Monday 25th of November 2024
نفر 0

Why is the Ja‘farī school of thought [madhhab] stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the official madhhab of the country?

Why is the Ja‘farī school of thought [madhhab] stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the official madhhab of the country?




Reply: No doubt, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran shows respect to all Muslim schools of thought, but the Muslim schools of jurisprudence [madhāhib or madhhabs] such as Ja‘farī, Mālikī, Shāfi‘ī, anbalī, anafī, etc. are neither identical nor concordant in their attitudes toward the individual and social duties and so there are many differences among them.

Also, while laying down laws and enacting regulations for a society, the concordance and harmony of the said regulations seem to be indispensable.

Therefore, only one Muslim school of thought should be recognized as the source for enacting the social regulations of a certain country because in case of relying on various sources of legislation, the achievement of cohesive and systematic regulations will be impossible.

Therefore, one of the Muslim schools of jurisprudence that has correct standards should be recognized as the source for condifying social laws and regulations and thus prevent any possible chaos and discord in the codification of the laws of country and pave the ground for the formulation of a set of regulations in legal, social and other fields.

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