Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Bahrain: Ibrahim Sharif's case adjourns to October 13

A Bahraini Appeals Court decided on Tuesday (May 31, 2016) to adjourn the case of prominent opposition figure and Secretary-General of the National Action Democratic Society (Wa'ad), Ebrahim Sharif, until October 13, 2016 for pleading.
Bahrain: Ibrahim Sharif's case adjourns to October 13

A Bahraini Appeals Court decided on Tuesday (May 31, 2016) to adjourn the case of prominent opposition figure and Secretary-General of the National Action Democratic Society (Wa'ad), Ebrahim Sharif, until October 13, 2016 for pleading.

Adjourning Sharif's hearing until October means that he will serve his one-year jail term before the court holds the second appeals hearing.

Sharif is supposed to finish serving his one-year jail sentence on July 11.

The authorities arrested Ibrahim Sharif 3 weeks after releasing him on July 12, 2015. The Bahrain News Agency (BNA) said that he was arrested for "violating the law".

The Public Prosecution charged Sharif with "inciting violence and seeking change of regime". The court sentenced him to one year in prison on February 24, 2016.

source : abna24
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