Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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New Issue of Quranic Journal of Besharat Published

New Issue of Quranic Journal of Besharat Published

The 73rd issue of the Quranic journal of Besharat was published.

Besharat Quranic Journal is published by Imam Reza (AS) Institute as a bimonthly journal for the youth.

According to Mohammad Abdullahian, Managing Director of the Journal, “Besharat is published with the aim of promoting Quranic culture among the younger generation.”

“Two issues of the Journal are allocated to women and their works”, said Mr. Abdullahian.

He further added, “Besharat includes three parts under the titles of Zharfa (profundity), Naseem (breeze), and Karaneh (shore) each of which is filled with Quranic instructions, stories and puzzles. The latest issue, published on the occasion of the seventh conference on Quranic studies by women, also introduces some women researchers and their works.

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