Tuesday 10th of December 2024
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Canada: Calgary's Muslim celebrating Prophet Muhammad's birthday

Calgary's Muslim community has been holding events recently leading up to the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.
Canada: Calgary's Muslim celebrating Prophet Muhammad's birthday
Calgary's Muslim community has been holding events recently leading up to the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.
CALGARY, Canada (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Calgary's Muslim community has been holding events recently leading up to the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.

The Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC), the Islamic Association of Canadian Women (IACW) and the Al Madinah Calgary Islamic Centre have jointly organized several programs.

The Centre has held daily programs from Feb. 4 to Feb. 15 which include recitation of the Qur'an, singing and lectures on the life of the Prophet (PBUH).

On Monday, the allnight program will continue until the following morning -the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

On Tuesday, volunteers will distribute food to needy Calgarians and donations to the Calgary food bank will be collected.

source : abna24
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