Friday 5th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

How Our Prayers are Answered?

How Our Prayers are Answered?
The reality of the prayer is that it is making a connection with the maker of the major decisions in the throne. That is, as Allah carries out his creation in the way He likes; so too is His foreordaining of things-weather abolishing or confirming them-is linked to the wish of the servant himself in regards to changing his fate! It is known that blocked ways are such in regards to us, the incapable mortals, not in regards to whom who has in His ...

Things you should know My Dear Kids

Things you should know My Dear Kids
What is Ramadan?Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, which is based on the orbiting of the moon (lunar calendar), rather than the orbiting of the earth (solar calendar). It was in the month of Ramadan in which the Quran (Holy Book for Muslims) was first revealed.What is Fasting?Muslims should refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and conjugal relations. This means that no substitute should be introduced into the body, which could ...

The Excellence of the Holy Month of Ramadhan

The Excellence of the Holy Month of Ramadhan
Shaikh Saduq relates from an authentic source that Imam Raza (A.S.) related from his ancestors, who related it from Ameerul Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) that latter said that one day, the Prophet of Allah delivered the following sermon to them: 'O' People! the Month of Allah (Ramazan has approached you with His mercies and blessings. This is the month that is the best of all the month in the estimation of Allah. Its days are best among the ...

Analysis: Words as Weapons in Hezbollah’s Psychological Warfare

Analysis: Words as Weapons in Hezbollah’s Psychological Warfare
- In a conventional war, rockets, rifles, and bombs are used in the battlefield to target the opponent’s military. In psychological warfare, however, confrontation tactics are different, attacks are staged conceptually, and weapons can be no more than a cluster of words, capable of wounding the enemy, inflicting damage, and penetrating an armored tank like a barrage of rockets, or a hail of bullets on a house of glass.Hezbollah ...

Freedom, Its Limits and Boundaries

Freedom, Its Limits and Boundaries
By: Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi Since Islamic society must be administered on the basis of Islamic laws and decrees, the law-implementers must not go beyond the bounds of Islamic decrees and orders since people are bound to act upon Islamic laws. A skeptical voice questions: Is this concordant with human freedom? In making rules and regulations for his life and the manner of implementing them, man has to be free. For us to say that he has to ...

Time to Wake up to Realities

Time to Wake up to Realities
By: Seyyed Ali ShahbazThe 12th of Muharram, two days after Muslims all over the globe observed Ashura, with a rare unanimity, thanks to the sighting of the crescent on the same day throughout the world this year.Hopefully, this would be a good omen for the solidarity of the ummah at a time when at the bidding of the enemies of Islam, Muslims are tearing themselves apart.While Ashura is marked as a day of grief by the majority of Muslims ...

A journey to Islam

A journey to Islam
Bismillah Rama RahaimThen set your face upright for religion in the right state-- the nature made by Allah in which He has made men; there is no altering of Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but most people do not know-- (HQ: 30:30)  [A journey to Islam]In the beginning:Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec during the mid-seventy and eighties, Sr. Jennah Heydari (As she's know by her Islamic first name and married sir-name), grew ...

Analysis: What Really Caused Recent Pakistan Terror Attacks

Analysis: What Really Caused Recent Pakistan Terror Attacks
- Pakistan’s Lahore terror attacks as well as other tensions in the capital city Islamabad have caused the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to grow concerns. The local park Golshan Iqbal in Lahore, the capital of the Pakistan’s Punjab province, has come under terror attacks after the country’s President Mamnoon Hussein and PM Nawaz Sharif had sent a message to the country’s Christian community, congratulating the ...

Visit My Mosque day: British Muslims offer tours and tea to public

Visit My Mosque day: British Muslims offer tours and tea to public
Dozens of mosques around the UK are to open their doors to non-Muslims this weekend in an effort to counter negative perceptions of Islam and educate people about the ...

One's goal for marriage should be spiritual

One's goal for marriage should be spiritual
One's goal for marriage should be spiritual, holy and pure. One must marry in order to obey God's order and the Prophets' manner and to provide for the prosperity of his/her spouse as well as divinely raising children. Both men and women should prepare themselves for engaging in a great act of worship when they marry. They should consider God's approval of their union and they should realize that through their loin and uterus, they carry God's ...

The Islamic Concept of Knowledge

The Islamic Concept of Knowledge
While it is an open question whether an explicit and systematically worked out Islamic epistemology exists, it is undeniable that various epistemological issues have been discussed in Muslim philosophy with an orientation different from that of Western epistemology. Today attempts are being made to understand the basic epistemological issues in terms of that orientation. This is a valuable effort that deserves our interest and encouragement. ...

New Aegean migrant tragedy as 35 drown in twin incidents off Turkey

New Aegean migrant tragedy as 35 drown in twin incidents off Turkey
At least 35 migrants drowned in two accidents in the Aegean Sea on Monday as they tried to cross from Turkey to Greece. In the latest incident, at least two dozen refugees lost their lives on Monday when their boat sank off the district of Edremit in the western Turkish province of Balikesir in an apparent bid to reach the Greek island of Lesbos, Dogan news agency reported. The accident came shortly after 11 asylum seekers died after another ...

Iranian women"s activities in Mosques

Iranian women"s activities in Mosques
All the religions in the world have allocated places for worshipping Allah. In this way, man would be able to have an unspoken communication for his/her needs with Allah free from all worldly attachments. In the manifested religion of Islam, this space of worship, which is called a mosque, enjoys some types of specific characteristics. A mosque is a holy place besides being a place for social, political and cultural activities. Muslims in the ...

Decorating Imam Ali holy shrine for Eid Ghadir

Decorating Imam Ali holy shrine for Eid Ghadir
The Maintenance Department of the Imam Ali Holy Shrine has begun decorating the courtyard in preparation for the greatest Eid, Eid al-Ghadeer. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Maintenance Department of the Imam Ali Holy Shrine has begun decorating the courtyard in preparation for the greatest Eid, Eid al-Ghadeer.  Department official Atheer Dahash said in a statement to the media center of Imam Ali Holy Shrine, "Our engineering and technical ...

Food in the Qur’an and Traditions

Food in the Qur’an and Traditions
The Holy Qur’an:1. "Eat and drink of that which Allah has provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth”‌ (2:60)2. “Eat clean and Halal from what portion God allots to you”‌ (5:88)Traditions:1. Natural Needs:Imam Baqir (PBUH): “the Almighty God created human beings as hollow in middle (having stomach) and thus it needs water and food (Kafi 6/287)Elaborating the saying of Prophet Moses ...

Female author urges UK Muslims to speak out against extremism

Female author urges UK Muslims to speak out against extremism
The so-called Islamic State (IS) violence can only be tackled if Muslims stand up for their views of what real Islam is, according to a rare female voice within the British Muslim community.Human rights campaigner Sara Khan argues in a new book that combating IS needs the development of religious counter-arguments to violent extremism, and she calls for an "amplification" of faith teaching which deconstructs Islamist ideology to help stop ...

Methods of Leadership are Relative and Temporary

Methods of Leadership are Relative and Temporary
At a certain time and place, it may be through one thing that people receive guidance, however it is possible that in another time and place, that same thing may lead to misguidance and being led astray! If the same logic that causes an old, illiterate woman to become a true believer is used by an intelligent, learned person, then it may actually cause him to being led astray.  Furthermore, it is possible that a book that is in agreement with ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi slams US inhuman response over Tehran terror attack

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi slams US inhuman response over Tehran terror attack
Speaking in a local gathering, Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said the Iranian nation's hatred toward US today is more than ever.The grand ayatollah also described the twin simultaneous terrorist attacks killing 17 and wounding 52 more on June 7 as a nasty incident.Commenting on many condolence messages extended to Iran by a large number of countries over the recent terrorist attacks, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi strongly criticized a number of US ...

The habit of telling untruths

The habit of telling untruths
* Habit: An individual may have the habit of telling untruths because of ignorance, influence of the surroundings, or feebleness of the religious restraint. A wise man said: “It is so difficult to wean him who found sweet the suckling of untruth." * Greed: It is surely one of the strongest incentives of untruth. * Enmity and envy: These two things have very often induced to invent false accusations and fabricate libels against enemies. The ...

Treachery and its Faults

Treachery and its Faults
Treachery and its Faults No one doubts that there are many factors which greatly influence the spread of corruption. When a thorough investigation is carried out regarding the factors which cause immorality and social lowliness, it becomes evident that the most influential factor of all is the prevalence of treason on men’s minds and reasons. We also discover that the danger which is inflicted on society from treachery and its devastating ...