Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Shameful retreat of networks Wahhabism, from debate with Professor Ansari’an

Shameful retreat of networks Wahhabism, from debate with Professor Ansari’an
Political Networks of Wahabism particularly "Kalema T.V Network" with it's extended media campaign , they challenged Professor Hussein Ansari'an for a debate. Despite his presence on the World Wide Net work of Wilayat T.V, they preferred to take their heel and turn their back from debate with Professor Ansarian disgracefully On the last day of the month of Asfand of previous year , an application was received from the World T.V of Kalema , by ...

The Last Holy Prophet and Universal Man

The Last Holy Prophet and Universal Man
Professor Sayyid Husayn Nasr"Extract" The Holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) and Holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) traditions - from Ideals & Realities of Islam written by Professor S. Hossein Nasr, and published by George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 2nd edition London 1975.The Holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) as the founder of Islam and the messenger of God's revelation to mankind is the interpreter par excellence of the Book of God; and his Hadith and Sunnah, ...

Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.) and the Abbasid Caliphs

Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.) and the Abbasid Caliphs
Political Conditions During Imam Kazim's TimeIn this eventful period of time revolutions erupted, followed by arrests and mass murders of the descendants of Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (A.S.)and their followers. It was a dark age in which men were caught and sentenced to death on the slightest suspicion. The Abbasids monopolized power and thought little of peoples dignity. Eventually, imprisonment, beating and killing became common practices.The ...

Love towards the Holy Prophet's Progeny

Love towards the Holy Prophet's Progeny
  Bakr the son of Salih narrates the following story:My son in law wrote Imam Jawad (A.S.) a letter which included the following: "My father has great animosity with Prophet Muhammad's progeny (A.S.). His belief is corrupted, and he mistreats me to a great extent.My Master, I first like to request your prayer on my behalf, and second to ask for your suggestions on how to deal with this matter. Should I inform others of his corrupted thoughts ...

Salutations to Hazrat Fatima (A.S.)

Salutations to Hazrat Fatima (A.S.)
Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the Messenger of Allah!Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the possessor of outstanding meritabove all Prophets and messengers and angels!Peace be upon you, Oh Leader of the Women of the Worlds.Peace be upon you, Oh Wife of the Vicegerent of Allah!Peace be upon you, Oh mother of Hasan and Hussein, the Leaders of the Youth of Paradise!Peace be upon you, Oh most truthful and martyr.Peace be upon you, who was pleased ...

Fatimah Masoomah (A.S.) similar to Hadrat Fatimah (A.S.)

Fatimah Masoomah (A.S.) similar to Hadrat Fatimah (A.S.)
On the first of Dhi al-Qa'dah in 173 AH, the city of Medina was enlightened by the birth of Hadrat Fatimah Ma'soomah (A.S.)(1). She was born to Imam Moosa ibn Ja'far (A.S.) and her mother, Najmah.Hadrat Fatimah Masumah (A.S.) was the second and last child of Najmah, after her older brother, Imam Ali ibn Moosa al-Reza (A.S.). In fact, after Imam Reza (A.S.), she has the highest status and position amongst the children of Imam Moosa al-Kadhim ...

Words of the Present Living Imam of the Age to guide you to Heaven

Words of the Present Living Imam of the Age to guide you to Heaven
Truly, the Almighty Allah has not created human beings and all creation without any purpose, and has not let them free without any responsibilityNote: a) I have not created the Jinn and the mankind but to serve & worship Me (Zariat 51:A56)b) Worship Me, this is the straight path(S 36:A61)c) The HONOR of being Your servant is sufficient for me and the PRIDE that You are my Lord is enough for me. You are as I love You to be, so MAKE me as You like ...

Dying with love for the Master of the Age

Dying with love for the Master of the Age
By: Ayatullah Shaheed Syed Abdul Husayn Dastaghaib ShiraziOne of my friends related to me: Fifty years back, his 18 years old brother had learnt the Ziyarat Jamiah by heart. The Twelfth Imam had taught it. At last he fell ill. On his deathbed he recited the Ziyarat Jamiah and names of the twelve Imams. What is wonderful is that he said he was in bed for two months due to his serious illness he had becomes like a skeleton, unable to move. But at ...

Samarra, O Samarra Your Golden Dome Shall Shine Again

Samarra, O Samarra Your Golden Dome Shall Shine Again
On Wednesday the 23rd of Muharram 1427 (22 February 2006), the world woke up to the shocking news of the explosion at the shrine of Samarra (Iraq) which totally destroyed its golden dome. Underneath that dome is the resting place of Imam Ali an-Naqi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) Samarra, O Samarra Your Golden Dome Shall Shine Again (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Of all the spaces in any society, places of worship are the most sacred. Even ...

Karbala Chain Of Events

Karbala Chain Of Events
Karbala Chain Of Events Prepared by: Ramzan SabirHighlights Of Karbala:The events of Karbala reflect the collision of the good versus the evil, the virtuous versus the wicked, the collision of Imam Husain (the head of virtue) versus Yazid (the head of impiety). Al-Husain was a revolutionary person, a righteous man, the religious authority, the Imam of Muslim Ummah. As the representative of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Imam Husain's ...

Right to Wear Hijab is Backed by Almost Half Surveyed in Ireland

Right to Wear Hijab is Backed by Almost Half Surveyed in Ireland
Almost half of people feel the wearing of hijabs or headscarves by Muslim students should be allowed in Ireland's State schools, according to the latest Irish Times /TNS mrbi poll. Right to Wear Hijab is Backed by Almost Half Surveyed in IrelandWhile 48 per cent agree with their use in State schools, 39 per cent do not and 13 per cent have no opinion. A breakdown of the figures show that while a clear majority of younger people agree with the ...

Taherah (The Virtuous) Part 1

Taherah (The Virtuous) Part 1
As we have already mentioned, one of Fatima Zahra's (A.S.) names was "At Taherah" (the virtuous or pure). This meaning is related to the verse: "And Allah only wished to remove all abomination from you, ye member of the Family and to make you pure and spotless." XXXIII:33 The above mentioned is of great importance because of its subtle meaning and significance.   This verse is considered the main source of virtues granted to Ahlul-Bayt ...

Things which make a Fast void

Things which make a Fast void
1581. * There are nine acts which invalidate fast: (i) Eating and drinking (ii) Sexual intercourse (iii) Masturbation (Istimna) which means self abuse, resulting in ejaculation (iv) Ascribing false things to Almighty Allah, or his Prophet or to the successors of the Holy Prophet (v) Swallowing thick dust (vi) Immersing one's complete head in water (vii) Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till the Adhan for Fajr prayers (viii) Enema ...

What kind of a book is "Mikyalul Makarim"?

What kind of a book is
What is your opinion about the book Mikyalul Makarim fi fawaed al-dua Lil-Qaem (as)? Is it a good book and should we refer to it?Concise answerThe book "Mikyalul Makarim fi Fawaed al-Dua Lil-Qaem" as the title of the book reads, has been authored regarding Mahdi, the Imam of Time (atf). This is one of the books written in Arabic in the fourth hegira century.[1] The book Mikyalul Makarim consists of eight parts each dealing with a particular ...

In the Name of God, the Almighty

In the Name of God, the Almighty
In the Name of God, the Almighty Being an Imam I know that the subject of today is the Ghadir Khum and the role of the Imam, and my lecture might seem to far of the topic, but I ask you for some patience and then you'll see what link there is. Last summer I read an English book, which was about happy people versus troubled people. I can imagine that you might think: what a luxurious issue, while you have to deal with dropping inflations, lack ...

Results and Outcomes of the Uprising of Aba Abdullah (Imam Hussein (a.s))

Results and Outcomes of the Uprising of Aba Abdullah (Imam Hussein (a.s))
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - If it were not for the Ashura and the sacrifices of the Prophet's progeny, the tyrant of the time would have destroyed the prophetic mission and the painful efforts of the Prophet (pbuh), were it not for the Ashura, with Abu Sufyanians'1 pagan logic attempts which would have been made to cross out the divine revelation and book with red ink, and, with Yazid, this residue of the era of idolatry who had thought that by ...

Causes and Factors of the Ashura Uprising

Causes and Factors of the Ashura Uprising
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Soon after the ascension of the Seal of the Prophets, His Holiness Mohammad (pbuh&hh), founder of justice and liberty, by wrong doings and deviations of the Omayyads, Islam was on the verge of disappearing within the throat of the tyrants and justice being crushed under the stampede of evildoers. It was at this point that Imam Hussein (a.s.) set out on the great Ashura Uprising. The cruel rule of Yazid and his men ...

Muharram, a Red Prelude to Martyrdom

Muharram, a Red Prelude to Martyrdom
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The month of Muharram is the month of epic action, the month in which blood triumphed over the sword; the month in which the power of Truth forever condemned falsehood and stamped the faces of tyrants and wicked government with the brand of vanity and falsehood; the month that teaches all generations throughout history, the way to victory over bayonet point; the month that registered, the defeat of the arrogant powers ...

The Position of the Parents in the Holy Qur’an

The Position of the Parents in the Holy Qur’an
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Since his birth and after his human integrity and growth, man begins his interactions and relations with people around him, the first of whom would be his parents within (the realm of) his family. Parents play an important role in the flourishing of the individuals, who should owe them much for their spiritual and mental upbringing. Parents, in Islam and the Qur'anic culture, are known to have a very high position. We ...


WHY SHOULD WOMEN COVER CERTAIN PARTS OF THEIR BODIES ? Women have been identified in the Qur'an as a "zeenah" i.e. adornment and beauty for allmankind. "Adorned for the people are the worldly pleasures, such as the women, having children, piles upon piles of gold and silver, trained horses, livestock, and crops. These are the materials of this world.A far better abode is reserved with Allah." (3:14)Since women are termed an adornment or ...