Sunday 2nd of June 2024
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Hezbollah, Syria army thwart Daesh attack

Assisting Syrian army forces, fighters with the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement have fended off a Daesh attack in southwestern Syria near the border with Lebanon.
 Hezbollah, Syria army thwart Daesh attack

The Takfiri terrorists had attempted the attack against the posts used by the Syrian troops and the Hezbollah fighters in the Syrian village of al-Jarajir, which is located in the border mountain range of al-Qalamoun, on Monday, the Hezbollah-affiliated War Media Center reported.

The Takfiris were, however, driven back before reaching their targets. The counteroffensive caused a number of casualties among the terrorists.

The center added that other groups of militants who had apparently amassed to reinforce the original Daesh attack were also targeted in the areas of Zamrani and Qassira, which are also located in al-Qalamoun, leading to further terrorist casualties.

Earlier in the month, it was reported that Hezbollah had destroyed a bunker used by Daesh terrorists on Lebanon’s northeastern border.

Lebanon has been sporadically affected by the foreign-backed militancy that has gripped Syria since 2011.

Daesh and al-Nusra Front — which the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda — have been active on the outskirts of the Lebanese town of Arsal, located on the border with Syria.

The militants briefly overran Arsal in August 2014, taking several Lebanese army and police forces hostage, some of whom were executed. In December last year, most of the captives were released as part of a prisoner swap deal.

The resistance group says its military role in Syria is aimed at preventing the spillover of the Syrian crisis into Lebanon.

source : shiitenews
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