Monday 17th of June 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Photos: Victims of terrorist attack on memorial ceremony of "Abdul Ali Mazari"

Photos: Victims of terrorist attack on memorial ceremony of "Abdul Ali Mazari"
A mortar attack on a large ceremony attended by Afghanistan's chief executive and other leading government figures in Kabul on Thursday killed three people and wounded 22 others, officials said. The explosions happened during a ceremony marking the 24th anniversary of the death of Shia Hazara leader "Abdul Ali ...

The Family of Abraham (as): A Social, Economic, Political and Religious Model

The Family of Abraham (as): A Social, Economic, Political and Religious Model
  The study to follow is based on the story of the family of Abraham (as) as described in the Biblical passage of Genesis 12-22. It is an uncritical contemplation of the Massoretic text of the Genesis story in the Bible as it stands in the Hebrew. The question I pose is not how the original narrator understood the matter of the family. Rather, I pose the question of how a historically significant text, one attached to several great religious ...


HAS THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS HUMILIATED WOMAN?  The Declaration of Human Rights (article 23, clause iii) says: "Everyone, who works, has the right to a just and favourable remuneration, ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection   Clause (i) of article 25 says: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living, adequate for the ...

Ayatollah Khamenei: No deal if anti-Iran bans hold

Ayatollah Khamenei: No deal if anti-Iran bans hold
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution underlined that anti-Iran sanctions must be terminated, rather than suspended, under a nuclear deal whose text was finalized in July, stressing that Iran would not accept any deal that does not include the lifting of the sanctions. “If the sanctions are not going to be removed, then there will be no deal,” Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said in a Thursday meeting with members of Iran’s ...

Bahrain: Ibrahim Sharif's case adjourns to October 13

Bahrain: Ibrahim Sharif's case adjourns to October 13
A Bahraini Appeals Court decided on Tuesday (May 31, 2016) to adjourn the case of prominent opposition figure and Secretary-General of the National Action Democratic Society (Wa'ad), Ebrahim Sharif, until October 13, 2016 for pleading.Adjourning Sharif's hearing until October means that he will serve his one-year jail term before the court holds the second appeals hearing.Sharif is supposed to finish serving his one-year jail sentence on July ...

Kofi Annan: US invasion of Iraq helped create ISIS

Kofi Annan: US invasion of Iraq helped create ISIS
Koofi Annan, the former UN secretary general, said the US-led invasion of Iraq was a mistake and helped to create the Islamist State militant group. He also blamed regional powers for making the conflict worse. "I was against this invasion and my fears have been founded. The break-up of the Iraqi forces poured hundreds if not thousands of disgruntled soldiers and police officers onto the streets," Kofi Annan told the Munich Security Conference ...

Blessings of Solid Relations with Relatives

Blessings of Solid Relations with Relatives
Despite great emphasis of traditions on establishing a proper and solid relation with relatives as a divine and human duty which requires ritual motivations, doing this divine and human duty surely will have great material blessings discussed below.The main point is to establish a strong bound and keep it from falling apart by wrongdoings. You should be nice to relatives in time of happiness so that they may back you up in case of troubles. ...

Canadian Jewish businessman campaigns to free Iraqi women captives

Canadian Jewish businessman campaigns to free Iraqi women captives
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Steve Maman, Jewish businessman from Canadian Montreal, started last year a campaign to free Iraqi women held captives in the hands of Da'ish (ISIS) organization.Da'ish gunmen stormed into Iraqi Sinjar Mountain, where mostly inhabited by the Izidi sect, and held hundreds of women and children, forcing them to slavery.Today, Maman is organizing an international campaign to release 128 Izidi and Christian women and "free ...

Senior Bahraini Ulema warn regime against targeting Shiite Muslim

Senior Bahraini Ulema warn regime against targeting Shiite Muslim
Senior Bahraini clerics warned on Saturday against any attempt to target Shi'ite Islam by undermining a pillar of the sect's creed, the Khums tax, apparently following reports that authorities were investigating funds held by Bahrain's top Shi'ite cleric.The warning could pave the way for a showdown between the Gulf state's Sunni-led government and the country's majority Shi'ite Muslims following a court order that suspended the main opposition ...

Mothers do not give birth to sinful children

Mothers do not give birth to sinful children
Mothers do not give birth to sinful children, and children do not come to this world defiled with sins. When a baby comes to this life for the first time, his mind is empty of any knowledge, intellect and information. He is completely ignorant of what is around him. When he comes to this world, he does not know anything, save crying and suckling. At the same time when he cries or suckles his mother’s breast, he is ignorant of that too. ...

How to Choose a Spouse in Islam

How to Choose a Spouse in Islam
Marriage is my tradition, and whoever does not long for my tradition is not of my nation. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.220] The approach to choosing a spouse is much different in the angelic spirit of Islam, when compared to those religions or schools of thought which have become void of the spirit of revelations. Islam does not allow a believing Muslim man to choose any woman as his wife. Neither does it allow a believing Muslim woman to choose ...

Those Whom You Should not Marry

Those Whom You Should not Marry
There are, of course, men and women not qualified for marriage. In the pure relegion of Islam, some features and charactristic are mentioned for those whom are suitable to marry. Professor Hossein Ansarian in the book” The structure of family in Islam” elaborates on this subject. The present text is a part of the book mentioned before.   It is stated in divine books that man is entrusted with children who are God's blessing and kindness. ...

Bahrain February 14 Youth Coalition condemns regime targeting Shiite clerics

Bahrain February 14 Youth Coalition condemns regime targeting Shiite clerics
- The February 14 Youth Coalition commended the "massive campaign" launched by the regime against Shiite clerics in Bahrain.  The coalition explained in a statement on (August 7, 2016) that "the arrests and summoning of clerics come within a campaign, targeting the very existence of Shiites, and sectarian persecution practiced by this corrupt regime.""Such crimes, which reflect the miserable situation King Hamad is experiencing, will only ...

Working in his Farm

Working in his Farm
Imam Hadi (A.S) was free of every material tendency. He was free from any kind of selfishness and he did not submit to any pleasure or fancy. Historians say that he worked in his farm to secure the living of his family. Ali bin Hamza said, “Once, I saw Abul Hassan the third (Imam Hadi (A.S)) work in a farm while his feet were soaked with sweat. I said to him, ‘May I die for you! Where are the men?’He said, ‘O Ali, one, ...

10 things to follow in Islam for better life

10 things to follow in Islam for better life
Islam is the perfect way of life for those who know it as it is and Quran is a guide for the whole humanity to have a better life.  Followings are the 10 interesting lessons we can learn from the Quran to live a good life, God willing. 1- the most selfish one letter word: “I” – AVOID IT! And he had property (or fruit) and he said to his companion, in the course of mutual talk: {I am more than you in wealth ...

The Definition of Ikhlas:

The Definition of Ikhlas:
You should know that various definitions have been suggested for ikhlas, to some of which that are prevalent among the people of the mystic path we shall briefly refer here. The honourable `arif' and the wise wayfarer, Khwajah `Abd Allah al-'Ansari, quddisa sirruh, says:   Ikhlas means purging action of all impurities. And the impurity mentioned here is a general one, including both that which arises from the desire to please oneself and ...

Honour and fulfill the rights of their parents

Honour and fulfill the rights of their parents
Just as it is Wajib for the children to respect, honour and fulfill the rights of their parents, it is incumbent upon the mother and the father to fulfill the rights, which the children have upon them. If the parents do not fulfill these rights, it would amount to Qate Rahmi (cutting off the relationships). Since children are the closest to parents it is a must to refrain from Qate Rahmi with them, and Qate Rahmi is a great sin, as would be ...

The Ahlul Bayt (A.S) in the Holy Quran and Hadiths

The Ahlul Bayt (A.S) in the Holy Quran and Hadiths
The best way to introduce the Ahlul Bayt to the Muslim nation is to recall what the Noble Qur’an says about them. Several verses of the Noble Qur’an refer specifically to the virtues of the Ahlul Bayt and their outstanding position in Islam.Whenever the Noble Qur’an refers to the Ahlul Bayt, it refers to a specific group of people who were related not only by blood, but more importantly, by ideology and faith to the Prophet. ...

The Method of the Prophets

The Method of the Prophets
There is a well-known ḥādīth of the Prophet (s.w.a.) which has been preserved in the book al-Kāfī and in these last few days, through some of our friends who have the books of the Ahlus Sunnah at their disposal and have done research through these books, it is clear that this ḥādīth also exists in their books.  The Noble Prophet (s.w.a.) has said: إِنٌّـا مَعٌاشِرَ الأَنْبِيٌاءِ أُمِرْنٌا ...


THE LIFE OF IMAM AL-MAHDI Peace Be Upon Him By: Allama Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi Translated by: Sayyid Athar Husain S.H. ...