Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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Ziyarah Of Lady Zaynab (SA)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the Prophets. Peace be upon you, O daugher of the owner of the (Heavenly) Pond and the Standard. Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who was taken to the skies and who reache the position of the length of two arrows or even closer. h-zainab02
Ziyarah Of Lady Zaynab (SA)

n the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the Prophets.

Peace be upon you, O daugher of the owner of the (Heavenly) Pond and the Standard.
Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who was taken to the skies and who reache the position of the length of two arrows or even closer.


Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Prophet of right guidance, the master of (all) human being, and the savior of the servants(of Allah) from being destroyed.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the one who has conformed (himself) to sublime morality, enjoyed the broad honor, and owned the (Heavenly) Signs and the Wise Remembrance of Allah (i.e. the Holy Quran).

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the owner of the Lofty Position, the Pond from which people shall drink (on the Resurrection Day), and the Standard, which shall be witnessed by everybody.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليك يا بنت سيد الانبياء
السلام عيلك يا بن صاحب الحوض واللواء
السلام عليك يا بنت من عرج به الي لسماء و وصل الي مقام قاب قوسين او ادني
السلام عليك يا بنت نبي الهدي و سيد الوري و منقذ العباد من الردي
السلام عليك يا بنت صاحب الخلق العظيم و الشرف العميم و الأيات و الذكر الحكيم
السلام عليك يا بنت صاحب المقام المحمود و الحوض المشهود

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Path of Islam and the one given the qiblah and the Quran, and the example of honesty, right, and benevolence.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the choice of the Prophets the example of the pious ones, and the well known in both the earth and the heavens.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the best of Allah's creation, the master of His creatures, the foremost created individual before the existence of (Allah's) earth and heavens, the last of the existent ones (who shall endure) after the extinction of this world and its being, and the one whose soul is a copy of the Divinity and whose heart is the treasury of the Eternal, Subsistent God.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the one who is shaded by clouds, is the master of the Two Worlds, is the chief of the two beings (i.e.man and jinn), and is the Intercessor of the ummah on the Resurrection Day.

السلام عليك يا بنت منهج دين الاسلام و صاحب القبلة و القرآن و علم الصدق و الحق و الاحسان
السلام عليك يا بنت صفوة الانبياء و علم الأتقياء و مشهورالذكر في الأرض و السماء و رحمة الله و بركاته
السلام عليك يا بنت خير خلق الله و سيد خلقه و أول العدد قبل إيجاد أرضه و سماواته و آخر الأبد بعد فناء الدنيا و أهلها الذي روحه نسخة الملك و الملكوت و قلبه خزانة الحي الذي لايموت و رحمة و بركاته
السلام عليك يا بنت المظل بالفمام سيد الكونين و مولي الثقلين و شفيع الأمة يوم المحشر و رحمة الله و بركاته

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the master of the Prophet's successors.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the God-fearing ones.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the shelter of the saints.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the support of the choice ones.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the Religion.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the commander of the faithful ones.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the chief of the Prophet's successors.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the pious ones.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the preventer of the infidels and the wantons.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the inheritor of the Prophets.

السلام عليك يا بنت سيد الأوصياء
السلام عليك يا بنت إمام الأتقياء
السلام عليك يا بنت ركن الأولياء
السلام عليك يا بنت عماد الأوصياء
السلام عليك يا بنت يعسوب الدين
السلام عليك يا بنت أمير المومنين
السلام عليك يا بنت سيد الوصيين
السلام عيلك يا بنت قائد البررة
السلام عليك يا بنت قامع الكفرة و الفجرة
السلام عليك يا بنت وارث النبيين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the successor of the Apostles' chief.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of brightness of the Religion.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Great News (as it is certainly proved).

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the one to whom the mission of settling accounts with people ( on the Resurrection Day) is given , between whose hands the Heavenly Pond ( of al-Kawthar) is put, and whom is intended by the (Prophet's) Statement of the Ghadir day.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the lady whose she-camel was driven by (Archangel) Gabriel, and whose misforturne (of Imam al-Husayn's being slain in Karbala) was shared by (Archangel) Israfil, and due to whose anger the All-exalted Lord was angry, and for whose misfortune of Karbala, (the Prophets) Abraham the Friend of Allah, Noah, and Moses the Spoken by Allah wept.

السلام عليك يا يبنت خليفة سيد المرسلين
السلام عليك يا بنت ضياء الدين
السلام عليك يا بنت النبأ العظيم علي اليقين
السلام عليك يا بنت من حساب الناس عليه و الكوثر بين يديه والنص يوم الغدير عليه, و رحمة الله و بركاته
السلام عليك يا بنت من قاد ؤمام ناقتها جبرائيل و شاركها في مصابها إسرافيل, و غضب بسببها الرب الجليل, و بكي لمصابها إبراهيم الخليل و نوح و موسي الكليم في كربلاء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the shining full moons.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the brilliant suns.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Well Zamzma and Safa (of the landmarks of Mecca).

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Mecca and Mina -a height in Mecca-.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him whom was carried by Buraq to the heavens.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who carried the zakat (almsgiving) by the margins of his dress to give it to the paupers.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him whom was taken by night fron the Inviolable Masjid to the Farthest Masjid.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who fought with two swords.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who offered prayers to the two qiblas.

السلام عليك يا بنت البدور السواطع
السلام عليك يا بنت الشموس الطوالع, و رحمة الله و بركاته
السلام عليك يا بنت زمزم و الصفا
السلام عليك يا بنت مكة و مني
السلام عليك يا بنت من حمل علي البراق في الهواء
السلام عليك يا بنت من حمل الزكاة بأطراف الرداء و بذله علي الفقراء
السلام عليك يا بنت من أسري به من المسجدالأقصي
السلام عليك يا بنت من ضرب بالسيفين
السلام عليك يا بنت من صلي القبلتين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Muhammad al-Mustafa (the Selected by God).

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Ali al-Murtada (the Pleased one).

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Fatimah al-Zahra (the Resplendant).

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Khadijah al-Kubra (the Grand)

Peace be upon you and upon your grandfather, Muhammad al-Mukhtar (the Chosen).

Peace be upon you and upon your father, Haydar al-Karrar (the Attacking).

Peace be upon you and upon the pure, choice masters who are the Arguments of Allah on lands, the chiefs of the earth and the heavens, and love for whom is a prescription that is incumbent upon all creatures.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the glorified, holy servant of Allah.

Peace be upon you, O aunt of dignified, holy servant of Allah.

السلام عليك يا بنت محمد المصطفي
السلام عليك يا بنت علي المرتضي
السلام عليك يا بنت فاطمة الزهراء
السلام عليك يا بنت خديجة الكبري
السلام عليك و علي أبيك حيدر الكرار
السلام عليك و علي السادات الأطهار الأخيار, و هم حجج الله علي الأقطار و سادات الأرض و السماء الذين حبهم فرض علي أعناق كل الخلائق
السلام عليك يا بنت ولي الله المعظم
السلام عليك يا عمة ولي الله المكرم

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O mother of misfortunes; Zaynab.

Peace be upon you -the virtuos, rightly guided one!

Peace be upon you - the perfect, knowledgeable good-doer.

Peace be upon you -the noble gentlewoman.

Peace be upon you -the pious, infallible one.

Peace be upon you -who showed her love for al-Husayn; the wronged, in many situation and had to suffer awful heartbreaking misfortunes.

Peace be upon you -who guarded the Imam on the Day of Ashura when he was killed, and sacrificed her soul for the salvation of Zayn al-Abidin at the gathering of the most wretched one (i.e.Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad), and addresed a speech, just like (Imam) Ali's, in the streets of Kufa despite the presence of her enemies.

السلام عليك يا أم المصائب يا زينب و رحمة الله و بركاته
السلام عليك أيتها الفاضلة الرشيدة
السلام عليك اليتها الكاملة العالمة العاملة
السلام عليك أيتها الكريمة النبيلة
السلام عليك أيتها التقية النقية
السلام عليك يامن ظهرت محبتها للحسين المظلوم في موارد عديدة و تحمل المصائب المحرقة للقلوب مع تحملات شديدة
السلام عليك يا من حفظت اللإمام في يوم عاشوراء في القتلي و بذلت نفسها في نجاة زين العابدين في مجلس أشقي الأشقياء و نطقت كنطق علي عليه السلام في سكك الكوفة و حولها كثير من الأعداء

Peace be upon you -who thrust her forehead with the front part of the howdah, when she saw the severed head of the Chief of Martyrs (i.e. Imam al-Husayn), and caused blood to flow from beneath her veil and from the howdah in the view of the enemies.

Peace be upon you, O the representative of the Infallible Imam.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O you who were tested though patience against misfortunes, like that of al-Husayn the oppressed.

Peace be upon you who are far away from you home.

Peace be upon you who were wandered as captive in cities.

Peace be upon you when you were bewildered in that ruined place in Syria.

Peace be upon you when you were bewildered as you stood by the (severed) body of the Chief of Martyrs and called at your grandfather; the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, saying,

"Oh, Muhammad! May the angels

السلام عليك يا من نطحت جبينها بمقدم المحمل إذ رأت رأس سيدالشهداء و يخرج الدم من تحت قناعها و من محملها بحيث يري من حولها من الأعداء
السلام عليك يا تالية المعصوم
السلام عليك يا ممتحنة في تحمل المصائب كالحسين المظلوم, و رحمة الله و بركاته
السلام عليك أيتها البعيدة عن الأوطان
السلام عليك أيتها الأسيرة في البلدان
السلام عليك أيتها المتحيرة في خرابة الشام
السلام عليك أيتها المتحيرة في وقوفك علي جسد سيدالشهداء و خاطبت جدك رسول اللهصلي الله عليه و آله بهذاالنداء:

in the Heavens bless you! This is Husayn under the open sky! His turban and his clothes are stripped! His limbs are severed! And your daughters are taken captives! Complaining (about this) is only to Allah."

You also said, "O Muhammad! This is Husayn!

Winds are blowing his body!

His head is cut off from the back!

He is being killed by bastards! Oh, for my grief for you, Abu Abdullah!

Peace be upon you whose heart cried out for al-Husayn; the oppressed, the stripped, and the threwn on dust, and you said in a sad tone, "May my father be sacrificed for the one for whom I may sacrifice my soul! Oh, for him who was depressed until he passed away! Oh, for him who had been thirsty until he departed life! Oh,for him whose beard is dropping blood!"

Peace be upon her who wept for the (severed) body of her brother among the killed ones so painfully that every one -whether friend or even enemy, wept tor her and, moreover, people, as it is proved by authenticated narraions, saw even horses shed tears, which flew on their legs.

صلي عليك ملائكة السماء! هذاحسين بالعراء مسلوب العمامة و الرداء, مقطع الأعضاء, و بناتك سبايا! و إلي الله المشتكي."
و قالت: "يا محمد! هذا حسين بسفي عليه ريح الصبا, مجذوذ الرأس من القفا, قتيل أولاد البغا. واحزناه عليك ياأباعبدالله."
السلام عليك يا من تهيج قلبها للحسين المظلوم العريان المطروح علي الثري و قالت بصوت حزين:
"بأبي من نفسي له الفداء, بأبي المهموم حتي قضي, بأبي من شيبته تقطر بالدماء."
السلام علي من بكت علي جسد أخيها بين القتلي حيت بكي لبكائها كل صديق و عدو, و راي الناس دموع الخيل تنحدر علي حوافرها علي التحيق

Peace be upon her who took the resposibility of gathering and guarding the daughters of the Messenger of Allah and the children of al-Husayn on the afternoon of the day of Ashura, and she stirred up the sutuation when the two oppressed, strange children were martyred.

Peace be upon her whose eyes did not sleep so as to guard the family of the Messenger of Allah at Taff of Nineveh, and was taken as captive as she was humiliated at the hands of her enemies.

Peace be upon her who had to ride a saddleless camel and then called on her brother Abu'l-Fadhl(al-Abbas), sayin, "O brother! O Abu'l-Fadhl! It was you who helped me ride on a camel when I left Medina."

Peace be upon her who addressed a remarkably expressive speech at the center of Kufa that she made all voices keep silent (to listen to her with astonishment)

السلام عليك من تكفلت و جمعت في عصر عاشوراء بنات رسول الله و أطفال الحسين و قامت لها القيامت في شهادة الطفلين الغريبين المظلومين
السلام علي من لم تنم عينها لأجل حراسة آل رسول الله في طف نينوي و صارت أسيرة ذليلة بيدالأعداء
السلام علي من ركبت بعيرا بغير وطاء و نادت أخاها أباالفضل بهذاالنداء: أخي أباالفضل, أنت الذي اركبتني اذأردت الخروج من المدينة"
السلام علي من خطبت في ميدان الكوفة بخطبة نافعة حتي سكنت الاصوات من كل ناحيه

Peace be upon her who said clear-cut arguments in the gathering of(Ubaydullah) Ibn Ziyad who said to her, "How did you see that which Allah had done to your brother?"

Answering him, she said with honest evidences, "I saw nothing but good!"

Peace be upon you who had to be imprisoned by the enemies under an open sky and had to see people of Syria celebrate (the martyrdom of her brother with pleasure, joy, and raised flags.

Peace be upon her who was tied with a rope on the arm and the neck of Imam Zayn al-Abidin, and she, along with sixteen persons from the family of the Messenger of Allah, was forced to enter(the session of Yazid) while they were enchained with iron fetters. Meanwhile, Ali ibn al-Husayn (Imam Zayn al-Abidin) said to Yazid,

"What if the Messenger of Allah sees us in such a manner? What will be his impression?"

السلام علي من احتجت في مجلس ابن زياد باحتجاجات واضحة و قالت في جوابه ببينات صادقة, إذ قال ابن زياد لزينب سلام الله عليها: "كيف رأيت صنع الله بأخيك الحسين؟"
قالت: "ما رأيت إلا جميلا."
ألسلام عليك يا أسيرة بأيدي لأعداء في الفلوت و رايت أهل الشام في حالة العيش و السرور و نشر الرايات
السلام علي من شد الحبل علي عضدها و عنق الإمام زين العابدين و أدخلوها مع ستة عشر نفرا من آل رسول الله و هم كالأسراء مقرنين بالحديد مظلومين, و قال علي بن الحسين عليه السلام ليزيد: " يا يزيد ما ظنك برسول الله صلي الله عليه و آله لو رآنا علي هذه الحالة؟"

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Then, Lady Zaynab; mother of misfortunes, said to Yazid after he had poetized, "(Had my forefather whom were killed at the Battle of Badr witnessed this,) they would have been very much delighted. then they'd have said, "May your hands, O Yazid, never be paralyzed How dare you hit the lips of Abu'Abdullah (a), the Master of the Youths of Paradise?"

She then said, "Although calamities have forced me to spead to you, I see you trivial in my eye and find your verbal attacks great and I regard your rebuke too much to bear, but the eyes are filled with depression. what is even strange is that the honored Party of Allah is being killed by the Party of the 'Released ones' -Party of Shaitan.

If you regard us as your booty, you shall soon find us as your opponent -that will be when you find nothing but what your hands had committed, "and your Lord never treats His servants unjustly. (41:46)" To Allah is my complaint, and upon Him do rely.

ثم قالت أم المصائب زينب له:
"قائلا لأهلوا واستهلوا فرحا ثم قالو يا يزيد لا تشل, منتحيا علي ثنايا أبي عبدالله, عليه السلام, سيد شباب أهل الجنة تنكتها بمخصرتك؟"
ثم قالت: " و لئن جرت علي الدواهي مخاطبتك, أني لأستصغر قدرك و أستعظم تقريعك و أستكثر توبيخك, لكن العيون عبري و الصدور حري. الا فالعجب كل العجب لقتل حزب الله النجباء بحزب الشيطان الطلقاء!
و لئن اتخذتنا مغنما لتجدنا و شيكا مغرما حين لا تجد الا ما قدمت يداك, (و ما ربك بظام للعبيد) فألي الله المشتكي و عليه المعول في الشدة و الرخاء.

So scheme whatever you wish to scheme, and carry out your plots, and intesify your efforts, for, by Allah, you shall never be able to obliterate our mention, nor will you ever be able to kill the revelation (that was revealed to us), nor will you ever exalt to our position, nor will you shame ever be washed away. Your view shall be proven futile, your days limited in number, and your wealth wasted on the Day when the caller calls out, "The curse of Allah be upon the oppressors. (11:18)"

All praise is due to Allah Lord of the Worlds, Who sealed th life of your early ones with happiness and forgiveness, and that of our last ones with martyrdom and mercy. We plead to Allah to complete His rewareds for them, grant them an increase, and recompense us pleasingly; he is the most Merciful, the most Compassionate. Allah suffices us, and he is the best Guardian.

May Allah bless Muhammad and his Pure, Immaculate Household.

فكد كيدك واسع سعيك و ناصب جهداك! فوالله لاتمحون أمدنا ولاترخص عنك عارها.
وهل رأيك إلافند و أيامك إلاعدد و جمعك إلا بدد. يا يزيد أما سمعت قول الله تعالي: ( و لا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتا بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون).
فالحمدلله رب العالمين الذي ختم الأولنا بالسعادة و المغفرة والآخرنا بالشهادة و الرحمة, ونسأل الله أن يكمل لهم الثواب و يوجب لهم المزيد و يحسن علينا الخلافة, إنه رحيم ودود, و حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل.
و صلي الله علي محمد و آله الطيبين الطاهرين

source : alhassanain
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