Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Khoei Foundation opens department for Shia Islamic Studies

The Khoei Foundation opens department for Shia Islamic Studies
The Khoei Foundation will now train teachers in the fields of religious studies, so that in turn they could spread the teachings of Shia Islam, and help young minds embrace their heritage. A conference was held this July 14th, at the Khoei Foundation to introduce the program studies and invite scholars and academics to discuss issues of education, and religious ...

Ayatollah Ali Khameini on Yemen: “Saudi govt. slaughters Yemeni children with US weapons”

Ayatollah Ali Khameini on Yemen: “Saudi govt. slaughters Yemeni children with US weapons”
“When you witness that it is almost a year and a half now that Yemen has been under bombardment, is this a minor event? They are constantly bombarding a country. And they are not bombarding its military centers, rather they are bombarding its markets, hospitals, public squares and schools and the people’s houses and gatherings. This is not a minor event, rather it is a very grave crime. They do not understand what the month of ...

Religious Leaders Met in Belgium

Religious Leaders Met in Belgium
-- Leaders of various faiths in Belgium attended a meeting held yesterday, December 17, at Federal Parliament of the country to discuss the present condition of Belgian religious minorities. According to binfikir, the Council of Religious Leaders of Belgium with 14 members representing Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hindu aim at promoting culture of dialogue among the followers of the religions. The meeting was attended by ...

Bahrain Expresses Support for Execution of sheikh Nimr by Saudi Arabia

Bahrain Expresses Support for Execution of sheikh Nimr by Saudi Arabia
The Bahrain Foreign Ministry expresses its support for the execution of a prominent Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia, according to official statement. The Bahraini authorities have expressed support for the actions of Saudi Arabia after Riyadh executed a prominent Shiite cleric, the country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Earlier in the day, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry announced that it had executed 47 people convicted of ...

67 programs planned for 10th Int’l Imam Reza (AS) Festival

67 programs planned for 10th Int’l Imam Reza (AS) Festival
  Talking to reporters, Seyyed Javad Ja’fari said the programs will be held in various sections of the festival which is slated for September 18-28. The programs all feature lifestyle of Imam Reza (AS), he said, noting that the festival will be organized in 48 other countries and 186 different points across the world simultaneously. Some 15 working groups have been set up to organize the programs, Ja’fari said. Compilation of Imam ...

Police Blocks Egyptian Shias from Mourning Ashura in Imam Hussein Mosque

Police Blocks Egyptian Shias from Mourning Ashura in Imam Hussein Mosque
   Egypt's police barred a number of Muslim Shias from entering Al-Hussein Mosque in Cairo to mourning Satruday the holiday of Ashura. On Ashura, Shia Muslims commemorate the martyring of Imam Hussein (pbuh), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed(pbuh). The decision to ban Shias from Al-Hussein Mosque reportedly came after a number Salafist Youth and a number of Sunni movements filed a complaint requesting that Shias be blocked from ...

Imam Khamenei: Anti-terrorism fight must be handed to Islamic nations

Imam Khamenei: Anti-terrorism fight must be handed to Islamic nations
Leader of Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei welcomed expansion of ties with India in meeting with the country’s PM Modi on Monday evening.  Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received Indian Preime Minsiter Narendra Modi here in Tehran this evening and referring to ages of cultural, economic and popular connections between Iran and India, dubbed grounds for bilateral cooperation between the two countries ‘very vast’ and stated that ...

Imam Khamenei: Whenever ISIS asked for help in Syria, U.S. was there

Imam Khamenei: Whenever ISIS asked for help in Syria, U.S. was there
On the anniversary of day of Muhammad's (PBUH) appointment to prophethood (Eid al-Mab’ath), a group of government officials and Muslim states’ ambassadors to Iran met with Ayatollah Khamenei—the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution—this morning, April 14, ...

New collective graveyard found south Karbala

New collective graveyard found south Karbala
First governor deputy disclosed here that a new collective graveyard was found south of the city, containing more than 150 bodies.Abbas al-Mussawi said that the graveyard was found 20 km south of the city.The first reports that the bodies belong to people executed in 1991 by the previous regime.Iraqi Human Rights Ministry announced discovering 400 collective graveyards since the downfall of the previous regime in 2003.The ministry reported it ...

Tens of thousands Yemenis hold fresh anti-Saleh protests

Tens of thousands Yemenis hold fresh anti-Saleh protests
Following the Friday prayers, demonstrators rallied in several cities including Taizz, Ibb, Bayda and the capital Sana'a, a Press TV report said. But the most prominent rally was held in the northern city of Sa'ada, home to the Shia Houthis, who have long been at odds with Sana'a for discrimination against the country's Shia minority. Calling for the establishment of a new and modern Yemen, protesters across the nation renewed their call for ...

Iran to unveil exquisite manuscripts of the holy Qur’an

 Iran to unveil exquisite manuscripts of the holy Qur’an
“Some 30 Qur’ans will be unveiled and inscribed on Iran’s National Heritage List,” Golestan Palace director Masoud Sharifi told ICHTN. “The Qur’ans belong to the Golestan Palace treasure and date from 1,000 years ago until the Qajar era,” he added. Renowned Iranian and Muslim calligraphers have worked on the manuscripts which will be unveiled during the holy month of Ramadan. The auspicious month is when Muslims believe the first ...

Pakistani court releases four dangerous terrorists involved in anti-Shia suicide attacks

Pakistani court releases four dangerous terrorists involved in anti-Shia suicide attacks

Photos: Ammar al-Hakim met with senior clerics in Qom / 2

Photos: Ammar al-Hakim met with senior clerics in Qom / 2
Head of Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim met with a number of clerics and religious scholars in Qom. thumb list ...

Islamophobia in US: Muslim woman viciously attacked in Michigan hospital

Islamophobia in US: Muslim woman viciously attacked in Michigan hospital
An American Muslim woman is planning to sue a hospital in Michigan, where she was brutally attacked by a patient in an apparent hate ...

15 Bahraini Police to Be Charged with Torturing Doctors

15 Bahraini Police to Be Charged with Torturing Doctors
15 Bahraini police officers are to be charged with torturing doctors at Salamaniya hospital who were arrested for treating protesters last year.Nawaf Hamza, chief investigator in the chief prosecutor's office, said in a statement he was officially making known that members of the forces of law and order would face torture charges resulting from the unrest.He said the charges were being brought following an inquiry launched on the basis of a ...

Challenge UK Halal Slaughter

Challenge UK Halal Slaughter
"If it said that all chickens had to be labeled in a certain way if the birds had been battery hens, or if he had proposed that meat had to be labeled in a certain way if the animals had been kept in dreadful conditions before being killed... I would at least regard him as consistent," Sir Gerald Kaufman told. MP Knight has earlier told MPs that halal and kosher practice of slaughtering cattle, lambs and chickens is "rife". Under current ...

Take three of my children to Karbala

Take three of my children to Karbala

At the time of his martyrdom, Imam Mujtaba (AS) said to Imam Hussein (AS): Take three of my children to Karbala, I also want to be your partner in Karbala. This means connecting to Imam Hussein(AS).

Over 1,000 Daesh terrorists backups arrive in Yemen’s Aden to fight Ansarullah

Over 1,000 Daesh terrorists backups arrive in Yemen’s Aden to fight Ansarullah
Over 1,000 terrorists have arrived in the Yemeni city of Aden to join the Daesh Takfiri terrorists in the war-torn country and fight against the Ansarullah fighters.  “Hundreds of armed militants who came from other provinces of Yemen and from abroad started their training in the Salah al-Din camp in Aden,” an unnamed Yemeni security source told Russia's Sputnik news agency on Wednesday. The Yemeni source said that the ...

OIC felicitates Muslim Ummah on Eid Al Fitr

OIC felicitates Muslim Ummah on Eid Al Fitr
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, The Secretary General of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, expressed his warmest congratulations and best wishes to the entire Muslim Ummah on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, praying to Almighty Allah that He may make this Eid one of good and hope and that He may grant Muslims all over the world happiness and blessings. The following is the text of the message of congratulation: The ...

Human Rights Watch: UK Credibility on Bahrain Shot to Pieces

Human Rights Watch: UK Credibility on Bahrain Shot to Pieces
UK statements supportive of Bahrain's ruling Al Khalifa family are nothing new, but the tone and timing of Tuesday's comments by foreign secretary Philip Hammond are the worst and most cynical yet. Less than 24 hours before rights activist Nabeel Rajab received a six-month jail sentence for a tweet criticising Bahrain's security forces and at a time when opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salmon remains illegally detained, Hammond claimed Bahrain's ...