Friday 3rd of January 2025
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What is meant by a Young Person?

mam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) said to a man: “What is meant by a young person [Al-Fata] in your estimation?” The man replied, “A youth.” The Imam (A.S) replied, “No, the young person [Al-Fata] is the true believer. Surely the Companions of the Cave [Ashab Kahf] were all old people, however Allah, Glory and Greatness be to Him, called them youth who believed in Him.”
What is meant by a Young Person?

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) said to a man: “What is meant by a young person [Al-Fata] in your estimation?” The man replied, “A youth.” The Imam (A.S) replied, “No, the young person [Al-Fata] is the true believer. Surely the Companions of the Cave [Ashab Kahf] were all old people, however Allah, Glory and Greatness be to Him, called them youth who believed in Him.”

source : tebyan
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