Monday 17th of June 2024
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Three terrorists attack Shia Muslim near Imam Bargah in Karachi

Three terrorists attack Shia Muslim near Imam Bargah in Karachi

Terrorists of ASWJ attacked Shia Muslim in a shop owned by an Imam Bargah (Shiite religious place) in Karachi’s Korangi district on Tuesday.

The terrorists are identifiable by their faces due to their CCTV footage but police has not taken any sort of action against them.

Nazar Hussain, a Shia shopkeeper was sitting at his shop that is part of the Imam Bargah Sughra (AS), situated in Korangi No.4. Two Deobandi terrorists of proscribed AWSJ riding a motorbike stormed into the area and opened fire targeting the Imam Bargah’s shop.

As a result of their targeted firing, Nazar Hussain was injured. He was taken to hospital for treatment.

It was third attack on the Imam Bargah. First attack was made on a mourning congregation. In another attack, a Shia Muslim was martyred and now another Shiite was injured.

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