Monday 16th of September 2024
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Glorification of God is not only the fountainhead of Islamic beliefs but also the source of enormous spiritual and moral excellences:

Glorification of God is not only the fountainhead of Islamic beliefs but also the source of enormous spiritual and moral excellences:

Subān Allāh is the source of satisfaction [riā]. If we regard Him as free from any defect, it means that we are satisfied with His decrees and submit to the wisdom behind His will.

Subān Allāh is the fountainhead of tawakkūl  [reliance on God]. It is only logical that we have to trust and rely on the One who is free from any need and immune from any weakness and inability: ﴾ سُبْحَانَهُ هُوَ الْغَنِيُّ ﴿ “Immaculate is He! He is the All-sufficient.”[1]

Subān Allāh is the source of love for God. The Essence that is clear from any defect and shortcoming is loved by man.

Subān Allāh is the preliminary part of praise and eulogy to God—praise and eulogy for the Essence that is free from filth and unpleasantness. Thus, in the Tasbīāt al-Arba‘ah,[2]subān Allāh” comes first before “al-amdulillāh”.

Subān Allāh is the key to salvation from all superstitions and man-made creeds: ﴾ فَسُبْحَٰنَ اللَّهِ رَب الْعَرْشِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ ﴿ “Clear is Allah, the Lord of the Throne, of what they allege [concerning Him].”[3]

Perhaps, it is for these reasons that the command for tasbī [glorification of Allah] has been mentioned more frequently compared to other adhkār [forms of remembrance to God]. The command for tasbī has been repeated 16 times; for istighfār [asking forgiveness from Allah] eight times; for the remembrance of Allah [dhikr] five times; and for takbīr [to say, “Allāhu akbar”] twice. Besides, the command for tasbī is meant for all times and conditions so that man should always remember God and regard Him as free from any form of defect and shortcoming:


وَ سبِّحْ بحَمْدِ رَبِّك قَبْلَ طلُوع الشمْسِ وَ قَبْلَ غُرُوبهَا ﴿

﴾ وَ مِنْ ءَانَائِ الَّيْلِ فَسبِّحْ وَ أَطرَافَ النَّهَارِ


“And celebrate the praise of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before the sunset, and glorify Him in watches of the night and at the day’s ends.”[4]


[1] Sūrah Yūnus 10:68.

[2] Tasbīāt al-Arba‘ah: literally, the four tasbīs; it refers to the recital of “Subān Allāhi wa’l-amdulillāhi wa lā ilāha illallāhu Allāhu akbar” [Glory be to Allah; praise be to Allah; there is no god but Allah; Allah is greater]. [Trans.]

[3] Sūrah al-Anbiyā 21:22.

[4] Sūrah ā Hā 20:130.

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