Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)

A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)
  When Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.) was buried in Qum there was a shade made of straw on the holy grave built by Musa bin Khajraj. The first dome which was in the form of a tower, was built by Hadrat Zainab (A.S.), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) in the middle of third century hijrah. Stone, bricks and stucco were used as construction material for this dome.     With the burial of the ladies from the Holy Ahlul Bayt ...

Amina Begum: The Brilliant Daughter Of Allamah Majlisi

Amina Begum: The Brilliant Daughter Of Allamah Majlisi
The Brilliant Daughter Of Allamah MajlisiThe family of Allamah Majlisi has to its credit incomparable services for the cause of Islam four hundred years ago in Iran especially and the world in general. Allamah Majlisi is known as Majlisi, the second. He was the son of Mulla Muhammad Taqi Majlisi or Majlisi, the first; and his name was Mulla Muhammad Baqir. He is the author of the Islamic Encyclopedia titled, Biharul Anwar. Both these gentlemen ...

Ziyarat of ‘Ali-Akbar

Ziyarat of ‘Ali-Akbar
Peace be on you, O my master,and the son of my master, Assalamu alayka ya Mawlaya wabna Mawlay اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ يا مَوْلاىَ وَابْنَ مَوْلاىَ Mercy of Allah (he on you),and His blessings. wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuh وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ May Allah curse he who oppressed you laanallahu man zalamaka لَعَنَ اللَّهُ مَنْ ظَلَمَكَ and ...

How did Imam Hassan (AS) reciprocate a good deed?

How did Imam Hassan (AS) reciprocate a good deed?
[1] Beharul Anwaar, Vol. 43, Page ...

Fatimah Az-Zahra', Daughter Of The Apostle Of Allah

Fatimah Az-Zahra', Daughter Of The Apostle Of Allah
This chapter deals with Fatimah az-Zahra' (the Radiant), the daughter of the Messenger of Allah. It treats her birth, span of life and the time of her death, as well as some of her excellences and characteristics. It consists of three sections. Her Birth, Names And Epithets The most predominant view in the traditions transmitted by our traditionists is that Fatimah az-Zahra' was born in Mecca, on the twentieth of Jumada 'l-Akhirah, in the ...

Senegal: Nahjul Balaqa to be published in Wolof language

Senegal: Nahjul Balaqa to be published in Wolof language
The Iranian Cultural Center in Senegal plans to publish a translation of Nahjul Balaqa of Imam Ali (AS) into the Wolof language.According to Dakar Icro website, this was announced by Sheikhana Louh, Quranic adviser to the Caliph of Muridiyya Sufi Order and translator of the entire Quran into Wolof, who had a meeting with Seyyed Hassan Esmati, the Iranian cultural attaché in Senegal earlier this month.He presented a part of the translation ...

Ziarat Ashura of Imam Hussain (as) English Text

Ziarat Ashura of Imam Hussain (as) English Text
Translation Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah! Peace be on you, O son of the Apostle of Allah! Peace be on you, O son of the commander of the faithfuls, the forebear of the successors! Peace be on you, O son of Fatimah, the choicest among the women of the worlds! Peace be on you, O the select, surpassing, chosen in preference over all good of Allah, and son of Allah's (such) good. Peace be on you, who was martyred while fighting heroically ...

The Public Mission of the Prophet of Islam

The Public Mission of the Prophet of Islam
Three years had passed from the time when the Holy Prophet of Islam was divinely assigns to be a prophet, during which time he did his best to secretly guide those who were capable of being guided onto the path of piety and virtue. Whenever he observed a person who had gone astray, being drowned in the pit of idol worship and moral decay, he tried hard to save him. He entered the scene through the, gate of affection and benevolence and with his ...

The Coming of the Most Noble Messenger (S.A.W.)

The Coming of the Most Noble Messenger (S.A.W.)
The Coming of the Most Noble Messenger (S.A.W.)   George Jordac(Lebanon)Translator: M. Fazal Haq With eyes as bright as the shining sun, a reality on the lips more brilliant than the light of the sun, a heart more fresh than the flowers of the gardens of Yathrib and Taif, habits and morals more decent than the moon- lit nights of the Hijaz, a mind more brisk than the strong winds, a bewitching tongue, a heart with heavenly light, firm ...

Recommended hijrat

Recommended hijrat
The respected scholar Allamah Hilli writes in his book Mumtahi that there are three kinds of Hijrat (Migration), wajib (obligatory), Mustahab (recommended) and Mubah (permitted). Wajib hijrat Hijrat is wajib on a Muslim (not restrained by old age or disease) who lives in the midst of infidels where he can neither reveal that he is a Muslim, nor can he perform his religious duties. Recommended hijrat For those Muslims who live among infidels ...

Journey of Endless Tears Begins, IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) LEAVES MADINA

Journey of Endless Tears Begins, IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) LEAVES MADINA
The Story of Karbala is a tale of five journeys of tears. The first journey started on 28th Rajab, From Madina to Mecca. Each journey had its hero and heroine. The hero of this first journey was Imam Hussain(AS) and the heroine was the memory of Fatima Sughra (SA), his beloved daughter whom he had left behind.When all the men who had accompanied Imam Hussain (AS) to the Governor's palace got back, the ladies came to know about the journey.Hazrat ...

The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala

The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala
Truly speaking I have never found myself in such a difficult and dilemmatic stance as in this case , while trying to compile this Historic diary, I felt both incapable and hesitating in trying to choose the right and accurate material to this Tragedy despite the wealthy references and other sources at hand , but my humble aim in this diary has reached the conclusion of describing and narrating some of the noble Speeches , Sermons and Advices ...

Beginning of the Prophetic Mission

Beginning of the Prophetic Mission
Finally the appointed moment arrived, the moment which had been foretold by previous Prophets (PBUH) to their followers. At the age of 40, the orphan son of Abdullah attained the exalted station of messengerhood. It was he alone at that time who had prepared for guiding the world with his message for only this great and heavy responsibility could call for such qualities and virtues as he possessed.Only in such a vast enterprise could the ...

The Farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad

The Farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad
Al-Nasa’i in Kitabul Khasa’is narrates a tradition from Zaid ibn al-Arqam on the authority of Abu al-Tufail which runs thus: Abu al-Tufail says: According to another tradition quoted by al-Nasa’i, the Prophet stood up and, having praised the Lord and enumerated His mercies, he asked the gathering: All of them replied: Then the Prophet held ‘Ali by the hand and said: This incident took place on the 18th of Dhu-Hijjah, 10 ...

Marriage Ceremony Anniversary of Imam Ali with Hadrat Fatima Zahra (PBUT)

Marriage Ceremony Anniversary of Imam Ali with Hadrat Fatima Zahra (PBUT)
    Bibi Fatimah (S.A.), the best of all women in the universe, the only daughter of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was married to Imam Ali (A.S.) on the first day of the month of Zil Hajjah in the second year after Hijrah. Bibi Fatima's wedding was also celebrated in the exalted heavens, and attended by the nearest angels to Allah, the Exalted. From this marriage Imam Ali (A.S.) and Bibi Fatimah (A.S.) were blessed with two sons, Imam ...

Ask Ahl al-Dhikr If You Do Not Know

Ask Ahl al-Dhikr If You Do Not Know
All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the universe. May the best of blessings and greetings be upon our leader and master Muhammad, who was sent as a mercy to the universe, he is the master of the foremost ones and the last ones, he was purified from all disgraces. May Allah's choicest blessings and greetings also be upon the illustrious and purified ahlul-bayt, the standards of guidance, light of those in darkness and the Imams of the Muslims. ...

Before His Martyrdom (May Peace be Upon him)

Before His Martyrdom (May Peace be Upon him)
O' people, every one has to meet what he wishes to avoid by running away. (1) Death is the place to which life is driving. To run away from it means to catch it. How many days did I spent in searching for the secret of this matter, but Allah did not allow save its concealment. Alas! It is a treasured knowledge. As for my last will, it is that concerning Allah, do not believe in a partner for Him, and concerning Muhammad (p.b.u.h.a.h.p.), do ...


SUPERSTITIONS AND MYTHS OF THE ARABS The Holy Qur'an has mentioned the objectives of the prophetic mission of the Holy Prophet of Islam in short sentences. One of those precise sentences which deserves careful scrutiny is this: He shall relieve them of their burdens and of the shackles that weigh upon them. (Surah al-A'raf 7:151) viz. the Prophet of Islam relieved them of difficult exercises and removed the chains with which their hands and ...

25th Shawwal, Martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS)- Who was al-Sadiq (AS) ?

25th Shawwal, Martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS)- Who was al-Sadiq (AS) ?
Here I would like to mention a group of the viewpoints of the religious scholars concerning Ja’far al- Sadiq, peace be on him, because such viewpoints express the ideas of generations about this great figure. They are as follows: In (the book) TahdhTb Al- Asma’ wa Al- Lughât (1:149-150), al-Nawawy [2] said: Mohammed b. Ishâq, Yahya al- Ansâry, Mâlik, the two Sufyanis, b. JarTh, Shu’ba, Yahyâ al- ...

The Suffering of Lady Fatima al-Zahra after Holy Prophet

The Suffering of Lady Fatima al-Zahra after Holy Prophet
One of the undeniable historical facts that all Muslim historians, regardless of their school of thought, unanimously agree upon is that the beloved daughter of the Prophet, Lady Fatima al-Zahra died approximately three months after him; as a result of the great pain and suffering she endured during the incident of the attack on her house. She died at the age of 18 years and 7 months. On the day of her burial, Imam ‘Ali addressed the ...