Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Ancestors and Family Tree of Imam Husein (as) and Yazeed

The Ancestors and Family Tree of Imam Husein (as) and Yazeed
The ancestors of Imam Husein (as) and Yazeed, and look in some detail at the family tree of Imam Husein (as).1.1 Ibraheem and Ismaeel    We are looking at a time about four thousand years ago, when Prophet Ibraheem (as) is living in what is now Palestine; he has two wives - Sarah and Hajar; at that time, it was accepted to have more than one wife at a time.    His first wife is Sarah and from this marriage, he has ...

Martyrdom of our Master Abbas bin Ali bin Abi Talib(a.s)

Martyrdom of our Master Abbas bin Ali bin Abi Talib(a.s)
Shaikh Mufeed in his Irshad and Shaikh Tabarsi in his A'alamul Wara say, that the army attacked Imam Husain (a.s) and also scattered his troops while their thirst intensified. Imam, accompanied with his brother Abbas, galloped towards the Euphrates. The army of Umar bin Sa'ad blocked their way, while a man from Bani Darim called out to them, "Woe be to you! Block their way towards the Euphrates so that they may not reach it". Imam Husain (a.s) ...

Muharram Quranic Sessions Underway in Kuwait’s Mosques

Muharram Quranic Sessions Underway in Kuwait’s Mosques
Salih Al-Jahromi, Talal Al-Barik, Basil Bureza, Abbas Al-Baloushi, Sadiq Mirza, Hamdi Shibli, Zayd Al-Baqli, Muhammad Al-Mahdi and Abdullah Al-Khayyat, are some of the eminent Kuwaiti Qaris who recite verses from the Holy Quran in the sessions. They mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his faithful companions in the year 680 ...

Islam recognizes the sexual needs of human

Islam recognizes the sexual needs of human
The Islamic sexual morality is fundamentally different from that of the Christian Church. This is because of the all-encompassing nature of the Islamic shari'ah. Bertrand Russell says, "Great religious leaders, with the exception of Muhammad and Confucius, if he can be called religious have in general been very indifferent to social and political considerations, and have sought rather to perfect the soul by meditation, discipline and ...

The Birthday of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

The Birthday of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
Hadrat Khadija's(S.A.) excellent and noble characteristics are fantastic example for mankind to follow. She is the lady who gave birth to Fatima Zahra(S.A.) and brought her up with talents and virtues. Fatima Zahra(S.A.) was a descendant of two great people. Furthermore, there are undisputed facts that have been declared by the Sacred Messenger and Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) that neither science nor contemporary discoveries have been able to conquer the ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)
Mother: Shahr Banoo daughter of Iran's lastSasanid emperor Yazdjerd IIIKunniyat (Patronymic): Abu al-HasanLaqab (Title): Zayn al-'Abidin, Al SajjadBirth: He was born on 5th Shaban in 38 A.H. inMadina.Martyrdom: He was martyred by poisoning on 25thMoharrum in the year 95 A.H. at Madina and is buried at Baqi near his uncleHasan (A.S.).The fourth Holy Imam, Ali ibn Husayn Zain-ul-Abedin(A.S.) was born in Medina on5th Shaban 38 A.H. His epithet ...

Fatima Zahra

Fatima Zahra
Death of Fatima Fatima took the death of the Holy Prophet to heart, and she passed away in early 633 C E, barely six months after the passing away of the Holy Prophet. She was only twenty-nine years old at the time or her death. Her marriage lasted for a short period of eight or nine years only. During this period she gave birth to five children, three sons and two daughters. Her three sons were Hasan, Husain, and Mohsin. Mohsin died during ...

One of the spiritual merits and superiorities

One of the spiritual merits and superiorities
One of the spiritual merits and superiorities of `Ali was his prescience which has not been related in the history of Islam for the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (s.a). An example of `Ali’s prescience was that he used to say: Pose your questions to me before I will depart from among you. By God, if you ask me about a hundred deviated groups or a hundred guided groups, I will inform you of their leaders throughout the time till the Day of ...

Islamic Centre of England to hold Muharram Majalis in English

Islamic Centre of England to hold Muharram Majalis in English
The Islamic Centre of England is proud to present this years 10 Night Muharram Majalis for 1437. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Islamic Centre of England is proud to present this years 10 Night Muharram Majalis for 1437.The nightly speaker will be His Eminence Shaykh Dr. Shomali, the UK Representative of Imam Khamenei and Director of the Islamic Centre of England.We will also be having nightly eulogies (masa’ib & latmiyyat) recited by ...


Imam Hasan'The Myth of his Divorces'S. Saeed Akhtar RizviAl-Serat, Vol 4 (1978), No 3 Imam Hasan has been the victim of a most malicious propaganda for the last 1,250 years. He is portrayed as "fond of ease and quiet" by his admirers (Ameer Ali in "Spirit of Islam") and "the great divorcer" by his detractors (Willi Frischaurer in "The Aga Khans"). Before looking at individual reports, it is important to find out when this allegation was put ...

Consequence of Disbelief

Consequence of Disbelief
The result of disbelief is that the heart becomes absolutely blind. Now it cannot discriminate between truth and falsehood. Nor can it understand what is wrong and what is right. The reality of humanity is that due to this quality man can understand the reality of different things and is aware of them. Disbelief causes him to fall from this height of humanity and he becomes debased like beasts No goodness can be expected from him. There is a ...

The Exemplary Life of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Exemplary Life of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)
“Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them out of His grace? We have certainly given the progeny of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and we have given them a great kingdom”. (4:54)According to the Tafseer of the Shia’hs, the mahsudeen (People upon whom others are jealous) are the progeny of the Holy Prophet (saww). And why are people jealous of them? It is because Allah (SWT), out of His grace, gave them Mulkan Adheeman meaning ...

Salat of Ayat (Namaz-e-Ayat)

Salat of Ayat (Namaz-e-Ayat)
Namaz-e-Ayat becomes obligatory due the following four things: Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse The prayer becomes Wajib even if the moon or the sun are partially eclipsed, and even if they do not engender any fear. Earthquake, as an obligatory precaution, even if no one is frightened. Thunder and lightning, red and black cyclone and other similar celestial phenomena, which frightens most of the people; similarly for the terrestrial events like ...

Ziarat of Imam Hassan

Ziarat of Imam Hassan
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ابْنَ رَسُولِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ابْنَ أَمِيرِ الْمُؤْمِنِين السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ابْنَ فَاطِمَةَ الزَّهْرَاء السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا حَبِيبَ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا صِفْوَةَ ...

Why Occultation?

Why Occultation?
The Almighty Allah has bestowed the human beings with superiority and has kept the rest of the creation under him. He says, ‘I have created man with the best parts. Whether it is the earth or atmosphere, sea or the mountain, forest or the desert, man not only has superiority upon all these but they are subservient to his commands and power. But Allah has also said that when I turned around this man, I found him to be the worst of the ...

Prayer of Eid-ul-Adha

Prayer of Eid-ul-Adha
Prayer of Eid-ul-Adha can be performed in Jama'at or alone. It is recommend to perform Ghusl (Purification Bath) on Eid day. The Ghusl which should preferably performed under a shelter and not under the open sky. The specified time of Eid prayer is between sunrise and the sun's initial decline (Zawal). After that time, the prayer is lost and cannot be offered later as 'Qaza'. Women are exempted from this prayer. It is 'Mustahab' (recommended) ...

Namaz Hazrat Fatimah(as)

Namaz Hazrat Fatimah(as)
http://www.shahroudi.com/Portal.aspx?pid=71This Namaaz is prayed to seek fulfillment if legitimate desires. It can be prayed any time, or any day, but Friday is strongly recommended.   Pray this namaaz exactly like 2 Raka't Fajr Namaaz (SALAT), with the followingadjustments. (a) In the first Raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Qadr 100 times.   (b) In the second Raka't after recitation of Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul ...

'ar-Rahman' and 'ar-Rahim'

'ar-Rahman' and 'ar-Rahim'
(3) اَلرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ " The Beneficent, The Merciful" Commentary: The meaning of /ar-rahman/ ' the Beneficent ' and /ar-rahim/ ' the Merciful ', together with their broad sense of meaning and the difference between them, was explained at length while commenting on /bism-il-lah/, the repetition of which is not required. 48 A point that should be added to the commentary, here, regarding 'ar-Rahman' and 'ar-Rahim', ...


  We have already said that the materialists and some Christians have used the question of fate and destiny as a weapon in their attack on Islam. They say that an essential result of the belief in destiny and fate is that man should consider himself to be powerless and unable to build a better society.  As we have said this misunderstanding is due to the fact that the difference between a belief in fate and destiny and predestinarianism has ...

Taqwa: Consciousness of Allah

Taqwa: Consciousness of Allah
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziIt has been narrated by Anas b. Malik that he said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah (S) say, 'O' People! Have Taqwa of Allah as is worthy of Him; strive in gaining His pleasure; have certainty that the world is temporal and that the Next Life is everlasting; strive for the life after death such that it could be said about you that it is as if you were never in this world and so that it could be said about ...