Saturday 11th of January 2025
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Allah Switched a Light

Assalam Alaikum brothers and sisters. I hope everyone can enjoy my story. So let me begin by telling a few details about myself. I was born Samson Joseph, which is a Hebrew-ish name if you did not know. For awhile now I have been starting to call myself Altair Aslan, I love the name. I'm 15 years old, graduating from 9th to 10th grade. I live in South Florida, USA, if anyone would like to know. So then let me start my story.
Allah Switched a Light

Assalam Alaikum brothers and sisters. I hope everyone can enjoy my story.

So let me begin by telling a few details about myself. I was born Samson Joseph, which is a Hebrew-ish name if you did not know. For awhile now I have been starting to call myself Altair Aslan, I love the name. I'm 15 years old, graduating from 9th to 10th grade. I live in South Florida, USA, if anyone would like to know. So then let me start my story.
Growing up into a Christian family, I never really appreciated God enough. I took him for granted, always asking him for stuff and expecting it. Of course, what can you expect from a mere child? A child that can't grasp the intelligence of how things work in life. As growing up, I would always want my prayers to get answered, as I grew older and older, my faith quickly started to disintegrate.

When I saw how others could curse, and do this and that, it fueled me. Fueling like a fire fueled from anything flammable. Eventually I lost all my faith, but the funny thing was that I knew that something bigger had created everything and was our Lord.

I became a nonbeliever around age 10-11, and I stayed that way until I was about half into my year of being 15. In 8th grade I met a girl named Noor Barsar, Sabrina we all call her at school. She too was a nonbeliever, the only difference is that she was born a Muslim for about 10-12 years, then she too gave up faith.. We became good friends, never anything less, and NEVER will be anything more lol. Around September or late October, the strongest hurricane ever recorded was about to slam into Florida. Wilma, and she was barreling fast towards the Southwest Florida coast, striking across going East into my town.

Before that day I was over Sabrina's house, and her dad was barbequing which was nice. I believe it was halal burgers and hotdogs, but it didn't matter to me. I had no respect for life during that time. During that time Sabrina's dad was allowing alcohol, I guess only because his two Christian friends wanted it? Sabrina overdosed on Alcohol, fearing for her life, she was throwing up, and her body was like over heating. I wasn't there, her dad took me home before that ordeal happened. I couldn't get in contact with her for about a week and 1-2days. And she told me what happened after I had left.

She explained to me that she was so afraid that she would die, she prayed to Allah.She asked him to forgive everything that she has done, and to let her live another day. Of course she did it way more detailed, I just dumbed it down lol. I was still a nonbeliever, and I would ask her questions and stuff about Islam, because to me it sounded interesting. When I first heard her say Allah, I promise like the name Allah just switched a light in me, on that day I was basically deciding to become a Muslim. So that is my story.

source : sibtayn
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