Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Fasting and weakness: The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Fatwa

Fasting and weakness: The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Fatwa
Question: Can a person who is unable to fast in the month of Ramadhan and is weak, ...

Who is Allah?

Who is Allah?
Who is Allah?Allah is an Arabic-word for: The One and Only Deity/ God,Islam is the only religion that can describe themselves as True-monotheists, why?In Islam, we do not believe in anthropomorphism (i.e. attributing human-facets to The Divine One)In the Old Testament, in Genesis it says:26 And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over ...

The unity of the Divine creative power [khāliqiyyah]

The unity of the Divine creative power [khāliqiyyah]
2. The unity of the Divine creative power [khāliqiyyah] The unity of the Divine creative power is one of the degrees of monotheism which is acknowledged by both reason [‘aql] and revelation [naql]. In the parlance of reason, we in relation to God represent a ‘contingent’ [imkānī] order which is devoid of any sort of perfection [kamāl] and beauty [jamāl], and whatever a thing possesses originally emanates from the fountain of the ...

Imam Ali’s answers to what is most important

Imam Ali’s answers to what is most important
“I will ask you four questions, so give me their answers”:-What is compulsory, and what is most compulsory?-What is amazing, and what is most amazing?Imam Ali answered:-What is close-by is The Day of Judgement, and what is most close-by is DEATH!-What is difficult is the Grave and what is most difficult is Leaving this world without Provision (for it)!Oh my Lord, whoever opens this ...

Book of Allah says. So, such traditions must be regarded as groundless.

Book of Allah says. So, such traditions must be regarded as groundless.
Book of Allah says. So, such traditions must be regarded as groundless.[1] j. Shaykh Ḥurr al-‘Āmilī (d. 1104 AH), says: A researcher of history and hadīth knows well that on account of the tawātur of traditions and narrations of thousands of the Companions, the Qur’an is intact and fixed and has been compiled with utter accuracy and arranged in the lifetime of the Prophet (ṣ).[2] k. The great researcher, Kāshif al-Ghiṭā’, ...

Observing the limits of Tajweed in Salaat/the Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer

Observing the limits of Tajweed in Salaat/the Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi Zanjani answered a question about observing the limits of Tajweed (rules for correct recitation of the holy Quran) in Salaat. Question: To what limits Tajweed needs to be observed in Salaat? The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi: Observing the correct pronunciation and the right movements of the letters to an acceptable level are needed, but observing those groups of rules of Tajweed which make the recitation more beautiful, ...

Who was Salah al-Din Ayyubi? How did he become the champion of the wars against crusaders? What was his origin? Why and how did he destroy the Fatimid government?

Who was Salah al-Din Ayyubi? How did he become the champion of the wars against crusaders? What was his origin? Why and how did he destroy the Fatimid government?

Why did the holy Prophet used to cheer Imam Hasan (AS) when Imam Hussein (AS) and Imam Hasan (AS) were wrestling together? Was Imam Hasan liked more by Prophet?

Why did the holy Prophet used to cheer Imam Hasan (AS) when Imam Hussein (AS) and Imam Hasan (AS) were wrestling together? Was Imam Hasan liked more by Prophet?
" Imam Hussein (AS) and Imam Hasan (AS) were wrestling together before the messenger of Allah, and Prophet was cheering and heartening Imam Hasan (AS) and was telling him to take hold of Imam Hussein (AS). The messenger of Allah said: I am cheering Hasan, because the "Gabriel" is cheering Hussein, and he is telling Hussein to take hold of Hasan. ...

Birth Control

Birth Control
1 Question: What is Grand Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa on the use of IUD and pills by a woman to prevent pregnancy? Answer: It is permissible for a woman to use Intrauterine Devices (IUD) and other birth control devices provided that they do not pose serious harm to the woman’s health and that the insertion of the device does not involve a harãm act, such as the male touching or looking at the private parts of the woman’s body that are ...

Friday Prayer

Friday Prayer
1 Question: There are two mosques in one city and Friday prayer is held in both of them? Given that they are very close to each other, is the prayer valid? Answer: If the distance between the two mosques is one Farsakh (5/5km approximately) or more, the prayers are in order. 2 Question: Is one entitled to object to the holding of Friday prayer by claiming that the marjas of the Muslims in Najaf and Qum do not establish it, while ...

Grand Ayatollah Sistani explains some rulings regarding puberty

Grand Ayatollah Sistani explains some rulings regarding puberty
Grand Ayatollah Sistani explains some rulings regarding puberty:   Question: How is puberty confirmed? Answer: Puberty in males could be confirmed if one of three signs was present.1. First: Completion of fifteen lunar calendar years of age (equal to 14 years and seven months and fifteen days of the solar calendar).2. Second: Ejaculation through sexual intercourse or seminal discharge while awake or asleep.3. Third: The presence of pubic ...

Islam And Medicine

Islam And Medicine
lslam is the religion of all times and places.It is a perfect system of temporal values. By practicing its laws Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the pinnacle of all other glories and gain the wealth of health. There is a great inter-relationship between modern medicine and some of our Islamic teachings.Every word of Qur'an is in fact an experience of great reality and science is just an effort made towards this ...

Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?

Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?

The amount of maintenance (Nafaqah)/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Fatwa

The amount of maintenance (Nafaqah)/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Fatwa
According to religious laws, there is no definite amount set for Wajib maintenance (a husband’s provision for wife), but the Wajib amount provides for food, clothes, housing, and other needs equal to wife’s status and according to the present time and the place. The one whose maintenance is the Wajib responsibility of another person, if that person refuses to pay for the maintenance, he can be forced to pay by referring the dispute ...

The Spatial Arts

The Spatial Arts
This expression is inclusive of a number of creative efforts and products of the Muslim peoples, which have so many features in common as to make their conjoined treatment more suitable than an isolated presentation of each art form. What are the "Spatial Arts?" Space has sometimes been described as the opposite of mass, as the negation of the solid in architecture. According to that definiton, the spatial arts would include only those ...

Q: In the event of creating Adam(AS), why did the angles say that mankind would bring about corruption and bloodshed in the earth; is this not open objection (of God's decision)?

Q: In the event of creating Adam(AS), why did the angles say that mankind would bring about corruption and bloodshed in the earth; is this not open objection (of God's decision)?
The Objection of The Angles To The Creation of AdamQ: In the event of creating Adam(AS), why did the angles say that mankind would bring about corruption and bloodshed in the earth; is this not open objection (of God's decision)? A: At the time God said, "Verily I (intend to) appoint a vicegerent in the earth," the angles conceptualized earthly beings that posses physical desires and live in a world of rivalry and constint change. It is not ...

Must a special saying be mentioned when taking a vow so that the vow becomes Wajib? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Must a special saying be mentioned when taking a vow so that the vow becomes Wajib? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about taking a vow (Nazr). Question: Must a special saying be mentioned when taking a vow? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Yes, a special saying must be mentioned when taking a vow; it is not necessary to say it in Arabic; so if it is said (for example), if my patient is cured, I undertake to pay 10 Tomans (a currency) to the poor in the way of God, this vow is correct. And if it is said I undertake ...

What the ‘ulamā’ of rijāl say about the two versions

What the ‘ulamā’ of rijāl say about the two versions
What the ‘ulamā’ of rijāl say about the two versions In Tahdhīb al-Kamāl, Ḥāfiẓ al-Mizzī,[1] one of the researchers of the science of rijāl,[2] writes about Ismā‘īl and his father as follows: Yaḥyā ibn Mu‘īn (who is one of the prominent ‘ulamā’ of ‘ilm ar-rijāl) says: “Abū Uways and his son (Ismā‘īl) are ‘weak’ [ḍa‘īf]. It is also reported that Yaḥyā ibn Mu‘īn used to say: “These two ...

Question: It is clear that when the Prophet Muhammad dictated the verses of the Qur`an, his designated scribes would write down the verses. However, when exactly was the entire Qur`an compiled into the form we know today?

Question: It is clear that when the Prophet Muhammad dictated the verses of the Qur`an, his designated scribes would write down the verses. However, when exactly was the entire Qur`an compiled into the form we know today?
AnswerThere are three prevailing views concerning the compilation of the Qur`an:1. It was compiled during the lifetime of the Prophet (ص). The compilation took place under his supervision—which is tantamount to divine inspiration—although he himself neither wrote the text of the Qur`an nor collected the verses directly.2. The Qur`an that we have today was compiled by Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (ع) after the Prophet’s death but before ...

What is Dua?

 What is Dua?
By: Dr. Muhammad Ali Shomali HAwzah News Agency-There are several verses in the Quran about dua. There is also rich hadith literature on dua from Prophet Muhammad (s) and his household. Numerous books have been written on dua. This is in addition to countless books that have chapters or sections on dua. For example, many books on akhlaq (ethics) and Quranic commentaries include discussions about dua. However, Islam is so deep and so ...