Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Pakistani forces kill leader of anti-Shia banned terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi

Pakistani forces kill leader of anti-Shia banned terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
The incident came 18 months after police gunned down Chotoo's predecessor, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi's longtime leader Malik Ishaq, in what police sources said bore halmarks of an "encounter", a term government critics use for extrajudicial killings in custody staged to resemble a shootout. Authorities deny any such practice exists. Last week, opposition members walked out of parliament after Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan said: "You cannot equate ...

980 Iran’s Razavi Youths Organizations issue joint statement condemning execution of 3 Bahrainis

980 Iran’s Razavi Youths Organizations issue joint statement condemning execution of 3 Bahrainis
Following the House of Khalifa regime crime in the killing of three young, innocent Bahraini Youths, 980 Razavi youths’ organizations across the country, issued a joint statement condemning the action and expressed their support for the fighters and revolutionaries of Bahrain. According to Astan News, the full text of the statement is as follows: In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate ‘But Allah revealed to them: We ...

ISIS terrorists kidnap 14 clerics in Afghanistan

ISIS terrorists kidnap 14 clerics in Afghanistan
 ISIS terrorists have stormed a religious seminary in eastern Afghanistan, kidnapping over a dozen teachers and administrators there, officials say. The attack involving three armed men took place in Nangarhar Province over the weekend, Mohammad Asif Shinwari, spokesman for the provincial education department, said Monday. The Ministry of Education also said the ISIS terrorists entered Mesher Mullah Sahib Madrassa while the students were ...

Unrest in Bahrain after execution of 3 anti-regime activists

 Unrest in Bahrain after execution of 3 anti-regime activists
Thousands of Bahrainis continued to take the streets across the island kingdom after the Public Prosecution announced the execution of three Bahraini political prisoners. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Thousands of Bahrainis continued to take the streets since January 15, 2017 across the island kingdom after the Public Prosecution, represented by the head of the Terrorist Crimes Prosecutor Attorney-General Ahmad Al-Hammadi, announced the execution ...

Hezbollah condemns Bahraini regime’s crime of executing three youths

Hezbollah condemns Bahraini regime’s crime of executing three youths
 Hezbollah denounced the Bahraini regime’s crime of executing the three innocent youths, highlighting the testimonies of the various watchdogs which considered the executions as illegal murders. In a statement issued on Sunday, Hezbollah said that the Arab regimes and the Western countries are responsible for the Bahraini regime’s crime for they protect its major oppression against the Bahrainis, through confiscating their ...

Bahraini forces injure teenager in anti-regime gathering

Bahraini forces injure teenager in anti-regime gathering
A Bahraini teenager has sustained injuries after regime forces fired tear gas and shots to disperse a group of teenage students holding an anti-regime gathering in the eastern part of the kingdom.Local sources said the students had come together outside their school building on Sitra Island, situated 5 kilometers south of the capital, Manama, on Wednesday morning.Regime forces, however, intervened, firing rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas ...

Imam Khamenei: If not in Syria, Iran should have fought Takfiris inside its borders

Imam Khamenei: If not in Syria, Iran should have fought Takfiris inside its borders
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said Iran could have fought a war inside its borders if the enemy threats had not been thwarted in Syria. “If the ill-wishers and seditionists, who are the puppets of the US and Zionism, had not been confronted [in Syria], we should have stood against them in Tehran, Fars, Khorasan and Esfahan,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in remarks published Thursday. The Leader made ...

Bombings, mortar attacks kill 10 civilians across Iraq

Bombings, mortar attacks kill 10 civilians across Iraq
Police and medical officials in Iraq say at least ten people have been killed in a series of bombings and mortar strikes across the country as government forces and allied fighters press ahead with a massive operation to flush Daesh Takfiri terrorists out of the northern city of Mosul.Sadiq al-Husseini, the chairman of the security committee in Diyala provincial council, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria television network that one policeman had ...

Scholars should fight ignorance and sectarianism

Scholars should fight ignorance and sectarianism
ABNA –member of the High Council of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly, in the First Conference of proximity of Islamic Schools in thoughts of Imam Khomeini, and Imam Khamenei, said, “All Muslims must step on the direction which leads to freedom of Quds and revive the united Ummah the Holy Prophet had through harmony and integrity".Ayatollah Dori Najaf Abadi, Supreme Leader’s representative in Markazi province welcomed the guest on the conference ...

Saudi Arabia projects increased 2017 spending

Saudi Arabia projects increased 2017 spending
Saudi Arabia has projected an increased spending in its budget for 2017 but has slightly reduced its military budget.Based on official budget figures that were announced on Thursday, Saudi Arabia’s spending could reach as high as $237 billion with revenues of $184 billion.Figures also showed that Riyadh would be cutting slightly on its defense budget. The country - which is known as one of the world’s largest military spenders - ...

ISIS suicide bomber kills 8 Libyan soldiers near Benghazi

ISIS suicide bomber kills 8 Libyan soldiers near Benghazi
A suicide bomber has killed eight Libyan army troops near the eastern city of Benghazi, an attack that showed the ISIS group is still able to strike out in the North African country despite recent battlefield losses, Libyan security and health officials said Monday. The Sunday bombing in the besieged Ganfouda area was a counterattack on the advancing troops that also wounded another eight soldiers, the officials said, speaking on condition of ...

Islamic Movement has no freedom to protest, Nigerian police warns Muslims

Islamic Movement has no freedom to protest, Nigerian police warns Muslims
“The attention of the FCT Police Command has been drawn to the plan by members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria to carry out mass protest at the Three Arms Zone, Abuja on Wednesday, 14th, December, 2016. “The Command wants to state unequivocally that the action of the group is illegal as they have neither written to notify the Command of their planned action nor have they secured any approval from the Commissioner of Police go on ...

Imam Khamenei: Unity only solution to extricate Muslims from US, Zionists evil

Imam Khamenei: Unity only solution to extricate Muslims from US, Zionists evil
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says unity is the only solution to extricate Muslims from their sufferings which are being caused by the US and the Zionists. “Should we unite and proceed toward Islamic goals in a united manner, then the US and the malignant, nefarious Zionist nexus can no longer hold nations in their clutches,” he said on Saturday on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet ...

Islamic Unity – “The Main Responsibility of Muslims”, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Islamic Unity – “The Main Responsibility of Muslims”, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Unity, which is among the greatest and the most important duties of all Muslims, is one of the issues that I will stress today. The week leading to Rabi al-Awwal 12 was named as Unity Week at the beginning of the Revolution. That was because according to famous traditions narrated by our Sunni brothers, Rabi al-Awwal 12 marks the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet (S). But according to famous traditions narrated by the Shia, the Holy ...

Yemen’s Ansarullah game pawns Vs. Riyadh’s empty hands

Yemen’s Ansarullah game pawns Vs. Riyadh’s empty hands
The Saudi Arabian aggression against Yemen in March 2015 came with the intention of introducing political changes to Yemen according to the will of Riyadh. Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi deputy crown prince and the defense minister, was optimistic that with reliance to the weaponry supremacy as well as the US intelligence backing, the kingdom could do the job of returning to power the pro-Saudi Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, the resigned president of ...

Saudi Arabia would allow Israel to use its airspace to attack Iran: report

Saudi Arabia would allow Israel to use its airspace to attack Iran: report
The official claimed this was an exchange for “some kind of progress” on the Palestine issue. “The Saudis have declared their readiness for the Israeli Air Force to overfly Saudi air space en route to attack Iran if an attack is necessary,” the report stated. “The Saudi authorities are completely coordinated with Israel on all matters related to Iran,” the European official from Brussels was quoted as ...

Sayyed Nasrallah calls for internal unity; Aleppo’s new victory to impact all region

Sayyed Nasrallah calls for internal unity; Aleppo’s new victory to impact all region
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Friday a televised speech in which he tackled the latest Lebanese developments, particularly the formation of the government.At the beginning of speech, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Muslims and Christians on the holy occasions coming in December.His Eminence warned that the Muslims and Christians in the region are facing challenges on the cultural and existential ...

Analysis: Bahrain's Al Khalifa regime afraid of Sheikh Isa Qassim trial

Analysis: Bahrain's Al Khalifa regime afraid of Sheikh Isa Qassim trial
The major counter-uprising measures by the regime included displaying the developments as a sectarian conflict, censoring the media, linking the peaceful domestic protests to Iran and Lebanon, and most importantly trying the opposition figures in the military courts. A large number of the former lawmakers, top clerics, human rights activists, doctors, civilians, and even women are now serving their terms in prison. The domestic and regional ...

Lavrov: Creation of 'Army of Aleppo' could just be rebranding of al-Nusra Front terrorists

Lavrov: Creation of 'Army of Aleppo' could just be rebranding of al-Nusra Front terrorists
- Opposition behind the creation of the so-called "Army of Aleppo" in the eastern part of the city could seek to rebrand al-Nusra Front terrorists and shield them, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday at a joint press conference with his Italian colleague Paolo Gentiloni. "I do not rule out that this is just another attempt to rebrand al-Nusra Front and shield it from righteous retaliation," he said. Lavrov said that almost ...

Another century, another witch-hunt: this time it’s poor Muslim women

Another century, another witch-hunt: this time it’s poor Muslim women