Sunday 21st of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Branches of Religion

The Branches of Religion
To be a sincere and good, practicing Muslim in the way of Islam and Allah, you should know Fooroo-e-deen. To consider yourself a lover and follower of Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.), you should test yourself and practice these ten Practices’ of Faith. They are of the following:   Fooroo-e-deen 1. Salat: Prayer 2. Sawm: Fasting 3. Hajj: Pilgrimage 4. Zakat: A poor rate (Charity) 5. Khums: one-fifth tax 6. Jehad: Holy Sacrifice, defense 7. Amar bil ...

The Problem of Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy

The Problem of Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy
IntroductionHe makes the night enter into the day and makes the day to enter into the night and brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living. (The Holy Quran)Conflict, collision and struggle are some of the fixed characteristics of this world. This condition is clearly perceived through superficial observation and profoundly revealed through scientific and philosophical enquiry. We live in a world full of ...

Az-Ziyara Al-Jame’a Al-Kabeera: The Major Comprehensive Pilgrimage

Az-Ziyara Al-Jame’a Al-Kabeera: The Major Comprehensive Pilgrimage

The Guarded Tablet (Lohe Mahfouz)

The Guarded Tablet (Lohe Mahfouz)
In The Name Of God, the all Compassionate, the all Merciful (786) The Guarded Tablet (Lohe Mahfouz) is an exquisite work by Allameh Hafezian. This work has been created and composed in accordance with the special mystical knowledge of numbers and their potentially latent and secret laden relationships among numbers and words. The work has also moved in line with complementary tables of 25x25 and by virtue of the Holy Quran verses and the ...

The Event of Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

The Event of Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
Ghadir and the Guardianship of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) Abu Al-Abbas Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Hamyari, a great third century scholar, quotes Sindi Ibn Muhammad as saying, Safwan Jammal quotes Imam Sadiq (a.s.) as saying: When this verse was revealed about the guardianship of Ali (a.s.), Prophet of Allah (S) ordered that the ground under the trees over there be cleaned and his followers did so clearing it from the brushwood and preparing a sunshade for ...

The Concepts of Irfan, Sufism, Hikmat and Philosophy

The Concepts of Irfan, Sufism, Hikmat and Philosophy
In the cosmic realm, human beings are like balls released into space which have within them a hidden potential energy for flight into an infinitely sublime world. But the gravitational attraction of worldly pleasures draws them toward the depths of the material world, as a result of which they fall and become degenerate; and the selfish tendencies and Satanic temptations which have become embodied in materialistic civilizations and cultures ...

Asking one’s need from other than Allah

Asking one’s need from other than Allah
Asking one’s need from other than Allah   Question: Is it not polytheistic to ask for one’s needs from anyone other than Allah (awj) such as the Prophet (ص) or the infallible Imams (ع) since it is Allah (awj) who is the Fulfiller of Needs?     Brief Answer   If one reveres, refers or takes recourse to, or seeks one’s needs from these personages with the intention that are separate from Allah (awj) and independent of ...

Collapse of peace talks with Taliban leaves US reeling

Collapse of peace talks with Taliban leaves US reeling
The US special envoy for peace in Afghanistan is “disappointed” over the collapse of a peace talks even before they started between the Taliban and Afghan politicians in Qatar. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The US special envoy for peace in Afghanistan is “disappointed” over the collapse of a peace talks even before they started between the Taliban and Afghan politicians in Qatar. A delegation of 250 Afghan politicians and civil ...

Whose New Year Is It?

Whose New Year Is It?
Today is the 1st of January of the Gregorian calendar, a day celebrated as New Year in the West and in countries following the culture of their former colonial masters.Of course, January 1 is not the New Year of the Muslims. Neither has it any significance for any other religion anywhere in the world, such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shamanism, Animism, and even Christianity.In other words, none of the religious texts ...

The Evidence of Experience

The Evidence of Experience
Were the phenomenon of the spirit, which is non-material in all its aspects, to be made the subject of experimentation, so that its autonomous existence became fully proven, despite its remoteness from sense perception, it would have a profound effect in causing men to believe more fully in the spirit. This would be the case particularly with those who are unable to understand subtle and complex questions and who are more inclined to accept ...

Hijab photo exhibition held in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan

Hijab photo exhibition held in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan
The city of Mazar-i-Sharif in north of Afghanistan hosted a one-day exhibition of photos featuring Hijab and Ifaf ...

Let's Invite Each Other to Piety

Let's Invite Each Other to Piety
Considering that not all men and women can attain the first two degrees of piety being (1) outstanding and (2) especial piety, we should not invite the general public to these two stages of piety as these degrees of piety belong only to the Prophets, the Imams and God's especial Saints. However, it is feasible for all men and women to attain ordinary or the general type of piety; that is to abstain from the religiously forbidden ethical, carnal ...

Dangerous situation in Bahrain; When Bahrain Says You’re Not Bahraini Anymore

Dangerous situation in Bahrain; When Bahrain Says You’re Not Bahraini Anymore
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - I was asleep when I found out,” recalls former Bahraini citizen Taimoor Karimi. “My kids came in and woke me up. All they could say was, ‘Dad, we’ve got bad news. You’re on the list.’” His nationality had just been revoked. Karimi is one of 159 people made stateless by the Bahraini government since 2012. On three separate occasions, with no prior warning, the state has published ...

Acceptability of the new appointed places for pilgrims in ‘Arafãt and Mina

Acceptability of the new appointed places for pilgrims in ‘Arafãt and Mina
(Shia International News Association) - The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered some questions regarding Hajj. According to Shafaqna the questions and answers are as follows:   Question: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia assigns the places for pilgrims in ‘Arafãt and Mina. We do not know whether or not those appointed places are within the boundaries required by the shari‘a? Are we obliged to inquire and ask about the ...

Ayat. Noori Hamedani: If all Muslims stand united, Zionism to be perished from Earth

Ayat. Noori Hamedani: If all Muslims stand united, Zionism to be perished from Earth
The senior scholar added, "Iran used to be under control of foreign powers and it had no independence over its affairs, but the 1979 Islamic Revolution restored Iranians' pride and national ...

The Original Sin of Adam and Eve

The Original Sin of Adam and Eve
The Original Sin of Adam and Eve   Question: Did Adam commit a sin? What about the question of the infallibility of the Divinely sent prophets?     Brief Answer   In order to arrive at the answer, a few preliminary points must be considered. It must first be pointed out that the Divine prophets and their deputies enjoy lofty spiritual and existential stations in the order of existence. They are the hidden rays of Divine ...

Anger Management Techniques

Anger Management Techniques
To solve the problem of anger we first need to recognize the anger within our mind, acknowledge how it harms both us and others and appreciate the benefits of being patient in the face of difficulties. We then need to apply practical methods in our daily life to reduce our anger and finally to prevent it from arising at all.What is anger? Anger is a deluded mind that focuses on an animate or inanimate object, feels it to be unattractive, ...

Who is Husasin' volunteers assist elderly in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Who is Husasin' volunteers assist elderly in Zanzibar, Tanzania

The elderly are the foundation of any community and for this reason the 'Who is Husasin' volunteers of Zanzibar (an island in Tanzania in East Africa) went to visit an old people home located in Sebleni, Ammani Zanzibar. Accompanying them were bags of gifts that were donated consisting of some daily use items such as packet of soap, a bottle of perfume, a hand towel and clothes for both males and females.

Pertaining to the parent and the child:

Pertaining to the parent and the child:
Addendum of Narrations (2) Pertaining to the parent and the child: The Messenger of God said: "Be kind to your children, and excel in this kindness." He also said: "Train your children in three things: "The love of your prophet, the love of the Ahlul Bayt, and the recitation of the Quran." He also said: "The child does not inherit anything better from his father than good manners." Imam Ali b. Abi Talib said: "Train your ...

A Bad Name and Family

A Bad Name and Family
By: Ayatullah Ja`far Subhani {…and do not defame one another by using bad names. How bad it is after having true faith that a person (does these acts) but does not turn in repentance (to Allah) so then surely it is these people who are the oppressors.} Bad Names and Titles The name and title of a person are the manifestation of the character of that individual. It is because of this fact that a good name and title are classified as being the ...