Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Obstruction to Matrimony

Obstruction to Matrimony
Today’s discussion will focus on the impediments that the present society wrongly imposes to obstruct matrimony. I shall dwell on these very briefly. Removing these impediments by delivering one or several talks on the matter might not be possible. But I am certain my talk will start the audience thinking! Making Lame Excuses The first impediment in the way of matrimony of young people is the making of lame excuses, sometimes by the ...

The Axiological Dimension of Tolerance

The Axiological Dimension of Tolerance
ABSTRACT:I contend that tolerance is not the expression of a simple attitude, but constitutes a moral value which penetrates all spheres of social life. My argument assumes that globalization is a fundamental tendency of the contemporary world and that the ideal of such a world cannot be enacted without tolerance. After identifying the constituent elements of this value and its conditions of functioning, we conclude that any reconstruction of ...

Guaranteeing men’s prosperity

Guaranteeing men’s prosperity
The Position and Worth of Children Children, whether male or female, are the greatest and most beneficial blessing that God has favored his servants with. The Prophet Abraham (Pbuh) did not have any children and was sad about this. When he was very old, God gave his worthy servant two sons: Ismael and Issac. Issac is the source of the divine Prophets until the time of Jesus and Ismael is the source of all the Prophets to the time of ...

Interesting Islamic Books

Interesting Islamic Books
Sahif Alawiya, collection of duas •Then I was guided •Books on the History of the Prophets •Kitab al-Kafi •Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar al-Akhbar, by Shaykh Tabarsi •The Treatise On Rights, Imam Sajjad as.gif •ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT by Imam Khomeini. •The beliefs of Shia Imamiyyah, By Shaykh al-Saduq •Fadhaail-ush-Shia, by Shaykh al-Saduq •The Ahlulbayt : Ethical Role-Models, by Sayyid Mahdi as-Sadr ...

Fatwas by 6 Grand Ayatollahs about attributing lies to individuals in cyberspace

Fatwas by 6 Grand Ayatollahs about attributing lies to individuals in cyberspace
Question: Considering that in the cyberspace anyone can open an account in the name of others and start publishing, sometimes some people do so and publish lies and rumours in the of famous people. What is your opinion about these cases? Is distributing lies and rumours in cyberspace different to non-cyberspace? Is the person who does so is liable? The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi Zanjani: These acts are Haram and in some cases cause liability. The ...

Education in Islam

Education in Islam
In a society where religion and knowledge in general and science in particular do not go hand in hand, it seems necessary to briefly describe the position of Islam vis-à-vis knowledge, Islam, in theory as well as in practice, has always promoted knowledge. Distinctive mark of human beings over the angels is knowledge:"And Allah taught Adam all the names…” (2:31)The first verses of the Quran began with the word:"Read. Read in ...

The Different Grades of Sileh Rahmi

The Different Grades of Sileh Rahmi
Shaheed-e-Thani1 (r.a.) describes the grades of Sileh Rahmi in the following words: It is deduced from the traditions that the highest stage of Sileh Rahmi is to consider the relatives as our own selves. That is, we should wish for our relations whatever we wish for ourselves. The next stage of Sileh Rahmi is to help relatives overcome the difficulties and hardships they may be facing. Next, we must earnestly try to benefit our kith and kin as ...

Rights of the Relatives and the Ease in Reckoning

Rights of the Relatives and the Ease in Reckoning
The Creator of the Universe, Almighty Allah remarks in the Holy Quran: "Certainly Allah orders equity, kindness (to people) and the giving (of what they need) to the relatives."  (Surah Nahl 16:90) In Surah Raad is the following verse: "And those who join that which Allah has bidden to be joined and have awe of their Lord and fear the evil reckoning."  (Surah Raad 13:21) The expression 'reckoning' in this Ayat denotes the accounting of one's ...

There is a tradition which says that the good-doing Jinns do not enter Paradise; rather they will be made to stand along with sinful Shiites in between Paradise and Hell. What is your opinion in this regard?

There is a tradition which says that the good-doing Jinns do not enter Paradise; rather they will be made to stand along with sinful Shiites in between Paradise and Hell. What is your opinion in this regard?
Salamun alaikum, Please tell me whether the following hadith is authentic or not. The Infallible was asked: "Do the believing Jinns enter Paradise?" The Imam answered: "No, God has gardens between Paradise and Hell where they and corrupt Shiites shall dwell. (Footnote: Safinatul Behar, Muhaddith Qommi, vol.1, pg. 186)Concise answer There are many verses in the Holy Quran which indicate that the Jinns are also duty-bound like humans and they are ...

Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage

Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage
And those who pray, "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." [Holy Quran: Furqan 25:74] Marriage Negotiations When a marriage is being considered, it is customary among Muslims to conduct investigations about both families. Then they conduct negotiations to determine the conditions for the marriage and the wedding ceremony, and to establish the amount of ...

Afghan Forces Kill Over 40 ISIS Militants in 24 Hours

Afghan Forces Kill Over 40 ISIS Militants in 24 Hours
Afghan security forces and national defense killed 58 insurgents, including 43 ISIS terrorists in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar, according to a ...

Gunmen kill eight worshippers in Sudan's Darfur

Gunmen kill eight worshippers in Sudan's Darfur
 Arab tribesmen shot dead eight ethnic minority villagers as they prayed in a revenge killing in Sudan’s war-torn Darfur region, a medic and a tribal leader said on ...

Hygiene in the Family Structure

Hygiene in the Family Structure
Once the marriage takes place and the young couple start their mutual life with love and affection, they must attend to basic issues in life, and seriously avoid any indifference or sluggishness in this regard. One of these basic issues is cleanliness and hygiene in all aspects of life. We must pay close attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of our body, hair, mouth and teeth, clothing, the floor covering, living accommodations especially ...

The Principles of Spirituality in the Family

The Principles of Spirituality in the Family
Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: Fear God: [Holy Quran: Maida 5:3] Spiritual Blessings Many blessings have been bestowed upon man by God to live a pure life, and only God knows the value of these blessings. Some of these blessings left for us are the intellect, the Quran, Prophethood, Imamat, religious scholars and the literature on practical, moral and religious issues. We will ...

English-speaking event to commemorate Hazrat Zahra (AS) in Tehran

English-speaking event to commemorate Hazrat Zahra (AS) in Tehran
A commemoration gathering on the occasion of Hazrat Zahra (SA) Martyrdom Anniversary will take place at Tehran’s Eivan-e Shams Hall. The 2-day event which is going to be held in English language, will host lovers of Ahlul-Bait on Wednesday and Thursday, since 19:00 PM till 20:30 PM. Cleric Mousavi Khorasani will deliver a speech in English, during the event arranged on the occasion of martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (AS), daughter of the ...

Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?

Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?
There's a thread on Shia forums as "Confidence, Ujb, Tawakkul, Pride, Faith, and relating subjects; How do they fit together?" we would be glad if you answered it. ThanksConcise answerIn view of the fact that ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies good and bad moral traits, voluntary conducts and volitional behaviors, it is very much logical and scientific to discuss and put all moral traits together. The good moral traits are certainty, ...

Was Islam Spread by the Sword?

Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
It is a common misconception with some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of adherents all over the world, if it had not been spread by the use of force. The following points will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam. Islam has always given respect and freedom of religion to all faiths.  Freedom of religion is ...

The Sunni Theory of Government

The Sunni Theory of Government
Those Muslims who claim that they follow the traditions (the statements and practices) of Muhammad Mustafa, the Prophe of Islam, and of his companions, are called Ahl-es-Sunnat wal-Jama'at or Sunni. They also call themselves “orthodox” Muslims, and they make up the overwhelming majority of the Muslims in the world.The Sunni Muslims believe that the Prophet of Islam did not designate anyone as his successor, and he (probably) assumed ...

Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage

Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage
When a marriage is being considered, it is customary among Muslims to conduct investigations about both families. Then they conduct negotiations to determine the conditions for the marriage and the wedding ceremony, and to establish the amount of the nuptial gift. Among the questions asked, the families should try to answer those questions that are appropriate and within the framework of the holy religion. They should also do the same regarding ...

Freedom of women in the Islamic system

Freedom of women in the Islamic system
Question:  You have been accused of being against civilization and you have turned the accusation against the Shah.  That is not necessarily convincing.  How do you stand on specific issues like agrarian reform, industrialization and the status of women? Reply:  . . . As for women, Islam has never been against their freedom.  It is, to the contrary, opposed to the idea of woman-as-object and it gives her back her dignity.  A woman is a ...