Friday 29th of November 2024
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Lady Zaynab (AS)'s Second Address

Lady Zaynab (AS)'s Second Address

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When he recollected these bitter days of his father and grandfather who led campaigns against al-Husayn's grandfather and the failure that chased them even in their own homes, Yazid showed his great rejoicing at the current situation as the family of the Prophet were captives between his hands and the heads of the Prophet's grandsons were thrown before him.

He then quoted poetic verses said during the Battle of Uhud, with suitable changes, saying:

I wish my forefathers at Badr2 had witnessed
How the Khazraj3 are by the thorns annoyed,
They would have been very much delighted,
Then they'd have said, "may your hands, O Yazid,
never be paralyzed
We have killed the masters of their chiefs
And equated it with Badr, and it has been so indeed,
While no news from the Heaven had come, nor was
there anyting revealed4
I will disavow the Khandaf if I will not seek revenge
From Ahmed's5 children for what he did to us!

Reacting to these verses, Lady Zaynab uprose against the tyrant and said:

1- See Shaykh al-Mufid, al-Irshad, p.276.

2- This an indication to the Battle of Badr during which the relatives of Yazid were killed at the hands of al-Husayn's father and relatives.

3- The Khazraj is the tribe who supported the Prophet and his partisans.

4- This is clear-cut evidence on Yazid's disbeliesf in Islam and the Divine Mission of Prophet Muhammad.

5- Ahmad is the heavenly name of Prophet Muhammad (s).

Lady Zaynab (SA)'s Second Address in Damascus
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الحمد لله رب العالمين , و صلي الله علي رسوله محمد و آله أجمعين. صدق الله سبحانه, كذلك يقول: (ثم كان عاقبة الذين أساوءا السوأي أن كذبوا بئايات الله و كانو بها يستهزءون) أظننت يا يزيد, حيث أخذت علينا أقطار الأرض وآفاق السماء فأصبحنا نساق كما تساق الإماء, أن بنا علي الله هوانا و بك عليه كرامة! و أن ذلك لعظم خطرك عنده؟ فشمخت بأنفك و نظرت في عطفك جذلان مسرورا, حسن رأيت الدنيا لك مستوسقة والأمور متسقة, و حين صفا لك ملكنا و سلطاننا؟

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Allah's blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad and his entire progeny. True are the words of Allah Who says, "Then the end of those who committed evil was that they disbelieved in Allh's Signs and they were ridiculing them. (30:10)"

Do you, Yazid, think that -when you blocked all the avenues of the earth and the horizons of the heavens before us, so we were driven as captives- that we are worthless in the sight of Allah and that you are respectful in His eyes? Or is it because you enjoy with Him a great status? So, you look down at us and become arrogant, elated, when you see the world submissive to you and things are done and you want them, and when our authority and power became all yours?

فمهلا مهلا, أنسيت قول الله تعالي: ( ولا يحسبن الذين كفروا أنما نملي لهم خير لأنفسهم إنما نملي لهم ليزدادوا إثما و لهم عذاب مهين) أمن العدل, يا ابن الطلقاء, تخديرك حرائرك و امائك, و سوقك بنات رسول الله, صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم, سبايا, قد هتكت ستورهن و أبديت وجوههن, تحدو بهن الأعداء من بلد إلي بلد, و يستشرفهن أهل المناهل والمعاقل,و يتصفح وجوههن القريب و البعيد و الدني والشريف, ليس معهن من رجالهن ولي ولامن حماتهن حمي؟
But wait! Have you forgotten that Allah has said, "Do not regard those who disbelieved that we grant them good for themselves? We only give them a respite so that they may increase their sins, and for them there is a humiliating torment. (3:178)"

Is it fair, O son of the 'Released ones', that you keep your ladies and condmaidens in their chambers (under protection), and at the same time you drive the daughters of the Messenger of Allah as captives with their veils removed and faces exposed , taken by their enemies from one land to another, being viewed by those at watering places as well as those who man your forts, with their faces exposed to the looks of everyone -near or distant, lowly or honorable, having none of their men with them nor any of their protectors?

وكيف ترتجي مراقبة من لفظ فوه أكباد الأزكياءو و نبت لحمه من دماء الشهداء؟ و كيف لايسبطئ في بغضنا أهل البين من نظر إلينا بالشنف و الشنإن والإحن والإحن والأضغان؟ ثم تقول غير متأثم و لا مستعظم:
لأهلو واستهلوا فرحا ثم قالوا يا يزيد لا تشل منتحيا علي ثنايا أبي عبدالله, عليه السلا, سيد شباب أهل الجنة تنكتها بمخصرتك؟ و كيف لا تقول ذلك و قد نكأت القرحة واستأصلت الشأفة بإراقتك دماء ذرية محمد, صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم, و نجوم الأرض من آل عبدالمطلب, و تهتف بأشياخك, و زعمت أنك تناديهم. فلتردن وشيكا موردهم و لتودن أنك شللت و بكمت ولم تكن قلت م اقلت و فعلت ما فعلت.
But what can be expected from one descended from those whose mouths chewed the livers of the purified ones1 and whose flesh grows out of the blood of the martyrs? How can it be expected that one who looks at us with grudge and animosity, with harted and malice, would not hates us- the Ahl al-Bayt? Besides, you, without feeling any guilt or wieghing heavily what you say, recite saying,

They would have been very much delighted,
Then they's have said, "May your hands, O Yazid,
never be paralyzed
1- This is an indication to the famous incident that occurred immediately after the Battle of Uhud, when Hind grandmother of Yazi, tried to eat the liver of the martyr Hamzah ibn Abd-al-Muttalib.
How dare you hit the lips of Abu 'Abdullah (a), the master of the Youths of Paradise? But why should you not do so, since all mercy is removed from your heart, having shed the blood of the offspring of Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him and his Progeny, and the stars on earth from among the family of 'Abdul-Muttalib? Then you cite your mentors as if you speak to them. Soon shall you be lodged with them, and soon shall you wish you were paralyzed and muted and never said what you said nor did what you did.

اللهم خذ لنا بحقنا وانتقم ممن ظلمنا واحلل غضبك بمن سفك دمائنا وقتل حماتنا. فوالله ما فريت إلا جلدك و لا حززت إلا لحمك. ولتردن علي رسول الله, صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم, بما تحملت من سفك دماء ذريته وانتهكت من حرمته في عترته و لحمته, و حيث يجمع الله شملهم ويلم شعثهم و يأخذ بحقهم: ( ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتا بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون) و حسبك بالله حاكما و بمحمد صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم خصيما و بجبرائيل ظهيرا. و سيعلم من سول لك و مكنك من رقاب المسلمين, بئس للظالمين بدلا وأيكم شر مكانا شر مكانا وأضعف جندا.
O Allah, take what belonges to us out of his hands, seek revenge against all those who oppressed us, and let Your wrath descend upon whoever shed our blood and killed our protectors! By Allah, you have burnt only your own skin, you have cut only your own flesh, and you shall come face to face with the Messenger of Allah, peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny, bearing the burdens of the blood which you have shed, the blood of his offspring, and of his sanctitie which you violated, when Allah gathers them together and seeks equity on their behalf. "and do not reckon those who are slain in the way of Allah as dead.

Nay! They are living with their Lord, receiving their sustenance.(3:169)" It is quite sufficent that Allah is your Judge and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny, is your opponent, and (Archangel) Gabriel as the supporter (of Muhammad).
All those who instigated you to do what you did and all those who put you in charge due to which you are playing havoc with the lives of the Muslims will know for certain how evil the end of the oppressors is and which of you shall have the worst place and will be the least protected?
ولئن جرت علي الدواهي مخاطبتك, إني لأستصغر قدرتك وأستعظم تقريعك وأستكثر توبيخك, لكن العيون عبري و الصدور حري. الا لغعجب كل العجب لقتل حزب الله النجباء بحزب الشيطان الطلقاء! فهذه الأيدي تنطف من دمائنا والأفواه تتحلب من لحومنا و تلك الجثث الطواهر الزواكي تنتابها العواسل و تعفرها أمهات الفراعل. ولئن اتخذتنا مغنما لتجدنا و شيكا مغرما حين لاتجد الا ما قدمت يداك, (و ما ربك بظلام للعبيد) فإلي الله المشتكي و عليه المعول.
Although calamities have force me to speak to you, I see you trivial in my eye and find your verbal attacks great and I regard your rebuke too much to bear, but the eyes are tearful, and the chests are filled with depression. What is even stranger is that the honored Party of Allah is being killed by the Party of the 'Released ones' -Party of Shaitan.

Such hands are dripping with our blood; such mouths are feeding on our flesh, while those sacred and pure corpses are offered as food to the wild beasts of the desert and are dirtied by the brutes, If you regard us as your booty, you shall soon ding us as your opponents -that will be when you find nothing but what your hands had unjustly.(41:46)" To Allah is my complaint, and upon Him do I rely.

فكد كيدك واسع سعيك و ناصب جهدك! فوالله لا تمحون ذكرنا ولا تميت وحينا و لا تدرك أمدنا و لاترخص عنك عارها. و هل رأيك إلا فند و أيامك إلا عدد و جمعك إلا بدد يوم ينادي المنادي:(ألا لعنة الله علي الظالمين). فالحمد لله رب العالمين الذي ختم لأولنا باسعادة و المغفرة والآخرنا بالشهادة و الرحمة, و نسأل الله أن يكمل لهم الثواب و يوجب لهم المزيد و يحسن علينا الخلافةو إنه رحيم ودود, و حسبنا الله و نغم الوكيل.
So scheme whatever you wish to scheme, and carry out your plots, and intensify your efforts, for, by mention, nor will you ever be able to kill the revelation (that was revealed to us), nor will you ever exalt to our position, nor will your shame ever be washed away.

your view shall be proven futile, your days limited in number, and your wealth wasted on the upon the oppressors.(11:18)" All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Who sealed the life of our early ones with happiness and forgiveness, and that of our last ones with martyrdom and mercy. We plead to Allah to complete His rewards for them, grant them an increase, and recompense us pleasingly; He is the most Merciful, the most Compassionate.
Allah suffice us, and He is the best Guardian.

Words About The Address

This address has been a completion of Imam al-Husayn's uprising and one of the most marvelous revolutionary speeches in Islam. By such sweeping, Lady Zaynab smashed the despotism of Yazid and inflicted disgrace and dishonor on him and on those who caused him to reach such a position.

About this address, Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Kashif al-Ghitta' says:

"Can the brush of the best painter or the pen of the most eloquent writer depict the reality of Yazid's arrogance, pride, and elation for having the world submissive to him and tasting the pleasure of conquest in a way better and more effective than that depicted by the words of Lady Zaynab in this speech? And can anybody refute all the claims of an opponent in such a way full of expressiveness, substantiation, and even reproach and censure? Moreover, Lady Zaynab, as if all her words of reprimand were not enough, proved before the tyrant and the attendants the inescapable abject resutl of the wrong and the pleasant end result of the right. Using a courageous, brave language, she showed Yazid his lowly, mean, ugly, and shameful reality"(1)

Dr. Tawfiq al-Fukayki says:

"Join me to contemplate on this far-reaching speech that contained all arts of rhetoric, style of oratory manifestation of expressiveness, significances of enthusiasm, power of allegation, and authority of defense of freedom and belief, in such a forthright way that was sharper than swords.

For Yazid, to jump on addres' fangs or to be rargeted by pointed spears was easier than hearing these words that slapped his unshamed face in his own house and in the middle of the capital of his illegal, despotic state. Throughout ages, this historical, sweeping speech has beed spreading the unparalleled interpidities, the unwonted courage, and the high ideals of Lady zaynab. It is finally a never-ending literature that screams in the faces of the tyrants throughout generations."(2)
1- MUhammad Husayn Kashif al-Ghita', al-Siyasah al-Husayniyyah, 30.

2- Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi, Hayat al-Imam al-Husayn, 3:381.

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