Sunday 30th of June 2024
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People condemn attack on Muslim man in NYC

Local residents in the New York borough of Bronx have denounced a recent violent attack on a Muslim man in the area.
People condemn attack on Muslim man in NYC

Local residents in the New York borough of Bronx have denounced a recent violent attack on a Muslim man in the area.

Residents and community leaders have reportedly expressed outrage over the weekend attack on a Muslim who was beaten by teens shouting "ISIS, ISIS" – another acronym for the Daesh or ISIL terrorist group.
The victim identified as Mujibur Rahman, 43, a Bangladeshi man, was attacked in front of his horrified niece in the Bronx, according to the New York Daily News.
The man was attacked while walking with the nine-year-old girl in the Bronx around 5:30 p.m. on Friday, according to the New York City Police Department.
He was punched several times in the head, knocked down and kicked, police said. The victim was treated for injuries at a hospital and released.
No one was immediately arrested in the New York assault, which is under investigation by the police department's Hate Crime Task Force, the agency said in a statement on Saturday.
Hate crimes against US Muslim communities have increased sharply in the aftermath of the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris and California.

source : irib
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