Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

A wonderful Tradition on the authority of Allah over people

A wonderful Tradition on the authority of Allah over people
Abdul A’la, the freed slave of aal[2] Sam, narrated that he had heard Imam as-Sadiq (s) saying: “On the Day of Resurrection a beautiful woman, who has been deceived by her beauty, will be brought to be tried. She will say, “O my Lord, You have made me so beautiful so that I did so and so.” Then the Blessed Virgin Mary (s) will be brought forward. It will be said (to the woman), “Are you more beautiful than this one? We have made her ...

The Concept of Messiah in Islam

The Concept of Messiah in Islam
INTRODUCTION Islam, being the youngest of the three great revealed religions, shares many ideas and concepts with Christianity and Judaism because the origin of all three religions is the same God. One of those ideas is that of messianism, the idea of expecting someone who will came as the saviour to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. In today's talk, let us briefly look at the concept of messiah in Islam. MESSIANISM IN ISLAM Muslims ...

The Importance of Brushing the Teeth in Islam

The Importance of Brushing the Teeth in Islam
Brushing the teeth not only helps one look better and feel healthier, but also it pleases God. The religious leaders of Islam emphasized on this fact and suggested their followers to brush their teeth too.According to Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P), “If you brush your teeth before saying your prayers, that prayer is better than seventy five prayers one says without brushing his teeth.”Imam Sadiq (A.S) said, “When you wake ...

How I became a Muslim

How I became a Muslim
In the Name of Allah, most Compassionate, most Merciful I was raised in a moderately Christian home in Colorado. Religion was never much of an issue in my house. My father was raised as a Mormon, my mother as a Protestant. I can remember my parents dropping my brother off at Sunday School, but instead of going to church while we were in religious classes, they would go home. As I grew to adolescence, I became curious about God, wondering ...

Some advice to a young sis who wants to wear hijab

Some advice to a young sis who wants to wear hijab
I am a Muslim teenager who practices the modest dress (hijab) because I believe that this is what God has asked me to do, according to the Qur'an. Many of my Jewish and Christian friends in high school do not understand why I do this. Can you please help me explain it to them? A Muslim Sister Assalamu alaykum. Many of your Christian friends have seen Catholic priests and nuns who practice the modest dress. The world famous Mother Teresa ...

How to thank Allah (SWT) after performing Wajib Salaat?

How to thank Allah (SWT) after performing Wajib Salaat?
-It is narrated from Imam Reza (AS) who said: The prostration (Sijdah) after performing Wajib Salaat, is a kind of thanking God for the blessing granted to God’s servant to be able to perform his/her religious duty, and the saying which is repeated at least three times while prostrating is: “Shokran Lellah”. Imam Reza (AS) was asked: What is the meaning of “Shokran Lellah”? Imam Reza (AS) replied: It means that the ...


The Ahlul Bayt (as) who carries the most wisdom and knowledge of the seen and unseen are they who most fear Allah (SWT) and pass their every second in life reflecting and pondering about the most important subjects. It is written by the scholars that once our 11th Imam, Imam Hassan Askari (as) who was still a child was standing between some other children who were playing and having fun. Suddenly a lover of the Ahlul Bayt (as) was passing by. ...

To Respect One’s Parents

To Respect One’s Parents
Parents have a high position, as they are responsible for giving birth to children and for raising them. That is why Islam has recommended people to always accord due respect to the parents:“And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal. “But if they ...

Secrets of the Hajj

Secrets of the Hajj
The entire journey of Hajj is a spirituality excursion that covers three stages:The First Stage: Cutting oft affinity from all things with the exception of Allah in order to reach to Allah.The Second Stage: Continuing towards Allah and strengthening the alliance (with Him), until one reaches to Allah and (the true) essence of worship.The Third Stage: Once a person has reached to the level of perfection and has arrived at the stage of (true) ...

Compatibility between Faith and Nature

Compatibility between Faith and Nature

Hajj in Social Perspective

Hajj in Social Perspective
The fact that Hajj has been granted the status of being the third pillar of the secondary principles (Foroudeen) Islam is itself an indication of its importance in religion (Deen). Indeed, such stress has been laid on the performance of Hajj that no person upon whom Hajj has become compulsory should ever delay in fulfilling this obligation. The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said: “The one who was not prevented from Hajj by a definite need, ...

What Makes a Dad

What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,The majesty of a tree,The warmth of a summer sun,The calm of a quiet sea,The generous soul of nature,The comforting arm of night,The wisdom of the ages,The power of the eagle's flight,The joy of a morning in spring,The faith of a mustard seed,The patience of eternity,The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities,When there was nothing more to add,He knew His masterpiece was complete,And ...

Science in Islamic Philosophy

Science in Islamic Philosophy
Islam attempts to synthesize reason and revelation, knowledge and values, in its approach to the study of nature. Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and through the Qur'an are seen as complementary: both are 'signs of God' that enable humanity to study and understand nature. Between the second and eighth centuries AH (eighth and fifteenth centuries CE), when Muslim civilization was at its zenith, metaphysics, epistemology and ...

The Word hijab

The Word hijab
We believe in a particular philosophy in Islam for woman's hijab or modest dress which forms our intellectual point of view and in regard to analysis, it can be called the basis for the Islamic modest dress.  Before we begin our discussion, it is necessary to look at the meaning of the word hijab which is used in our age to refer to a woman's covering. This word gives the sense of 'covering' because it refers to a veil or a means of 'covering' ...

The Perfect Man from the Viewpoint of Islam

The Perfect Man from the Viewpoint of Islam

Shah fled Iran

Shah fled Iran
January 16, 1979 remains in the mind of the Iranian people as a golden day when the then despotic ruler of Iran, Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi fled the country, faced with nationwide demonstrations and opposition. The then winter season seemed to have gown warm as the people saw themselves at last free from a 50-year spell of despotism started by the Pahlavi regime in Iran. The feat was completed fourteen days later when Imam Ruhollah Mousavi ...

The Philosophical Issue Regarding Knowledge

The Philosophical Issue Regarding Knowledge

Defense - The Spirit of Jihad

Defense - The Spirit of Jihad
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.Defense - the Spirit of JihadOne of the points that now comes into question is the Islamic view of the essence and spirit of jihad. On this point there is complete agreement amongst researchers; the essence of jihad is defense, meaning that not one of them even suspects jihad, or any kind of fighting, that is motivated by aggression, by lust for the wealth and riches and other resources of the ...

The Interior Life in Islam

The Interior Life in Islam
O thou soul which are at peace, return unto thy Lord, with gladness that is thine in Him and His in thee. Enter thou among My slaves. Enter thou My Paradise ." The function of religion is to bestow order upon human life and to establish an "outward" harmony upon whose basis man can return inwardly to his Origin by means of the journey toward the "interior" direction. This universal function is especially true of Islam, this last religion of ...

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Path towards education never ends

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Path towards education never ends
 "The path towards education is open to everyone including seminary graduates as you must endeavor to educate yourselves for as much as you can, "Ayatollah Javadi said, addressing female seminary students in a ...