Thursday 18th of July 2024
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A Reversion to the Truth

My name is Abdul-Hussain, I have decided to take the name Abdul-Husayn or 'Abd al-Husayn in recognition of my reversion to Shi'a Islam! I of course am still Abdul-Rahman (Servant of the Most Merciful) but the name Abdul-Husayn is a beautiful end to quest of study that finally led me to the truth of the Ahl al-Bayt(AS) and the Holy Imams(AS) that are so beloved to Allah. I'm a 20 year old caucasian male from the US. I was raised by my family as a Roman Catholic. My family is of Polish heritage
A Reversion to the Truth
My name is Abdul-Hussain,   I have decided to take the name Abdul-Husayn or 'Abd al-Husayn in recognition of my reversion to Shi'a Islam! I of course am still Abdul-Rahman (Servant of the Most Merciful) but the name Abdul-Husayn is a beautiful end to quest of study that finally led me to the truth of the Ahl al-Bayt(AS) and the Holy Imams(AS) that are so beloved to Allah. I'm a 20 year old caucasian male from the US.
I was raised by my family as a Roman Catholic. My family is of Polish heritage but we have lived in the United States for many generations. Throughout my childhood I was made to attend church with my family, go to bible study, and so on. Very early on I stopped believing in the doctrines of Trinitarian Christianity; they just never made any sense to me to begin with! So from about ages 13 to 18 I went about living my life as a normal American teenage male, even during this time I did definitely believe in a God.

I knew their was a Creator but I didn't follow any organized religion and didn't give much thought as to the true purpose of life, etc. other than going to school, working, hanging out with friends, and such.

Everything changed after I graduated from high school in June 2005. I found myself pondering more and more about the meaning of life; and just what was the truth about the Creator I knew existed and was going to judge me one day. I have always had a love for history so I knew the fundamental basics of most, if not all, world religions (like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.).

I decide to use a good amount of my free-time studying the doctrines, texts, and histories of all world religions, especially Islam. I had been gradually learning more and more about Islam from age 13 up. I was a 13 year old Freshman in high school in September 2001, so needless to say from that time period and Islam was all over American news, in a not so positive light.

However, I quickly realized that the "news" I was receiving about Islam was all from the point of view of the American-media which is controlled by white neo-colonialists and Zionists; it would be kind of like going back in time and asking the Spanish Conquistadors and conquerors about their opinion of the Indigenous American cultures (Mayans, etc.) that they were slaughtering.

Obviously the evil, violent, imperialistic, colonialist, greed driven person (American Zionist conservatives is this case) is going to have no problem maligning and tell lies about people (in this case Muslims) who are just, moral, charitable, and just fighting the oppression forced on them by the evildoers ("conservative" Zionist Americans). I found out very quickly that Islam was not just some Arab religion! I discovered that Islam believed in One God and I learned about all the other basic tenets of the Deen of Islam like Praying, Fasting, Hajj pilgrimage, etc.

But in that summer 2005 something clicked and I wanted to study Islam with more passion not just from an outsider agnostic-like perspective. Summer 2005 went into Fall 2005 and I began my Freshman year of University here in America as a history major. I continued in personal study throughout the end of 2005.

As 2006 began I had just completed my first university semester and was very pleased that things were going so well. Also by this point I had purchased a Holy Qur'an English translation and was still heavily engaged in comparative religion study. The more I read the Holy Qur'an translation and compared it against other religions the more it became clear that Islam was the truth! Throughout this time I also reviewed the tenets of Trinitarian Christianity that I had been made to learn in church, in bible study, etc. all I saw were the contradictions, historical inaccuracies, and other problems.

When I compared this (Christainity) to the Tawheed (God's Oneness) and perfection of God's Words in the Holy Qur'an; I knew that clearly Islam (meaning Submission to God Almighty alone) was the religion of all the Prophets from Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to Jesus, and to Muhammad (May Almighty Allah's Peace and Blessings be Upon Them All). I clearly saw that the Trinity was a false dogma and that Jesus(PBUH) was only a messenger of God and that his mission was to remind the children of Israel (the Jews) that they had strayed away from God and needed to return to the pure law of the Torah and worship God alone.

Also Jesus(PBUH) gave glad tidings of the final universal Prophet for all of mankind, this Prophet to come after him Jesus(PBUH) said would be named, Ahmed(p.b.u.h). I recommend seeing Bible John 14:16, John 16:7, and John 16:13. I highly recommend the website; http://www.answering-christianity.com/ac.htm for any Christians or non-Christians searching for the truth about Almighty God. This site is the best comparative religion site for comparing Islam to Christianity.

Well in March 2006 with much nervousness I decided to get the phone number of the closest Masjid (Mosque) to my parent's. I called and arranged to visit and talk with knowledgeable Muslim brothers from the Masjid. These Muslim brothers would spend the next few weeks talking with me and eventually after much more discussion, thought, and reading I finally took my Shahada as a Sunni Muslim in March 2006.

The rest of 2006 was filled with me learning and practicing my new faith of Sunni Islam, I was so happy! I learned to recite small Surahs like Surah al-Faatiha, Surah al-Ikhlaas, Surah al-Falaq, Surah al-Naas, Surah al-Nasr, Surah al-Kawthar, and Surah al-'Asr. I also learned how to pray Salat as a Sunni Muslim and started to learn Arabic. I was being taught by many kind and gracious Sunni Muslim brothers. In my study I was also reading such things as Holy Qur'an Tafsirs by the likes of Ibn Kathir, etc.

Also I studied Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Riyadh as-Saaliheen by Nawawi, The Saudi Arabian government sponsored book "The Sealed Nectar" biography of the Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h), and I was also given books by Nawasib scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah and the book "Kitab al-Tauhid" by the Nasibi "scholar" Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. As the year of 2006 came near it's end an amazing thing happened I was given the opportunity to go on the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah!

A Muslim group from the Sunni Masjid I was attending in my home town gave me the opportunity to go on the Hajj pilgrimage for free. This Sunni Muslim society sponsors new reverts to go to Hajj in Makkah! Everything worked out perfectly as I finished exams for my Sophomore fall semester at University, and the next day I flew out with the Muslim Hajj company called As-Sabeel group My experience on Hajj was unbelievable it was the most amazing period of my life.

Being in Makkah and seing the Holy Kaaba is more than I could have ever wished for in this life and the experience was beyond words. While on Hajj 2006 I was grappling with my personal study and reflection. You see, earlier in 2006, around say September or October 2006 I started a really serious look at Shi'a Islam. As a new convert to Sunni Islam, I want to see if those calling themselves "Sunnis" were truly on the path and "way" of the Prophet(p.b.u.h).

I started by asking Sunnis brothers I knew about Shi'a Islam. These brothers answered me angrily and harshly. They told me that Shi'a Muslims worship Ali(AS) and Hussain(AS) and all the other usual Nawasib garbage and lies that Nasibi/Salafi/Wahhabis tell about the true followers of the Prophet, the Shi'a of Ahl al-Bayt(AS). I decided I need to set out on a personal journey and study the different movements within Islam and to look for the truth and who was really on the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h).

After I returned from Hajj 2006 I was so happy but in the back of my mind I knew that I was only practicing as a "Sunni" because I was indoctrinated by the Sunni/Salafi community I lived around. Around March 2007 I finally after much tears, thinking, reflecting, praying, and reading reverted to the only true religion of Allah that is Shi'a Islam.

The websites I found most helpful in my journey to reversion to Shi'a Islam are the following:

http://www.revertmuslims.com/ (this website)
http://www.rafed.net/english/books/abu-hurayra/index.html (This link is to a great article showing the truth about the liar Abu Hurayra who is the most common "narrator" in the Sunni hadith books, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
http://www.shianews.com/hi/articles/islam/0000163.php (This great article is regarding the common Nawasib lie that Shi'a Islam was created by a Jew named Abdullah ibn Saba. The truth is this fairytale about "Abdullah ibn Saba" was created by the heretic, apostate Sayf ibn Umar al-Tamimi. Sayf ibn Umar al-Tamimi is the source of all the modern day Nasibi Salafi lies on this subject).
http://www.revertmuslims.com/islam/schools_of_thought.htm (Stories about how the Umayyad and Abbasid Sunni Caliphates and other things promoted and spread the 4 Sunni schools of thought: Hanafi, Maliki, Shaf'i, and Hanabli.)

and many, many more.

Salamu alaikum,

Abd al-Husayn (Brent) Klimaszewski a.k.a. Abdul-Rahman

source : sibtayn
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