Thursday 4th of July 2024
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Judging by these statements that we recite, we are extremely far from the ideal model of governance and that is why we are asking about the whereabouts of the Imam (AS) who will come and establish these conditions.

Judging by these statements that we recite, we are extremely far from the ideal model of governance and that is why we are asking about the whereabouts of the Imam (AS) who will come and establish these conditions.

Governance of the 12th Imam (AS) – Governance within Religion

The key aspect of the governance of the 12th Imam (AS) that is missing in contemporary governance is that his government will be based on the true Islam, the religion that Allah (SWT) has ordained for mankind. Islam is not a religion confined to belief and worship. It is a complete system of belief, worship, ethics, politics and society. This is very different from the democracy or dictatorship of today.

The government of the 12th Imam (AS) will mark the final victory, of the forces of righteousness, peace and justice over those of evil, oppression and tyranny; of the world-wide spread of the Islamic faith; the complete and all-round establishment of high human values; the formation of a utopian and an ideal society and lastly the accomplishment of this ideal at the hands of a holy and eminent personality called the Mahdi (AS).

This final government under the Mahdi (AS) is a Qur'anic concept, which in very clear terms, predicts:

1. The final victory of Islam.
It is He who has sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over every other religion. However much the disbelievers may dislike it.
(Surah al-Tawbah, 9:33 and Surah As-Saff, 61:9)

2. The absolute supremacy of the good and the pious.
Indeed We have written in the Psalms after the Torah had been revealed: The righteous among My slaves shall inherit the earth.
(Surah al-Anbiya. 21:105)

3. The final collapse of the oppressors and the tyrants.
We willed to show favour to those who were persecuted in the earth and to make them leaders and masters. It was also Our will to give them power in the earth and to show Pharaoh, Haman and their hosts to experience from their victims what they feared most.
(Surah al-Qasas, 28:5-6)

4. A bright and happy future for humanity.
Moses told his people to seek help from Allah and exercise patience. The earth belongs to Him and He has made it the heritage of whichever of His servants He chooses. The Final Victory is for the pious.
(Surah al-A'raf 7:128)

Therefore this belief of the coming of the 12th Imam (AS) is not an outcome of any wishful thinking; it is grounded in the Holy Quran. It is a result of the working of the system of nature, the evolutionary process of history, man’s confidence in the future and the total rejection by him of pessimism about the destiny of mankind.

The author of Yanabi-ul-Mawadda narrates from Shaikh Mohyiddin Arabi from his book Fotouhat-Makkiyah (chapter 366) about Mahdi (AS) and his ministers and says, “The Mahdi (AS) will emerge when religion would be on the decline. The one who would not accept will be killed and the one who would engage in debate with him will be defeated. He will so reveal the realities of religion that had the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) been alive, be too would have judged in the same manner. He will eradicate the (false) religions from the face of the earth. Then, except for the pure religion, no other religion would remain over the earth.”

This Hadith clearly indicates the religion of Islam will be revived and that the basis of the rulership will be religion. This is because the truth of Islam will be made obvious by the 12th Imam (AS) and the only way to success will be through Islam – because that is the way that Allah (SWT) has charted out for humankind.

The author of Yanabi-ul-Mawadda also narrates from the book “Manaqib” which narrate from Imam Ali-ibn-Musa Ar-Ridha who narrates from his father that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) while mentioning the virtues of his household and his Mi’raj (ascension to heaven) said: I asked: “O my lord, who are my legatees?” I heard a call saying: “O Muhammad (SAW)! Your legatees are those whose names have been written on the enclosure of my throne.”

“I looked and saw twelve lights. A green cover spread over each light and the names of my legatees were written on each of them where the first of them was Ali and the last of them Mahdi (AS). I asked: “O lord, are they the legatees after me?” I heard a call saying: “After you, they are my friends, chosen ones and proofs upon my creatures. They are your legatees. I swear by my glory and majesty that I will cleanse the earth from its tyranny by the hands of the last of the one who is Mahdi (AS). I will make him conquer the east and west. I will make the wind to conquer for him and make the clouds submissive to him. I will grant him power through some means and will help him by means of his own army. I will assist him through the angels until he gains power over my government and gathers the people towards my Tauheed (monotheism). Thereafter, I will expand his and extend the days for my friends until the day of judgement.

This Hadith indicates that the Imam (AS) will rule the entire world and that Allah (SWT) will support him in every way. Again, the notion of religion – whose basis is Tauheed, is identified as the key element on which the authority will revolve around.

The author of Eqdud-Durar narrates that Amir-ul-Mu’mineen Ali-ibn-Abi Talib (AS) while mentioning about Mahdi (AS) and his reforms said, “There is no heresy but that Mahdi will uproot it and there is no Sunnah (practice) but that Mahdi (AS) will enliven it.”

In the same book, there is a narration from the book Fara'ed-us-Simtain, which narrates from Abu-Imamah Baheli that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “The Mahdi (AS) will extract the treasures and will conquer the cities of the polytheists and infidels.”
It suffices to reiterate at this point that the government of the 12th Imam (AS) under the religion of Islam will, without doubt, cater to both the physical and spiritual needs of the mankind. So for example, coupled with the establishment of religion on the earth, will be the best utilization of the earth’s resources. And because the government will the government of Allah (SWT), the Barakah and blessings of the resources of the earth will multiply so much so that there will be no poor to give charity to.

Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon both of them) said : “When the Qa’im (AS) of the Ahlul Bayt makes his advent, he will divide (the riches) with equity and will show justice among the people. So whoever obeys him, has obeyed Allah; and whoever goes against him, has gone against Allah. Indeed al-Mahdi was named as such because he will guide to the hidden affairs.”


The only system that will bring pure justice and fairness and serve the interests of those governed is the government of the 12th Imam (AS). He (AS) will InshaAllah establish the law of the Creator on earth. This is the true form of government, the complete and most perfect, as it is designed by the Allah (SWT) for the created and administered by an appointee of the Creator Himself.

The appearance of the Mahdi (AS) is Allah's favour for the oppressed and the weak and is a means of their coming to power and gaining the promised Divine succession in the whole world. The holy Qur'an says:

We have decided to grant favour to the suppressed ones by appointing them leaders and heirs of the earth.

The main difference between Imam Mahdi’s (AS) government and the contemporary ones is that his source of the leadership is divine and therefore will undoubtedly serve the interests of the people. Whereas the purpose of contemporary models of governments are to satisfy selfish human desires, the purpose of the Imam’s (AS) leadership is to gather people towards Tauheed.

In conclusion, the appearance and revolution of the Mahdi (AS) is an inspiring Islamic belief. Its culmination is perfection. The results of the Imam’s (AS) leadership is that mankind will attain benefit for themselves like never seen before under any other government.

Fatima Kanji-Chagpar
7 Angus Drive Tel: +1 416 498 8471
Toronto, Ontario E-mail: kanji_fatima@rogers.com or
M2J 2W9 fatema@chagpar.org


§ “Liberty and Justice for Some”. http://www.economist.com/markets/rankings/displaystory.cfm?story_id=8908438 Posted on Aug 22nd 2007.
 Al-Sadr, Baqir and Mutahhery, Murtaza. The
§ Awaited Saviour. Karachi: Islamic Seminary Publications, 1986.
§ Ayatollah Ibrahim, translated by Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina. Al Imam Al-Mahdi: The Just Leader of Humanity. Toronto: Islamic Education and Information Centre, 1996.
§ (Accessed June, 2008)
 Mugahi, Abdul-Rahim. The Awaited Savior of Humanity
§ (al-Mahdi in the Eyes of the Ahlul Bayt); translated by Shaykh Saleem Bhimji. Stanmore, United Kingdom. The Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities.
 The Holy Quran
§ Nations Human Development Reports. http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2006/ (Accessed: June 2008)
§ United Nations Statistics. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/default.htm. (Accessed: June 2008)
 Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy (Accessed
§ June, 2008)
 Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship (Accessed
§ June, 2008)


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