Saturday 4th of May 2024
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Professor Ansarian:The real repentance

Professor Ansarian:The real repentance

In order for the real repentance to be fulfilled, one must get free of three alluring attractions:

  • The Satan

The term Satan (the devil) has been mentioned in the holy Quran about 98 times, it is a dangerous and tempting creature that has no goal but to separate the human bod from worshiping and obedience of Allah Almighty leading them to different kinds of sins.

  • The world

 The quality of the human relationship with all the material elements and what is the cause of the living and survival is the human world.

  • The blights

Wrong preferences and interests, baseless affections, extreme love for pleasures and enjoyments, Unlimited lust, boundless desires, unlawful instincts, and uncalled demands are the dangerous blights that can curb the real repentance as long as they exist in one's life. The one who repents must clear himself/ herself off all these affairs and take action to heal all these diseases in order to pave the way for the real and new repentance.


source : erfan.ir
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