Friday 27th of December 2024
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The Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracle

The Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracle

In quest for finding answers to these questions, we come across the holy book of Islam. The Holy Quran is the only book that clearly and firmly claims to be a living miracle for all humans of any race, in any place, and with any ethnicity they hold.

How the Quran views itself a Miracle?

Similarly, to prove that it surely is a miracle from Allah, the Holy Quran challenges the people that doubt the divinity of this book to bring a book similar to the Holy Quran. It then clearly alleges that if all the people unite to bring a complete book like that of the Quran, they will not succeed. To make its point more clear and to further prove the incapability of man in bringing a book like the Quran, the Quran this time challenges the people to then bring only ten chapters like the chapters of the Quran. And just as the answer is obvious to the Quran, it claims that indeed man cannot do such, “Or, do they say: He has forged it. Say: Then bring ten forged chapters like it and call upon whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful; But if they do not answer you, then know that it is revealed by Allah’s knowledge” (Quran 11:13-14). And finally to show the extremity of their weakness, it agrees to continue this challenges with only one chapter, “And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful” (Quran 2:23). And again the Quran alleges that they can not do such, “But if you do (it) not and never shall you do (it), then be on your guard against the fire of which men and stones are the fuel; it is prepared for the unbelievers” (Quran 2:24).

The Quran in terms of its’ eloquence and fluency

Looking further into their argument, we have to first see if anyone during the past 1400 years has been able to refute the Quran in bringing even one chapter like that in the Holy Quran? Is it really true that up to this day no one has been able to defeat the Holy Quran? To answer this question, we must refer back to historical accounts. Historians, both Muslim and Non-Muslim, have not recorded any successful accounts of those who tried to defeat the claim of the Holy Quran. This is significant because historical accounts tend to focus greatly on the enemies of the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) and on the ones who constantly challenged Islam; thus if they had been successful in such a challenge, historians would have definitely recorded it. Likewise we can see that in the contemporary era, not one has succeeded in challenging the Holy Quran.

Was the reason for remaining silent against the challenge of the Holy Quran due to the incapability and weakness of human beings? Or does it have other reasons? To answer this question, we can first assume three reasons for why people have remained silent in answering the challenge offered by the Holy Quran:

2. There was a motive to answer the challenge, but after the revelation of the Holy Quran, Arab literature became weak and eventually diminished. Similarly non-Muslim Arab scholars of literature do not exist in the present day to answer this challenge.

By studying the earliest situations, it is obvious that the appearance of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP) was when many nations were living with different beliefs. Some were materialistic and denying the existence of any God. Some were idol worshipers, Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews. Besides these, the emperors of Persia, and Rome had control over the weak nations. During that period of time, the Prophet of Islam raised the divine flag, and invited the world to accept Islam, and submit to one God. This invitation to Monotheism denied duality of Zoroastrians, Trinity of Christianity, and the improper attributes of Judaism to Allah and His prophets, and all the bad habits and traditions from the time of ignorance. Yet his submission to Allah presented hostility between the emperors of his time. The Prophet of Islam alone faced those nations nonetheless, with the Holy Quran as his proof of prophecy. With the Quran he challenged all the emperors of his time, the religious scholars of Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and idolaters. Up to now, Islam has continued this way of challenging and has more enemies from before trying to destroy it.

They have tried and are trying many ways to wipe out Islam, in order to achieve their goals. They put the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and his companions in an economic siege for three years, which was very hard on the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and his people. The big battles of Badr and Ohod which were caused by the non-believers to destroy Islam, were unsuccessful and since they did not accomplish their ambitions the non-believers became united in the battle of Khandaq to get rid of Islam. They did everything they could to destroy Islam, but their energy was worthless. Wouldn't it have been much easier for them to come up with a man made verses instead of wasting their time to fight with Islam in some other ways? And if they had made up such verses which were equivalent to the holy Quran, it would have been their proof that Islam is a false religion!

By over viewing the second condition, we must pay attention to the literary roots of Arabs which was going through a revolution. Although eloquence and fluency was a common technique for the time when the Quran was descended, but later on these techniques expanded and flourished continually up to our time. At his time the Arab literacy is more excellent than before and there many new scopes in the relative techniques. We can find many non-Muslim Arab literalists throughout the world. Therefore there are many non-Muslims who are the professionals of eloquence and fluency from the beginning of Islam to now. Occasionally their expertise was to the extent that they have written important reference book in their special field such as linguistics, history, grammar. Let us imagine these literalists had not motive to answer the challenge of Quran, but couldn’t the enemies of Islam who were severely fighting against Islam, ask them to supply their need.

Understanding the miracle of Quran (from the aspect of eloquence and fluency)

Imagine Dr. “A” claims to the whole wide world that no other Doctor is better than him and he is the best out of all doctors. Now imagine that his argument is against others, and so they want to prove that he is arguing in vain, therefore,

2) If Dr. “B” says that what Dr. A has done is wrong and that he will prove that he is better than him, then those who are not familiar with the medical profession cannot judge nor distinguish the two Doctors.

Other aspects of the miraculous character of the Holy Quran

1-The Holy Quran and the mysteries of nature: Although the Holy Quran is not a science book and has not been descended for such reasons and its aim is to guide mankind to eternal success, it has used such matters in the way of its own special goal .It has referred to them as signs of the immortal power of the Almighty Allah; therefore, it has mentioned many mysteries of nature in several cases. This fact indicates that the Holy Quran has been descended from a person who is completely conversant with the nature, namely the creator of it.

A. The movement of the earth:

In this verse, the Holy Quran has alluded to the movement of the earth and likened it to a cradle. As we know, a child in the cradle will enjoy comfort if the cradle moves. The reason why it has not stipulated the movement of the earth is that these verses were descended in a time when man thought of nothing except the earth’s repose and the firmaments orbiting it. For instance, when Galileo explained this fact one thousand years later, he was sentenced to death. Hence, if the Holy Quran stipulated the movement of the earth, it would be expelled, so it has alluded to this fact delicately in a way not in explicit disagreement with people’s belief and also expressing the truth.

“And we send the winds fertilizing.”(The holy Quran, 15:22)

C. “And we have made the iron, wherein is great violence (power) and advantages to men.” (The holy Quran, 57:25)

2-The Holy Quran’s predictions: The Holy Quran has predicted future events in many cases. This fact shows that it has been descended from a person who knows and can report the unseen, namely the Almighty Allah who is the only absolutely knowing the unseen. Numerous verses of the Holy Quran are related to the prediction of future events which we refer to some.

“Certainly the Almighty Allah will show the truth of his Prophet’s dream that you shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah pleases, in security, having your heads shaved and your hairs cut. You shall not fear, as He knows what you do not, so He brought about a near victory.”(The holy Quran, 48:27)

B. Badr was the first battle of Muslims against the infidels of Quraish. A caravan of the infidels of Mecca with abundant merchandises was passing by Medina. Muslims asked the Prophet (PBUH&HP) to permit them to attack the caravan and take their merchandise in revenge for usurpation of their property in Mecca. The Prophet (PBUH&HP) permitted them and this verse was then descended:

This verse describes the results of the battle of Badr. Although the number of battlers of the enemy was several times of the number of battlers of Muslims, and Muslims were worried about, but Quran gave Muslims glad tiding. Quran explicitly expressed that either the victory in the battle or the merchandises would be for the Muslims.

“We have granted you Kawthar (abundant virtue). So worship your Lord and make sacrificial offerings. Whoever hates you will himself remain childless.” (The holy Quran, 108:1 to 3)

3- Who has brought the holy Quran?

“You were not able to read or write before the Quran was revealed to you; however, the followers of falsehood would have tried to confuse the matter” (The holy Quran, 29:48)

The final word

Finally to summarize what was mentioned in this article, we would like to refer to these points briefly:

2. To prove its claim, the holy Quran calls the entire world to bring words like its verses.

4. The enemies of Islam and Quran whether in the past or now have applied the hardest and most expensive means to invalidate Islam; on the other hand they have not done any act to apply their simplest mean (i.e. answering the challenge of Quran). They have not brought any significant instance to excel the holy Quran in eloquence and fluency in the eyes of scholars, considering the fact that they had both enough motives to do so and powerful literalists. This is the best reason of their inability against Quran.

6. There are many instances in the holy Quran that predict events and later the event has taken place exactly as Quran had described. This indicates that the holy Quran is descended by the One who has occult knowledge.


Finally it can be deduced that the holy Quran is a miracle for all eras and for all nations, therefore it is descended from the almighty Allah. When it is proved that Quran is a miracle, the trueness of the claim of the prophecy of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) would be proved. Then all the human beings can now study and research about this book and by perceiving that it is a miracle, can find out the prophecy and trueness of the Prophet’s (PBUH&HP) religion.

source : roshd
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