Wednesday 1st of May 2024
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Questions about ladies make up/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answers

Questions about ladies make up/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answers

Question 1: Some ladies grow their nails longer for the purpose of beauty, and because sometimes they break, doctors recommend covers which stay on nails for a while during daytime, and considering that during ablution (Qosl) and Wudhu, these covers, vanishes, artificial nails prevent water to reach nails; is it allowed to use these covers, and what about performing ablution and Wudhu with them?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Ablution and Wudhu with such things which prevent water reaching places, it is not correct, and they must be removed in order to perform ablution and Wudhu correctly, and such an act is not permissible for the purpose of beauty.

Question 2: What is the ruling about tattoos on the body?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: There is no problem in itself.

Question3: What is the ruling about the use of oils from Haram meat animals like snake for medicinal make ups?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: There is no problem.

source : en.shafaqna.com
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