Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Religion's Point of View on Philosophy and Mysticism to Be Discussed

Religion's Point of View on Philosophy and Mysticism to Be Discussed

-- The second meeting of the series of meetings on Criticism and Thought will be held on "philosophy and mysticism in view of religion" by Faculty of Hadith Sciences today, December 16, at Sheikh Mofid Hall of the faculty.

According to information office of the faculty, the meeting has been planned on the occasion of Research Week by research deputy of teh faculty in cooperation with Department of Theology. It is to be held at 3 pm local time.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ja'far Seydan will give a lecture at the meeting to be attended by students of the educational center.

The meeting will be aired alive through the website of the Faculty of Hadith Sciences.

The first meeting of the series was held at the faculty on "the status of wisdom and narration in understanding of religious beliefs" on April 29 .

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