Friday 27th of September 2024
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Political Activists: US, UK interference in Bahrain nothing new

Speaking to Iran’s Hawzah News, Sheikh Abdullah al-Saleh, the Deputy Director of Bahrain’s Islamic Action Society, said that this year the fifth anniversary of Bahrain’s “Day of Rage” coincided with the fortieth day after the Saudi execution of Shi’a anti-regime activist and cleric, Shaykh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr and four young believers. He added that the Al Khalifah regime’s methods of oppression have increased in the past year but this year, we have witn
Political Activists: US, UK interference in Bahrain nothing new

Speaking to Iran’s Hawzah News, Sheikh Abdullah al-Saleh, the Deputy Director of Bahrain’s Islamic Action Society, said that this year the fifth anniversary of Bahrain’s “Day of Rage” coincided with the fortieth day after the Saudi execution of Shi’a anti-regime activist and cleric, Shaykh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr and four young believers.

He added that the Al Khalifah regime’s methods of oppression have increased in the past year but this year, we have witnessed innovative practices for engaging in protests, marches, strikes, mass meetings and visits to martyrs’ grave es and the homes of their families and efforts to continue the protests.

The Bahraini cleric added that the United States’ and the United Kingdom’s interference in Bahrain is nothing new and it is in the interest of these two imperialist countries to forget all the principles of democracy as their slogans of democracy are just the rhetoric of the day.

“The Al Khalifah dynasty does not want these colonial powers to leave Bahrain as their regime would not exist without them,” he said.

Shaykh al-Saleh said that on this years’ anniversary of the 2011 Revolution, more than 75% of the people of Bahrain, including both Shi’as and Sunnis, participated in the protests and on various occasions between 200,000 to 400,000 Bahraini citizens participated in the Revolution. He also added that this has not occurred anywhere else in the world.

He said that perhaps the biggest and most important achievement made by Bahraini revolutionaries is the continuation of the revolution and not becoming disappointed in their efforts to achieve their just demands such as democracy, social justice and participation in the self-determination of their nation despite the fact that there have been close to 200 martyrs, 5,000 imprisoned and hundreds of thousands of wounded and victims of the crackdown on the Revolution.

source : abna24
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