Saturday 20th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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INDEPENDENCE OF CHOOSING DESTINY   One day a girl, who looked very perturbed, came to the Holy Prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah! My father has done me a great injustice".  "What has your father done?"  "He has a nephew and he has married me to him without taking my consent".  "If so, agree to what he has done and be the wife of your cousin  "I don't like my cousin. How can I be the wife of a person whom I don't like".  ...

The Commemoration of Imam Hussein (A.S), A School for the Seekers of the Truth

The Commemoration of Imam Hussein (A.S), A School for the Seekers of the Truth
The Commemoration of Imam Hussein (A.S) has been observed by the followers of Ahl-ul-Bayt (members of the House of the Prophet (PBUH)) for centuries; yet many Muslims resent it, thinking that this would divide or increase the division of the Muslims. To my understanding this argument is unsound for the following reasons:-- Imam Hussein and his opponent, Yazid, are on the opposite ends of the Heavenly Scale. There is no Muslim School that doubts ...

Vatican denies Italian report Pope Francis has brain tumor

Vatican denies Italian report Pope Francis has brain tumor
The Vatican on Wednesday denied an Italian media report that Pope Francis has a benign brain tumor. "The pope is carrying out his activity with his usual high level of intensity. Spreading unfounded news is gravely irresponsible and is not worthy of attention," spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said in a statement. The newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale, a national paper based in central Italy, reported on its front page on Wednesday that the ...

Muharram mourning hold in Malaysia 1437-2015

 Muharram mourning hold in Malaysia 1437-2015
Muharram mourning hold in Malaysia 1437-2015 Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUT). Shiite begin mourning from the first ...


MARRIAGE BEFORE BIRTH   One day, during his last pilgrimage, while the Holy Prophet was riding and had a whip in his hand, a man approached him on the way and said:  "I have a complaint to make".  "Yes, what's the matter?"  "Years ago, during the pre-Islamic days, Tariq ibn Murqa'a and I took part in a battle. During the fighting he came to require a lance and cried: "Is there anybody who will give me a lance and take a reward?" I ...

The Massacre of Nigerian Shiites in Zaria – A Martyr’s Testimony

The Massacre of Nigerian Shiites in Zaria – A Martyr’s Testimony
    Bukhari Muhammed Bello Jega was one of the victims of a recent bloody anti-Shia crackdown in the town of Zaria, Nigeria. A man of peace, and a man of faith, Bukhari was slain by radicals alongside his wife and baby daughter, for his beliefs differed from that of Wahhabi clerics.Bukhari Muhammed Bello Jega was one of the victims of a recent bloody anti-Shia crackdown in the town of Zaria, Nigeria. A man of peace, and a man of ...

The Noteworthy Duties of Parents

The Noteworthy Duties of Parents
The Noteworthy Duties of Parents On the other hand, the matter is different for the parents, for they are the means by which you are here. And God (Exalted) is the one who put the secret of life in the sperm. He is the one who brought into being all the factors for the development of this sperm which become a clinging mass, then blood, then bones; then clothes these bones with flesh; then makes them into a different form of creation. And when ...

Islam buried in DNA of African-Americans

Islam buried in DNA of African-Americans
Akbar Muhammad, International representative for the Nation of Islam (NOI), the oldest Black Nationalist organization in the US, underlined that there is a strong connection between black people and teachings of Islam, saying Islam is “buried in the DNA” of African-Americans. “The reason that Islam is so attractive to the black people in America is because Islam is buried in their DNA,” Muhammad said in Tehran. He said ...

My Journey to Islam

My Journey to Islam
as-Salaamon 'Alaikom wa Rahmatollahi wa Barakatoh!My real name is Greg(ory) Sowden. I reverted to Islam from the Roman Catholic church on December 15, 2001 (Ramadhan 29, 1422). I have chosen the Muslim name Ali Mahdi. I'm 20 years old. My birthday is July 26, 1985. When I’m done my BA, I’d like to go to Qom al-Moqaddas (Islamic Republic of Iran) and study at the Hawzah (seminary) there.I go to Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, ...

Truth is the beauty of speech and ground of success

Truth is the beauty of speech and ground of success
Truth stands for the conformity between word and deed. It plays a great role in the lives of both the individuals and communities. Truth is the beauty of speech and ground of success. From this cause, the Islamic Sharia, ( 1 ) in both the Qur’an  and Sunna, ( 2 ) glorified and urged telling truth:“Those who have brought the truth and those who have acknowledged it are those who have fear of Allah. They will receive whatever they ...

Bahrain court gives life sentences to 12 people

Bahrain court gives life sentences to 12 people
A court in Bahrain has sentenced twelve people to life imprisonment and revoked their citizenship over alleged involvement in plotting bomb attacks against Al Khalifa regime forces in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom. Bahrain's high criminal court, presided by Judge Sheikh Mohammed bin Ali Al Khalifa, ruled on Sunday that the defendants had formed what it termed as a “terrorist group that carried out a string of bombings against members of ...

What is a Shariah Law?

What is a Shariah Law?
There is a difference but a yet a strong link between the words deen and sharia. Deen means religion, while Shari'a means the laws of Islam. Shari'a are the Islamic laws that govern our way of life, and without it, the deen is incomplete. What is the source of Shari'a law in Islam? In Islam we are bound by rules formulated by the following: 1. Directly by Allah (Qur'an) 2. By the Prophet or Imams; the Sunnah (Hadith) 3. Mujtahids* (Mujtahid ...

Maintenance of Children

Maintenance of Children
It is Wajib upon the parents to bear the expenses of the children right from the time of their birth till they become independent, and in case of a daughter, till she gets married. Arranging the Marriage One of the most important duties of the father is to arrange for the marriage of the son when he attains maturity. In case of the daughter too the father must strive to find a good match for her. The parents cannot restrain their daughter from ...

The Importance of father

The Importance of father
The father is an integral part of the family. Traditional family values have always maintained this and few would doubt that a father figure is a positive thing for children.Experts say that within the next decade, the number of unconventional families will outnumber "traditional" ones. More and more, research shows that we may be heading in a bad direction. Children growing up without the stability of a two-parent home are much more at ...

With Abu Jahal

With Abu Jahal
With Abu JahalAl-Hamza set off for the hills overlooking Makkah. His strong horse was going up the sand hills. It was galloping along the valleys. Al-Hamza was looking carefully at the lovely scenery.The sky was blue and clear. The hills were covered with sunshine. So the grains of sand were glittering in the sun.Al-Hamza was thinking about our Master Muhammad's mission. His heart was with Allah's Apostle. He was repeating to ...

To Respect One’s Parents

To Respect One’s Parents
Parents have a high position, as they are responsible for giving birth to children and for raising them. That is why Islam has recommended people to always accord due respect to the parents:“And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal. “But if they ...

Haram ingredients found in most of imported food items in Pakistan

Haram ingredients found in most of imported food items in Pakistan
National Assembly of Islamabad came into shock when they got to know Haram ingredients being sold in the country. The official informed that most of the imported packed food items being sold in the country contained Haram ingredients. Haram (prohibited) ingredients are those ingredients whose source are from pork, pork by-products, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, human body such as human hair. To give a clear picture to this issue the ...

Bahraini forces question Al-Wefaqn activist 'Khalil Al-Marzooq' over political seminars during Ramadan

Bahraini forces question Al-Wefaqn activist 'Khalil Al-Marzooq' over political seminars during Ramadan
hlul Bayt News Agency - The Bahraini security authorities summoned the Assistant Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq, Khalil Al-Marzooq, for questioning over the political meetings he held during Ramadan in a number of villages across the island kingdom.Al-Marzooq was questioned about his last seminar in Al-Diraz village, held on June 27, 2015, despite the security forces' attempts to prevent it.The authorities charged Al-Marzooq with insulting the ...

ISIS Selling 10,000-Year-Old Antiques in Syria

ISIS Selling 10,000-Year-Old Antiques in Syria
Militants fighting for the ISIS in Syria are making millions of pounds selling ancient statues and mosaics to wealthy Westerners using a complex system of smugglers and middle men. Looted from ancient buildings in ISIS strongholds, such as the group's de facto capital city Raqqa, the antiquities are up to 10,000-years-old and can exchange hands for more than $1 million each. The most expensive items are covertly smuggled overseas - usually on ...

Human rights group urges UK PM to search roots for ISIS' rise at home

Human rights group urges UK PM to search roots for ISIS' rise at home
A human rights body in Britain urged the UK Prime Minister David Cameron to search for the roots of the ISIS rise at home. The Islamic Human Rights Commission said in a statement here that “the PM would be better served by looking at Britain's own and wider western policy in the region which gave birth to ISIS.” The statement comes as an answer to the Prime Minister who recently accused some Islamic groups of supporting the ...