Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Ayatollah Javadi Amoli condemns states’ silence regarding Yemen crisis

In his Quranic interpretation course held in Qom’s Grand Mosque, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli spoke on the issue of the Yemeni Crisis and pointed to Saudi’s ruthless crimes in Yemen saying, “If one hears a call for help and does not attend to it then he or she will be held accountable in the eyes of Allah almighty and is considered as a partner in the oppressor’s crimes.”

“It’s been quoted from Prophet Jesus (a.s) that he said, “If one sees a wounded person and does not hurry to help him, they will be considered as partner in the oppression of those who committed such crime,” Ayatollah Javadi added.

He went on, “Nowadays the western countries are witnessing Yemen’s worsening conditions and the atrocities which are being carried out in Yemen, they are watching Yemeni citizens getting bombed every day, but they do nothing about it and therefore are responsible for these inhumane violations.”

“Islam has strongly recommended that nobody should engage in arbitrary bloodshed of other human beings. In today’s world the majority of people do not support the oppressed; the Saudis’ crime in the tragedy of Mina which took place last year and their ongoing crimes in Yemen are not condemned by international bodies, The Muslim community is just watching these animosities carried out in Yemen and do not take any action! So when are we ever going to act upon Quran and defend the oppressed?!” The Shia cleric added.

The Shia cleric further said, “All Muslims have a duty and that is they must take the weapons out of the hands of the tyrants. Ceasefires are not a solution to this crisis since the Yemenis’ losses due to the war must be compensated for.”

source : shafaqna
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