Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: ISIS collapse lesson to those daydreaming about Muslim countries’ disintegration

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: ISIS collapse lesson to those daydreaming about Muslim countries’ disintegration
n a message released on Tuesday, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi offered his congratulations over the recent recapture of Iraq’s northern city of Mosul from ISIS terrorists. “The humiliating collapse of the self-proclaimed state of ISIS is a lesson to all of those who entertain evil thoughts about the Muslim world and mobilize mercenaries from around the world to disintegrate Islamic countries,” the cleric said. He also highlighted ...

Saudi fishing boat seized off Bushehr coast

Saudi fishing boat seized off Bushehr coast
On board, there were four Indian fishermen who crossed into Iran’s waters,” manager of Bushehr Province Fishery Office Public relations said. They were arrested and submitted to the judiciary authorities of Bushehr Province, he added. The event is not uncommon in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, due to lack of signs of the shared borders. According to Iran's Ministery of Interior, 17 fishing vessels from the neighboring countries ...

Imam Khamenei lauds IRGC's performance in missile launching

Imam Khamenei lauds IRGC's performance in missile launching
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commanders right after the IRGC’s missiles were fired in the holy month of Ramadan. “You did a very good job; May God accept it,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. Khamenei.ir reported on Wednesday that hours after the IRGC’s glorious missile launching on ISIS concentration center in Deir ez-Zor in Syria, the Supreme Leader thanked the IRGC ...

Imam Khamenei: Judiciary Branch should defend people's rights, legal freedoms

Imam Khamenei: Judiciary Branch should defend people's rights, legal freedoms
During a morning meeting with heads and officials, from throughout Iran's National Judicial system, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, focused on the qualifications and high legal status of the judiciary and its impact on the country's large scale management. He deemed it an evolutionary perspective among all spheres of the indispensable judiciary, the Supreme Leader held: "The judiciary should be a pioneer in ...

Six children killed in blast in northwestern Pakistani village

Six children killed in blast in northwestern Pakistani village
At least 31 people, including several children, have been left disabled or killed in blasts from improvised explosive devices (IEC) since 2016 in the South Waziristan region, part of Pakistan's troubled tribal areas, senior government official Muhammed Sohaib said. Muhammed Umer, whose nephew was one of two children wounded, in the blast, said the children were playing when they found something that looked like a toy. "Four of them died on the ...

Imam Khamenei congratulates Muslims on Eid al-Fitr

Imam Khamenei congratulates Muslims on Eid al-Fitr

“I congratulate the great Islamic Umma on Eid al-Fitr which has been designated Eid for the Muslims by the Al-Mighty,” Atatollah Khamenei tweeted.

Fitr festivities or Eid al-Fitr, also known as the fast breaking festival, is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide.

Imam Khamenei: Islamic world should take serious stand against oppressors

Imam Khamenei: Islamic world should take serious stand against oppressors
Tehran Great Musalla (Prayer Ground) is hosting thousands of Muslims who are observing Fitr prayer as an important tradition in the Islamic culture. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei will also address the congregation after the prayer touching upon the most important issues of Iran and the Islamic world; "it was also a great job carried out by IRGC in confronting the enemies." Leader firstly hailed the religious and cultural activities held during ...

What will US do in post-ISIS era?

What will US do in post-ISIS era?
The numerous reports from the battlefield, telling us about crucial victories of the Syrian Arab Army over the terrorist groups in all sectors of the front and the decisive steps of diplomats both in Astana and Geneva, which contribute much the early solution of the Syrian crisis help us to conclude that lasting for more than seven years civil war is approaching an end.However the closer is the peace treaty the better dividends will be shared ...

Bahraini forces launch massive security crackdown on Diraz, expels citizens from their homes

Bahraini forces launch massive security crackdown on Diraz, expels citizens from their homes
According to activists from the village of Al-Dair, security forces were deployed in the northern neighborhood of the town at 3 am on Friday (June 23, 2017), raiding a number of houses and ordering their owners to leave their homes for different reasons. Security forces told one of the Diraz residents that his house contained weapons and explosives, while notified another that the house had to be vacated for hours to be searched. Owners of ...

Liberation of Quds possible only through resistance: IRGC

Liberation of Quds possible only through resistance: IRGC
In fact, the realization of the cause to liberate the holy Quds and save the Palestinian people passes only through the path of resistance and the Islamic Ummah’s (community’s) all-out support for the Intifada,” the IRGC said in a statement on Thursday ahead of the International Quds Day. The statement also stressed the necessity for all Palestinian groups to boost their unity in the fight against the “fake Zionist ...

Two Pakistani diplomats go missing in Afghanistan

Two Pakistani diplomats go missing in Afghanistan
According to a statement by the Ministry, the diplomats went missing on June 16 while commuting to Pakistan by road. The matter has been raised with the relevant Afghan authorities for their safety and recovery at the earliest. "The Afghan authorities have informed that all efforts were in hand to probe the incident and three distinct investigating groups have been constituted to ensure safe recovery of the officials," said the statement. ...

Bomb blast kills policeman in Bahrain

Bomb blast kills policeman in Bahrain
A bomb attack in a Shiite village in Bahrain has killed a policeman and wounded two others, the interior ministry in the Gulf kingdom said on ...

IRGC forces kill terrorist ringleader in Southeast Iran

IRGC forces kill terrorist ringleader in Southeast Iran
In a recent anti-terror operation in Qasr-e Qand heights in Sistan and Balouchestan, the IRGC forces killed Jalil Qanbarzehi, a leader of the Ansar al-Furqan terrorist group. In the clashes between Ansar al-Furqan militants and IRGC forces in the district over the past few days, a large number of the terrorist group’s members have been killed. The clashes were part of anti-terror operations across the country after ISIS terrorists ...

Cholera death toll rises to 1,054 in Yemen

Cholera death toll rises to 1,054 in Yemen
Earlier this month, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) expected suspected cases could hit 130,000 in two weeks, while in last month, WHO expected they could reach 300,000 in the next six months. The outbreak has spread fast in 20 out of 22 Yemeni governorates in just seven weeks, since April 27. Yemen is facing total collapse as the war continues. Two thirds of the total population, around 19 million, need ...

IRGC targets terrorists’ base in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor

IRGC targets terrorists’ base in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor
“IRGC has targeted ISIS headquarters in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor in a bid to revenge from and punish the Takfiri terrorists,” reads the statement issued by IRGC. “The operation accomplished by launching the medium-range ground-to-ground missiles from Iran’s western provinces of Kermanshah and Kordistan in response to the recent ISIS-claimed terrorist attacks in Tehran, which killed 18 people and injured 50. The ...

3 US soldiers killed by Afghan force: Official

3 US soldiers killed by Afghan force: Official
One American official said the soldiers were shot in an apparent insider attack, also known as a "green-on-blue" because of the color-coding system used by NATO. During such assaults, members of the Afghan security forces are known to target US and other NATO soldiers.The shooter in Saturday's incident was believed to be a member of the Afghan military, the US official said.The shootings occurred in the Achin District, where US and Afghan troops ...

Syrian forces uncover large amounts of weapons, explosives in al-Waer

Syrian forces uncover large amounts of weapons, explosives in al-Waer
The authorities, in cooperation with engineering units from the Syrian Arab Army, uncovered a large workshop for manufacturing explosives, seizing large amounts of explosive devices and homemade rocket shells of various sizes and types, along with materials and equipment for making IEDs, shells, and explosive belts, including acetone peroxide, a highly explosive and unstable material. The correspondent added that tTal-Waer to a hospital and the ...

Imam Khamenei calls on poets to satirize modern world’s odd things

Imam Khamenei calls on poets to satirize modern world’s odd things
A group of cultural figures, professors of the Persian literature and poetry, young and veteran Iranian poets, as well as poets from India, Afghanistan, and Turkey had a meeting with Imam Khamenei in Tehran on Saturday night. During the meeting, held on the occasion of Shiite Muslims' second imam, Hassan al-Mujtaba’s (AS) birth anniversary, Ayatollah Khamenei said a number of major political issues in the modern world have not been given ...

Saudi Arabia behind Tehran terror attack?

Saudi Arabia behind Tehran terror attack?
The situation in Parliament, in central Tehran, ended after four and half an hour, with all of the three terrorist attackers being killed by the security forces at the scene.At the mausoleum, northern Tehran, two terrorists stormed the place, both of them carrying explosive vests. One of them set off the suicide device outside the building of shrine of the late leader of Iran, and the second one was gunned down by the security forces before he ...

Professor Ansarian,s message for the terrorist attack in Tehran.

Professor Ansarian,s message for the terrorist attack in Tehran.
Recently, the unclean hands of fake claimants of Islam and the callous and heartless followers of the evil culture of Umayyad and the sins of oppressive governors and the devotees of the perverted schools of thoughts have claimed a great deal of lives in every corner of the world as well as our dear country. How is it possible that a group of illogical and insipient people claim bounding and relationship with Islam and the Holy Quran and have ...