Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian woman near Quds

Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian woman near Quds
- A Palestinian woman has been shot and killed by Israeli troops in the occupied Palestinian territories with Israelis claiming she was attempting to stab regime ...

A sublime man will come and save humanity from oppression, injustic

A sublime man will come and save humanity from oppression, injustic

Pope calls on France to respect Muslim women Hijab

Pope calls on France to respect Muslim women Hijab
Pope Francis has urged France to respect the right of Muslim women to profess their faith and wear the hijab same as Christians are allowed to wear the cross.  “If a Muslim woman wishes to wear a veil, she must be able to do so. Similarly, if a Catholic wishes to wear a cross,” Francis told the French Catholic newspaper La Croix, The Guardian reported on Tuesday, May 17. “People must be free to profess their faith at the ...

photos/ professor Ansarian's lecture in Rastegaran High school Hosseinieh

photos/ professor Ansarian's lecture in Rastegaran High school Hosseinieh
<header class="HeaderContentArticle c0c7990 dr tr bold"><img src="http://www.erfan.ir/system/assets/imgArticle/2016/05/84564_DSC00863.JPG" alt="" ...

Top Lebanese Hezbollah Commander 'Badreddine' Martyred in Syria, probing nature of assassination

Top Lebanese Hezbollah Commander 'Badreddine' Martyred in Syria, probing nature of assassination
An Israeli strike against the Syrian capital, Damascus, has claimed the life of a top military commander of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement, media reports said Friday. Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement says it is investigating to find out whether a blast which claimed the life of a top military commander was caused by an airstrike, missile attack or artillery. In a statement, the resistance movement said Friday that initial ...

Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London … what now for Muslims?

Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London … what now for Muslims?
Having a Muslim Mayor will not necessarily translate into greater tolerance on the ground. I disagree … I disagree because Mr Khan’s Muslimness does not mean he speaks for British Muslims, and it certainly does not mean that the Muslim community agrees with his policies. While this might come as a shock to many, religion does not define one’s political sensibilities … Islam is not a political statement, it is a faith ...

ISIS Dispatching Hundreds of Troops from Raqqa to Aleppo

ISIS Dispatching Hundreds of Troops from Raqqa to Aleppo
The ISIS has dispatched tens of its terrorists to the town of Dabeq which is of strategic importance to the terrorist group, a group monitoring the war said on ...

Sheikh Zakzaky Still Remains in Jail, His Health Improving: Nigerian Cleric

Sheikh Zakzaky Still Remains in Jail, His Health Improving: Nigerian Cleric

10,000 ISIS fighters in Afghanistan trained to expand to Central Asia, Russia

10,000 ISIS fighters in Afghanistan trained to expand to Central Asia, Russia
The ISIS terrorist group has dramatically increased its presence in Afghanistan and is preparing to expand into other Central Asian countries and Russia, a senior Russian diplomat warned. The presence of ISIS in Afghanistan, is a significant security threat, said Zamir Kabulov, the head of the Asia and Middle East department of the Russian foreign ministry, who also serves as special envoy of the Russian president to Afghanistan. “There ...

Imam Reza Holy Shrine hosts millions of pilgrims

Imam Reza Holy Shrine hosts millions of pilgrims
Millions of Muslims have flocked to Iran’s northeastern city of Mashhad to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Reza (Peace be upon him), the eighth Shia Imam.Pictures coming out of the holy city show pilgrims mourning in Imam Reza’s shrine and surrounding streets. Nearly 140-thousand people from all walks of life have braved the elements to go to Mashhad on foot to take part in the ceremony. The pilgrims are mainly Iranians. ...

Sunni join Shia mourners in 7th Moharram procession in Gilgit

Sunni join Shia mourners in 7th Moharram procession in Gilgit
The seventh Moharram procession in Gilgit turned into a beautiful reminder of the region’s historical harmony which has been shattered during the past four decades.   (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - A large number of Sunni youth and elders from Yadgar Mohalla, under the leadership of Masajid Board members including Raja Nisar Wali, joined the traditional 7th Moharram mourning procession organized by Shia organizations today, in a ...

AP Distorts Iranian Leader's Remarks in Naive Plot to Blame Iran If N. Talks Fail

AP Distorts Iranian Leader's Remarks in Naive Plot to Blame Iran If N. Talks Fail
The New York Times in a Friday article wired from AP distorted the Tuesday remarks of the Iranian Supreme Leader on the country's terms for a final nuclear deal to blame Ayatollah Khamenei and Tehran upfront in case the nuclear talks fail to end in an agreement. The Associated Press in an article titled "The Iran Deal: A Look at What It Does and Problems Remaining"  and released on the eve of a final round of negotiations between Iran and ...

Quran Manuscripts Showcased at Karachi Exhibition

Quran Manuscripts Showcased at Karachi Exhibition
Pakistan’s Quran Foundation mounted a Quran exhibition in the port city of Karachi earlier this month. Pakistan’s Quran Foundation mounted a Quran exhibition in the port city of Karachi earlier this month. On display are also rare Quran copies and Quranic manuscripts from different countries including Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Afghanistan. In another Quranic event in Karachi, the Jamaran Center organized a ...

Shiite Fighters Advance on ISIS Millitants in Ramadi, Iraq

Shiite Fighters Advance on ISIS Millitants in Ramadi, Iraq
Shi'ite Muslim militiamen and Iraqi army forces launched a counter-offensive against the so-called Islamic State insurgents near Ramadi on Saturday, a militia spokesman said, aiming to reverse potentially devastating gains by the fake jihadi militants. The fall of Ramadi, the Anbar provincial capital, to the so-called Islamic State on May 17 could be a shattering blow to Baghdad's weak central government. The fake jihadis now control most of ...

A Look at How ISIS Makes Millions

A Look at How ISIS Makes Millions
Oil production and smugglingISIS makes between $1 million and $2 million each day from oil sales. The oil comes mostly from refineries and wells that ISIS controls in northern Iraq and northern Syria.The militants smuggle oil into southern Turkey, for example, and sell it to people who desperately need it just to carry on some semblance of everyday life.ISIS is estimated to produce about 44,000 barrels a day in Syria and 4,000 barrels a day in ...

Birthday Anniversary of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) / Biography

Birthday Anniversary of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) / Biography
Name : FatimaTitle : Az-ZahraKunyat : Umm-ul-AimmaBorn : Friday 20th of Jamadi-ul-Akhar in MeccaFather's Name : Holy Prophet Muhammad Ibn-e-Abdulla (S.A.W.)Mother's Name : Khadija bint-e-KhuwailidMartyred : 13th Jamadi-ul-Awwal or 3rd Jamadi-ul-Akhir 11Hijrah at Medina at the age of18 years (due to injury inflicted upon her through force of a falling door by a hypocrite).Buried :The cemetery of Jannatul Baqi or in the Masjid-un-Nabi at MedinaThe ...

Journey to the Land of Shia Beating Heart; "Karbala"

Journey to the Land of Shia Beating Heart;
"Whoever visits Imam Husain (AS) fully comprehending and acknowledging his right, Allah rewards him with the equivalent of a thousand accepted obligatory pilgrimages (hajj) and a thousand accepted voluntary pilgrimages (umrah) and forgives him all of his past and present sins." Imam Sadiq (as).1 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - After receiving an invitation from Al-Khoei Islamic Center to join a ziarat (pilgrimage) group to visit the Atabat (holy ...

Mexican Catholics find God in Islam

Mexican Catholics find God in Islam
Mexican Catholics find God in IslamMEXICO CITY (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - For almost five centuries Catholicism has been the dominant religion in Mexico. In 1970, Catholics comprised 96.7 percent of Mexico's population. By 2010, that number had fallen to 82.7 percent, according to the Pew Research Center. Most of this change is attributed to growth in other Christian denominations. Evangelicals, Protestants and Jehovah's Witnesses now account ...

The Major Occultation and Our Responsibilities

The Major Occultation and Our Responsibilities
ByMarhoom Allama Zeeshan Haider JawadiThe series of divine messengership that commenced from Hazrat Adam (a.s.) till the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.a.), was completed on the 28th Safar, 11 A.H. Thereafter, the chain of prophethood was replaced with that of Imamat that was openly announced in Ghadeer-e-Khumm. Where the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) handed over the Islamic Ummah to Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.), marking the ...

10 Steps to Increasing Our Faith

10 Steps to Increasing Our Faith
Our Iman is not always as sound and strong as we want it to be as it often fluctuates according to life circumstances 10 Steps to Increasing Our Faith(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Our Iman is not always as sound and strong as we want it to be as it often fluctuates according to life circumstances. There are several causes for weakening Iman such as deficiencies in our prayers or the insinuating whispers from the Shaytan. Regardless of the cause, ...