Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Trump's comments on Muslims could haunt him in appeals court

Trump's comments on Muslims could haunt him in appeals court
An attorney for the president urged the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday to focus on the text of the religiously neutral executive order rather than use campaign statements to infer that the policy was driven by anti-Muslim sentiment. But that idea was challenged by several members of the 13-judge panel, which is examining a ruling that blocks the administration from temporarily barring new visas for citizens of Iran, Libya, ...

British Muslim women face 'double bind' of gender and religious discrimination

British Muslim women face 'double bind' of gender and religious discrimination
 A study has found that Muslim women face a double bind of religious and gender discrimination in the British society, which subjects them to harassment and ...

World without Violence' Forums Planned in Senega

World without Violence' Forums Planned in Senega
- The Iranian Cultural Center in Senegal plans to hold a series of forums on “the world without violence” on May 14 and 15 in the African country.According to the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, the programs will be organized with the motto of "The World without Violence and Extremism”, the Iranian President’s proposal approved in the UN General Assembly in December 2014."Muslim Students, the World without ...

Why Islamophobia Is Dangerous?

Why Islamophobia Is Dangerous?
Whether it’s Mohammed becoming the most popular baby name, or one in 10 babies in England being Muslim or the fact that halal meat is being served in Pizza Hut, a Muslim story always tends to generate more heat than light.Indeed, Islamophobia is often perpetuated by fear and a sense that Muslims are taking over our jobs, our homes and our lives, thus leading to a polarizing society and the so-called clash of civilizations.And it’s ...

Common Questions about Hijab and Related Issues

Common Questions about Hijab and Related Issues
    By: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi1.  What “casting down the glances” mean?It means that a person should not look at the member of the opposite sex except for those parts that may be uncovered.So, for instance, a man is allowed to look at the face and hands of a non-mahram lady who is not related to him provided it is not done in with a lustful intention. (“Mahram” means person in whose presence hijab is ...

Glimpses of the Prophet's Conduct

Glimpses of the Prophet's Conduct
Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) is the finest example of a perfect man in every sense of the term. He was a paragon of virtue and is the best exemplar for the human race. The Almighty distinguished him from all and sundry by instilling in his sublime personality such fine qualities as modesty, truthfulness, kindness, patience, loyalty, honesty, courage, bravery, generosity, magnanimity, wisdom and the like.By studying his lofty character and the ...

Grand Shia Cleric: No weapon as effective as martyrdom

Grand Shia Cleric: No weapon as effective as martyrdom
Speaking during his jurisprudence course at Qom’s Grand Mosque, Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani stated that Iran’s Islamic military might is due to the blessings of the people’s support and added that there is no weapon as effective as martyrdom and “no matter how strong the enemies’ bombs and military equipment are, they do not have the ability to defeat us.”The revered source of emulation explained ...

West advocates human rights for own interests

West advocates human rights for own interests
The West has its own redline for the human rights advocacy and democracy despite using a beautiful rhetoric about such issues, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said on Wednesday. 'What constitutes the West's redline is merely its interests; the illegitimate interests that if failed to be secured, issues like democracy and human rights and other similar slogans are going to cause no sense for the West. On the other hand, they only heed the language of ...

Other\'s rights

Other\'s rights
Non-fulfillment of another\'s right, without a valid excuse is the twenty-sixth greater sin. If a person who has some right upon someone and demands his right but the one on whom the obligation rests does not fulfill the right, even though he is capable of it, then this person has committed a greater sin. Non-fulfillment of rights as a greater sin is according to Nass (Holy Quran and hadith). The frequently quoted tradition of Amash from Imam ...

Why are the Prophets Free of Sin and Error?

Why are the Prophets Free of Sin and Error?
Without doubt, more important than anything else, a prophet must attract the trust of the general public in such a way that his words contain no possibility of being lies or erroneous, otherwise, his position of leadership will be a shaky one.If they are not immaculate, using the excuse that the prophets have erred, people who seek the truth from what they say will begin to doubt their invitation. It will not be accepted, or, at least, their ...

Turkey investigating Russian claims on smuggled Syrian antiquities

Turkey investigating Russian claims on smuggled Syrian antiquities
Turkey says it is “seriously” investigating Russian allegations that Daesh has been selling antiques and artifacts smuggled from Syria in a Turkish border town. “Even though the claims in the Russian media and recently brought to the UN by the Russian authorities have been made for political purposes and as propaganda, they are being seriously investigated,” a Foreign Ministry official said. The official said the ...

Ali Ibn Yaqtin: Humanity illustrated

Ali Ibn Yaqtin: Humanity illustrated
Ali Ibn Yaqtin was one of the pupils of Imam Al-Sadiq (A.S) and a loyal follower of him, who was known to be among the most pious and humble men during those times. It is narrated that once the season of Haj had arrived, Ali found out that Imam Al-Sadiq (A.S) is going to Haj as well; therefore, he decided to accompany the Imam as well. He had saved up some coins for his journey for a long time, and he was counting the days to arrive in Mecca and ...

Marriage as a fixed law in the cosmos

Marriage as a fixed law in the cosmos
The Principle of Marriage in the Cosmos And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.[Holy Quran: Zariyat 51:49] The System of Joining and Coupling in Inanimate Objects Allah (God) wisely and fairly willed to create pairs of everything in the firmly-founded and extensive order of Creation. In the expansive scene of Creation the pairing of everything is an absolute truth with no exception. Even before man came to ...

Egypt orders Muslim preachers to deliver identical weekly sermons

Egypt orders Muslim preachers to deliver identical weekly sermons
Egyptian authorities said that Muslim clerics would be required to read out identical pre-written weekly sermons as part of the government's campaign against extremism, drawing angry criticism from some preachers. The ministry of religious endowments has since 2014 been providing imams with topics for their sermons at Friday prayers but the latest move confines preachers across the country to reading from the same script. "No one disagreed ...

Saudi Shiites take to the streets to mark Sheikh Nimr execution

Saudi Shiites take to the streets to mark Sheikh Nimr execution
Hundreds of Shiites from al-Awamiyah village in Qatif region of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, took to the streets to mark the first anniversary of the execution of prominent cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by Saudi regime. The rally started from Shahid Khalid guest house and participants carried signs of Sheikh Nimr and chanted “He is always alive”, Tasnim reported. They condemned the kingdom for this execution and accused the ...

Prosperity does not depend on having more wealth

Prosperity does not depend on having more wealth
The Path to Prosperity At first we will mention the following words from the Commander of the Faithful about prosperity. These divine and wise words have risen out of his heavenly heart to guide man towards prosperity. In response to one who asked what prosperity is he said: Prosperity does not depend on having more wealth, children, but it depends on having more knowledge, patience and perseverance; and on being proud of your worshipping of ...

Etiquette of Drinking

Etiquette of Drinking
(A.S) said: “When anyone of you drinks water and say Bismillah (In the name of Gad), then he interrupts drinking and says, Alhamdo lillah (Praise be to Allah), and repeats the process three time, water will praise the Lord on his behalf (as long as it stays in his stomach) until it leaves his body.” According to abu-Dawood al-Raqy. “I was in Imam Sadiq’s (A.S); I have never drank cold water but remembered Hussain (A.S) ...

Another Testimony to Islam's Universality

Another Testimony to Islam's Universality
In 6 A.H., the Holy Prophet of Islam dispatched several representatives to rulers and kings of different parts of the world, each with a letter in which he invited them to become Muslims and submit to God's faith. All these letters had the same purport, that is, the invitation to monotheism and Islamic fraternity.Since the Holy Prophet's mission was divine, in obedience to God's command, consistent with human nature, and meant to lead people to ...

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam
Mankind's creation is based upon his freedom in life, independence in carrying out daily affairs and in control over choices. No one has the right to make another his slave imprisoning that individual to serve his own needs. To deprive others of freedom and free will is a mortal sin, capital treason and a great crime. Liberty and the control over one's affairs are ingrained in man's essence, whose nature was created with this truth in mind. ...

Revisiting Averroes to Understand the “Other”

Revisiting Averroes to Understand the “Other”
The persistence of the logic of war Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union, it is true that some Western analysts continued to ask themselves, “After Communism, who will be the West’s enemy?” This as if the “end of one war”, in this case the Cold War, would just be an opportunity to spark another, or, in philosophical terms, as if the West’s “I” could only affirm itself through the negation of the ...