One of those destructive factors that is stressed in Sahifeh Sajjadieh is “ greed”. This issue is also from those that are avoided both in Quran, Tradition and sayings of Infallibles (a). In Sahifeh Sajadieh as a source of light and guid, men are provided with a treatment for greed. In “ The Land of lovers” Professor Hossein Ansarian elaborates on this issue.
Technical treatment
Always remind yourselves of the good feelings, ...
“And most surely I am most Forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good, then continues to follow the right direction.” Qur'an, 20:82.
Sins and the ability to repent
Mothers do not give birth to sinful children, and children do not come to this world defiled with sins.
When a baby comes to this life for the first time, his mind is empty of any knowledge, intellect and information. He is completely ignorant of what is around ...
Professor Hossein Ansarian who is a great Analysor and interpreters of Islamic texts in his book “ the land of lovers” which is an expository on Sahifeh Sajjadieh, elaborates on the issues and invocations of this treasure in a different way which is too attractive and rich. In a section of his book, the Professor writes “ A world of Knowledge deposited in this invocation” to refer to the sixth invocation of Sahifeh Sajjadieh. Here is a ...
Through a saying of a simple and illiterate farmer, I can perceive the badness of stinginess, keeping the greater amount of blessings for oneself and not giving it to those who deserve it.
Once I went to a village to preach. After the lecture an old man, on his mien the signs of heavy work and exhausting toil, appeared. He said to me:
Let us suppose that a generous man has given someone a piece of arable land and some seeds to sow. When the ...
Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
Vol IX No. 1 and 2
The period under discussion (95-148 A.H /712-765 A.D.) began and ended in the times of the Vth and VIth Imams. The persecutions of the Shi'is continued unabated from Mu'awiya's time to almost the very last days of the Umayyads, although this dynasty in its latter days was considerably weakened by internal strife. Zayd, the grandson of Husayn, rose up to establish the rule of religion and justice ...
One of those destructive charactristics that brings about evil consequences is the power of wrath. Imam sajjad (a) in the 8th invocation of Sahifeh Sajjadieh also reproaches this charactristic. In his exposition on Sahifeh Sajjadieh , “ The land of lovers” Professor Hossein Ansarian interprets this issue.
Wrath is a power which the kind Allah has deposited in man's nature to defend himself against mischievousness. This power should be ...
One of the realities that is with Allah is Paradise, for which the believers and good doers are enthusiastic. The Merciful Allah has invited all His servants to this permanent site. He has stated belief, piety, good deed, and observing lawful and unlawful deeds for reaching it.
وَسَارِعُوا إِلَى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا السَّمَاوَاتُ وَالأَرْضُ ...
It is so obscene that humans benefit from all the material and spiritual blessings Allah has bestowed on them, but some of them do not donate part of their wealth and give no charity.
Human wealth that is gained by legal means is a divine trust from which he is allowed to spend according to his dignity and needs. Allah has ordered human to give his additional possessions away to the poor and the unfortunate. The human himself and ...
وَأَسْتَشْفِعُ بِكَ إِلَي نَفْسِكَ
I seek intercession from You with Yourself
This part of the valuable supplication denotes two facts. First, the supplicant has reached the peak of detachment from his Lord. Thus he ignores every worldly means and turns his heart to Allah and His Mercy. Because an intercessor should be one who is acceptable, and there is no doubt in acceptance of Allah’ intercession, the ...
My friend took me to a mosque next to the mausoleum, where the floors were covered by carpets, and around its Mihrab there were some Qur'anic verses, engraved in beautiful calligraphy. I noticed a few turbaned youngsters sitting near the Mihrab studying, and each one of them had a book in his hand.I was impressed by the scene, since I had never seen Shaykhs aged between thirteen and sixteen, and what made them look so cute was their costumes. My ...
Although the commence of the 7th invocation of Sahifeh sajadieh includes many destructive factors, there is a refrence to those qualities by which men can meet prosperity. Professor Hossein Ansarian in his book “ the land of lovers” exemplifies some these good qualities. The text to bo followed is adopted from the book on significance of forbearance, tolerance and kindness.
The great narrator, Allameh Majlessi, in describing forbearance ...
“Therefore eat of what Allah has given you, lawful and good (things), and give thanks for Allah's favor if Him do you serve.” Qur’an 16:114
Allah the Almighty, with His mercy, love and care grants us many talents and makes us fit for them. Among all the creatures, even the close angels, no others are fit, able and ready to get these talents.
The favors Allah bestows on us throughout life, if used according to the Divine instructions, ...
How to Feel the Joy of Worship?
It has been a while that I did not like to say my prayers. I find a lot of excuses in order not to say my prayers. For example, I tell myself that I will say my prayers after I watch a movie. But after that, I study or I find other things to do, just because I do not want to say my prayers. I do not know why this has happened to me. Why can't I enjoy saying my prayers?
I used let go of everything just to say my ...
Prayer, The Most Comprehensive Worship
For true believers there are moments when, whatever the posture of body, the soul is on the knees. To experience the shortest distance to the almighty, through prayer, is the sweetest delight for those who are true prayfuls. This subject is interpreted by Professor Hossein Ansaryan in his book “ a commentary on Kumayl supplication”. The text to be followed is a part of the present book.
The ...
In the description of 8th invocation, which is the most significant of the invocations recorded in Sahifeh by Imam Zainol Abedin(s), Professor Hossein Ansarian presents you with a taxanomy of the crucial points in this invocation and then will briefly explain each one. This text is adopted from “The land of lovers” written by the professor.
Imam Sajjad(s) has referred to forty four significant factors each of which could easily lead a ...
It is clearly stated in Islam that there are lots of losses and damages associated with evil doings. Taking into account the sayings of innocents and the Islamic resources, Professor Hossein Ansarian exeplifies and analyses this issue in “ The land of lovers”.
قالَ الصّادِقُA: إيّاكُم وَالْغَفْلَةَ، فَمَنْ غَفَلَ فَإنَّما يَغْفُلُ عَنْ نَفْسِهِ. وَإيّاكُمْ ...
ا إِلَهَ إِلاّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ وَبِحَمْدِكَ
There is no deity but You! Glory be to You, and Yours is the Praise!
The phrase 'There is no deity but You' is termed Tahlil, 'Glory be to You' is labeled Tasb¢¦, and 'Praise is Yours' is called Tahmid.
If someone utters Tahlil while he believes in it sincerely and wholeheartedly, removing any other deity from his thought and life, he is a real monotheist. ...
In the some sections of “ Land of lovers “ Professor Hossein Ansarian makes clear the Islamic views on anger and some of the disadvantages of anger on human life. In this section of the book , he concentrates on the views related to the suppression of anger. We should be aware that suppressing the anger is one of the significant characteristics of the Prophets, and Imams. The present text is adopted from the book.
Imam Zainol Abedin(s) is ...