The great Ali was with Prophet - Learned lot of knowledge from Prophet
From him Ali learned thousand chapters - From each he opened thousand chapters
Billions salutes to Imam Ali - The very great Imam Ali
Thus he got lot and lot of knowledge - Was possessor of vast knowledge
Ten years old was Imam Ali - Fit was to be successor Ali
Billions salutes to Imam Ali - The very great Imam Ali
Both were ready to start preaching - Needed God’s order for preaching
Both of them prayed to Almighty – Intensely prayed to Almighty.
Billions salutes to Muhammad - Billions salutes to Imam Ali
One day Prophet was in cave Soor – Offering prayers to God in Soor
Then Allah sent angel Jibreel - Came with Allah’s message Jibreel
Billions salutes to Almighty - Greatest, Merciful Almighty
Message was “Read in name of God – Is Creator (of all) your God
He created man from a clot – (He created man from blood clot)
Billions salutes to Almighty - Greatest, Merciful Almighty
Through message God permitted him – to preach Islam permitted him
Before birth Muhammad was Prophet – After his creation was Prophet
Billions salutes to Almighty - Greatest, Merciful Almighty
Now openly was made Prophet – To read verses was made Prophet
Allah gave him the Prophethood - To preach Islam gave Prophethood
Billions salutes to Almighty - Greatest, Merciful Almighty
The Prophet came shedding the light - It was divine Prophethood light
And he explained Allah’s message – Ali, Bibi embraced message
Billions salutes to Imam Ali - Billions salutes to Khadeeja
Took oath-of allegiance as Muslim - In whole world Ali was first Muslim -
Among women was Khadeeja – Took oath of allegiance Khadeeja
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Among women was first Muslim – Accepted Islam as first Muslim
All three of them prayed namaz – It was the first Zohor namaz
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Near Ka’ba they prayed namaz - With dedication they prayed namaz
Seeing them people were impressed - They wondered and they were impressed.
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad.
In fourth year came Allah’s order - “Warn your kinsmen”, was the order
The Prophet had to give dinner - Bibi helped in giving dinner
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Dinner was offered quests were warned – Obeyed order, the guests were warned
At each step she was helpful - to Holy Prophet was helpful.
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
She was dedicated to God - In all the ways she served the God
And she felt Mercy was coming - Allah’s mercy was coming
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
There was famine in city Makkah - Men were about to die in Makkah
She offered wealth to save their lives - By her favor saved were the lives
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
In more ways too helped poor ones - She saved the lives of the poor ones.
She was a very kind Lady - And was very helpful Lady
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
It was custom of some Arabs – It was custom of cruel Arabs
There used to be fight in the tribes - Arrested used to-be loser tribes
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Their women, daughters by winners – Were treated badly by winners
Arabs did not want to be losers – And give their daughters as losers
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Their daughters would be treated badly – They didn’t want them to be treated badly
So fathers used to bury daughters – They buried alive their own daughters
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
It was a very cruel act - Khdeeja didn’t like cruel act
Wanted to stop the cruel act. She stood against the cruel act
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
She used to buy the little girls - And kept alive the little girls
She kept them in a special place - ‘Darul Masakeen’ was the place
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Thousands and billions of the girls - She saved thousands of girls
She did favors to all those girls - Was like mother to all those girls
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
The holy Prophet had a place - ‘Darul Yataama’ was the place
He kept orphans there very safely – They were fed and kept very safely
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Thousands and billions of orphans - He saved thousands of orphans
He did favors to those orphans - Was like father to those orphans
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Very vast was Khadeeja’s business – In many countries was her business
People of the many countries - Borrowed loan men of many countries
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
She gave them loan, time to repay – Many of them could not repay
She did not force them to pay back - Gave them lot of time to pay back
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
One day she made the announcement - To those who owed was announcement
Announcement was, all of them come – Near Holy Ka’ba they should come
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Many thousands of men did come - To hear her demand all did come
She asked Nabi to preach Islam - And Prophet preached to them Islam
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
She said that who became Muslims - Should not pay back the loan Muslims
She preached Islam to many thousands - Became Muslims many thousands!
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
In this way she spread Islam - She helped Nabi to spread Islam
She was a wonderful Lady - She was a very great Lady.
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja.
To other men Prophet did preaching - Although hard was the preaching
He was dedicated to God - Faced all dangers to obey God
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Standing near holy Ka'ba - Announced oneness of God of Ka'ba
He announced, people hated him - Enemies wanted to kill him
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Enemies hit him with stones - Wounded him hitting with stones
He came home bleeding from all wounds - Bibi Khadeeja washed his wounds
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Kind, sympathetic was her talk - Gave him encouragement her talk
She supported mission of Islam - She offered money for Islam
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Richest lady was Khadeeja - For Deen gave wealth Khadeeja
Through her wealth flourished Islam - She did lot-of favor-to Islam
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great Lady Khadeeja
Kazim Unnisa Kazmi
(Saleha Fatima - Midhat)
D/O Mirza Muhammad Raza, Gadeer
(Malik Ashtari).