Monday 25th of November 2024
نفر 0

What are the results of disrespecting the parents

What are the results of disrespecting the parents

after ordering to worship Allah Almighty, one of the obligatory acts which has been mentioned in the holy Quran is respecting the parents; Therefore, in the Holy Qur'an and narrations, a lot of emphasis has been placed upon observing the rights of the parents and respecting them. In contrast, not observing the obligatory act will bring about worldly punishment as well as the punishment of the hereafter, in case no repenting is done, below some of the punishments are listed:

  • Not being able to worship and abandon the sins, Imam Reza (peace be upon him) says regarding this issue: " Allah Almighty has forbidden disobeying the parents and not observing their rights, because it brings about incapability of being successful to obey the commands and orders of Allah Almighty".
  • It prevents the prayers to be answered and fulfilled, Imam Sadeqi (peace be upon him) says: "one of the sins that curbs the prayers to be answered and fulfilled and makes the air blur is not observing the rights of the parents. The blur air is a metaphor used to refer to disrespecting the parents which bans the heart to fully understand the truths and facts.
  • Cruelty and misery, Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says:" annoying and oppressing the father and mother is considered among the great sins, because the one who is exposed to not observing parents' rights will be called the cruel and miserable one".
  • Cursed and deprived of the mercy of Allah Almighty, Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) says:" the one who beats his father or mother is the most cursed one; the one who distresses and oppresses his parents is the cursed one; this cursing is result in divine punishment in the hereafter and separation from divine mercy.
  • Not acceptance of the prayers, Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him):" the one who looks angrily at his parents, however, they have oppressed him, Allah Almighty accepts none of his prayers."

source : erfan.ir
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