Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

O Aisha! This (Ali) is the most beloved and most esteemed man among all others for me

O Aisha! This (Ali) is the most beloved and most esteemed man among all others for me
یا عائشه! إنَّ هذا (علیّاً) اَحبُّ الرّجالِ اِلَیَّ و أکرَمُهُم عَلیَّ فَاعْرِفی حَقَّهُ وَ اَکرِمی مَثواهُ. Prophet of Islam (PBUH): O Aisha! This (Ali) is the most beloved and most esteemed man among all others for me. You know his truthfulness and respect his position and dignity.   Asad al-Ghaba, vol. 1, ...

Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia

Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia
A suicide bomber has detonated his explosives at a Shia mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia during Friday prayers, martyring and wounding several people. This is the first time such an incident occurred in this ...

Hundreds of Bahrainis stage anti-US rally

Hundreds of Bahrainis stage anti-US rally
 Bahrainis have staged anti-US rallies outside the capital to protest against Washington’s support for Manama's ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.Holding the US responsible for the crimes committed against anti-regime protesters in Bahrain, hundreds of people took to the streets on Monday to urge Washington to end its support for the ruling Al Khalifa dynasty.The protesters also burned the US flag during the rallies.The anti-US ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the greatest blessing?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the greatest blessing?

The greatest of blessings and the most important of them is the blessing of lifetime, which is granted to mankind only once, and the petition of living one's life again will not be accepted neither in this world nor in the hereafter.

Pakistan: Takfiri terrorists kill 3 Shia Muslims, injure 5

Pakistan: Takfiri terrorists kill 3 Shia Muslims, injure 5

KARACHI, PAKISTAN - At least three Shia Muslims martyred and 5 other were injured after takfiri terrorists of Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat (ASWJ) attacked on them in Mirpurkhas and Karachi.

KARACHI: A Shia activist of Payam-e-Wilayat-Foundation ‘Wajid Hussain s/o Ghulam Ali, aged 22 years‘ was targeted in his car near Mumtaz Manzil, Hassan Square area of Karachi, where he was martyred on the spot.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: We love worshiping when we get to know its purpose

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We love worshiping when we get to know its purpose

We love worshiping when we get to know its purpose, consequence and the philosophy behind it. Mankind will never realize its sweetness unless he loves worshiping.

Professor Ansarian: Modesty and humility before the truth is a sign of rationality.

Professor Ansarian: Modesty and humility before the truth is a sign of rationality.
Professor Ansarian mentioned: the weight of intellect is not less, let,s be aware of the benefits or interest of intellect and also its function. When Allah thinks about human beings, he would undoubtedly help, and lead human  being to a positive consequences, and takes him out of the wandering state, and also helps him how to trade with his money, family members, with his friends and his life in this ...

Muslim students in Switzerland are being forced to shake hands with their teachers Or Face Huge Fines

Muslim students in Switzerland are being forced to shake hands with their teachers Or Face Huge Fines

Muslims in Switzerland have been told they must shake their opposite sex teachers’ hands or see their parents pay a fine of up to 5,000 SFr (£3,500).

For some of the estimated 350,000 Muslims living in Switzerland, this is a problem. Islam forbid personal contact with someone of the opposite sex (with some exceptions for close family members).

France to Host “Status of Islam in the West

France to Host “Status of Islam in the West
The program has been organized in the form of three sessions. The first session will be held with the presence of Al-‘Arabi Kashat, head of the center and Imam of Al-Dawa Mosque, Mostafa Barahami, lecturer of Islamic sciences in Lausanne, Switzerland, Catherine Lumière, President of the “Europe House” in France, Hadi bin Mansur, lecturer of history at Sorbonne University and Umar Abdul Kafi, member of the intellectuals committee of the ...

Imam Khamenei spiritual father of all Yemenis: Senior Ansarullah Leader

Imam Khamenei spiritual father of all Yemenis: Senior Ansarullah Leader
In an exclusive interview with Rasa, Sadiq Abdul-Rahman Ahmad al-Sharafi, one of the senior leaders of Yemen’s Ansarullah [Houthis], has described the stances and strategic objectives of this Islamic resistance group. al-Sharafi explained that before the recent Saudi aggression on Yemen, all conditions were present for a calm political atmosphere – a new constitution was about to be ratified and various political groups were ...

We are fully aware of your situation

We are fully aware of your situation

فاِنّا یحیطُ عِلمُنا بِأَنبائِكُم و لایعزُبُ عَنّا شَیءٌ مِن اَخباركُم.

We are fully aware of your situation and nothing is hidden from us about your situation
Bihar al-Anwar: vol 53, p 175.

Muharram a Month of Remembrance for Shia Muslims

Muharram a Month of Remembrance for Shia Muslims
This weekend, Shia Muslims in Waterloo Region and around the world are commemorating a sombre remembrance. Muharram, which started on sundown Tuesday, is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by all Muslims. Because the Islamic calendar is lunar, Muharram moves from year to year. After Ramadan, Muharram is a sacred month. For Shia Muslims, it is a month of remembrance. The first 12 days are a commemoration, marking the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had for the sake of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had for the sake of God

It has been mentioned in the Ziarat of Arbaeen that Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had for the sake of God; he didn't spend it out of charity or as an almsgiving, but he sacrificed all he had without expecting anything.

Joint seminar of Shia and Sunni clerics organized in Iran’s Parsiyan city

Joint seminar of Shia and Sunni clerics organized in Iran’s Parsiyan city
 While explaining the aspects of the personality of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), said that Muslim Ummah has always remain united in this area and will remain united. Therefore stability is required to strengthen this unity and solidarity. He added that currently colonialism and disdain is engaged in conspiracies against Islamic world especially the Islamic republic of Iran under the umbrella of America. He clarified that Shia and Sunni have no ...

Anti-Islamic Protesters Clash with Police in Nottingham

Anti-Islamic Protesters Clash with Police in Nottingham
--Police have clashed with anti-Islamic protesters in the city of Nottingham in the UK. Eleven people were arrested as police officers came between the English Defence League supporters and anti-facscist counter-demonstrators. The Unite Against Fascism campaigners said they were there to combat racism. “Racism is wrong and should be stopped immediately,” said one counter-demonstrator. “We need to be on the street saying we cannot accept ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The true believers are steadfast in their path

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The true believers are steadfast in their path

The true believers are steadfast in their path and they never go astray. They never deviate from the path of guidance no matter what. 

Sadr supporters gather in Baghdad as cleric urges integration of PMU into Iraqi Army

Sadr supporters gather in Baghdad as cleric urges integration of PMU into Iraqi Army
During the demonstration, al-Sadr called on the Iraqi government to integrate the Shia-majority paramilitary group Hashed al-Shaabi or Popular Mobilisation Unit (PMF) into the country’s armed forces, calling for militias outside the government’s control to be disarmed.His statement comes after the cleric visited Saudi Arabia over the weekend for the first time in a decade, where he met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah ...

Lebanese Hezbollah slams Bahrain ruling to suspend al-Wefaq

Lebanese Hezbollah slams Bahrain ruling to suspend al-Wefaq
The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has denounced a ruling by the Bahraini regime to suspend the activities of the country's prominent opposition party al-Wefaq ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Persian Gulf kingdom. In a statement on Tuesday, Hezbollah said the ban on al-Wefaq party "proves that the elections (scheduled for November 22) are sham, pre-determined and far away from representing the will of the Bahraini ...

125 Africans Receive Free Hajj Trip

125 Africans Receive Free Hajj Trip
LIFE for Relief and Development has been selected as the implementing agency for awarding free Hajj trips to some 125 Africans.   LIFE for Relief and Development has been selected as the implementing agency for awarding free Hajj trips to some 125 Africans.  The project is underwritten by the Mohammed Bin Rashed Al Maktoum Charity. Those selected to make the Hajj journey this year include elderly Muslims who have never ...

Awaiting execution: Saudi Shia teenager Al-Zaher receives a secret prison transfer and incommunicado detention

Awaiting execution: Saudi Shia teenager Al-Zaher receives a secret prison transfer and incommunicado detention
ESOHR (European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights) would like to express their deep concern regarding the sudden transfer of youngest activist on death row Abdullah Al-Zaher’s, to Aseer prison which located in the southern region of Saudi Arabia where he is being held incommunicado. This secret transfer is particularly concerning for several reasons:Singled out: Abdullah is one of 6 other youth sentenced to death in connection with ...