Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Iranians' Great Jihad has angered imperialist powers: Supreme Leader

Iranians' Great Jihad has angered imperialist powers: Supreme Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said a meeting of graduation ceremony of military university ‘defying the enemies in economy, politics, culture and other fields’ would effectively labelled as ‘Great Jihad.’ 

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei addressed on Monday morning the graduation ceremony of Imam Hossein University students on the occasion of the anniversary of the Liberation of Khorramshahr, nationally celebrated day of May 23 (Khordad 3rd) and the Operation Beit ul-Moqaddas which led to the liberation in 1981.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution believed that defying the imperialism had deep roots in the Quranic verses and Islamic connotations of the ‘Great Jihad;’ “in the Islamic Republic of Iran, however, this great jihad entails requirements and finds other aspects; the imperialist front had embarked on an extensive plan which sought to infiltrate and change the true nature and identity of the Islamic system,” he added, offering the remedy as being, which was also a mission for university and seminary schools, and the IRGC, “well-planned and well-thought out measures to elucidate the depth and the true nature of the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, avoiding superficial actions, training cadre for future, and preparing a compendium of the Revolutionary experiences during 38 past years.”

“May 23 is a historic day and an unforgettable day in the history of the Revolution which embodied heavenly hand intervening our affairs; the details and highlights of the Liberation would be communicated to the uninitiated and the young cohort, which requires also reading books on the Sacred Defense history,” Leader proposed. “Relying upon the rationale of great jihad, new horizons open to our view where liberation of Palestine would become a reality; any nation relying upon this rationale, and put faith upon the Providence, would never be humiliated and denigrated by the negative aura of the military, financial, and political juggernaut of the imperialist powers,” Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized.

“Battle against imperialism has an asymmetrical nature; in this battle, imperialist front lacks the spiritual powers bestowed upon us by sheer faith and investing confidence on the Heavenly hands; beware that the allure of the enemies do not blandish you to abandoning the faith in the battleground,” said the Leader.

Turning to Iran’s capabilities which rendered it a strong fort difficult to subdue, Ayatollah Khamenei cited nuclear energy, missile capabilities, and human rights as excuses for the enemies and reasons behind their opposition to Iran; “to the most probability, if our nation was malleable enough to give into their will, they would have had no problem with our missile and nuclear programs; they would have forgot human rights issues; resistance, defying the enemies, and retaining our Revolutionary identity provided us with sovereignty, and which angered the US and others in imperialist camp,” he asserted. “For the very reason, they had been working to have in their jurisdiction Iran’s decision and policy-making centers and corridors of power.”

Ayatollah Khamenei rejected the allegations made by some circles which advocated the view that relying on indigenous capabilities would be seeking isolationism; “never had we sought curbing relations and erecting a tall wall which effectively cut us from the rest of the world; rather, we wanted political and economic relations along keeping our true identity, and represent Iran and Islam as such in any negotiation tables,” he concluded.

source : abna24.com
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