
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