Saturday 28th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Reasons Why People Gravitate Towards Atheism

Reasons Why People Gravitate Towards Atheism
Incidentally, there are other people who have been able to recognize the things which pain this generation and have been able to misuse these youth and misguide them.  What path did the teachings of materialism - which have even appeared in this country (Irān) – use which were able to make people sacrifice their lives for these things and for the purpose of atheism?  They used this same path (that we are after) since they knew that this ...

Yazidi Girls Sexually Abused by ISIS Tell the Story of "Hell"

Yazidi Girls Sexually Abused by ISIS Tell the Story of "Hell"
In a report titled, “Escape From Hell,” Amnesty International detailed the ordeals of 42 women and girls who managed to escape from their captors, who included fighters with the IS group (also known as ISIS or ISIL) as well as IS supporters such as local businessmen in northern Iraq.Months after IS fighters swept through swathes of northern Iraq in a lightening summer offensive, details of the crimes against humanity being ...

Bahrainis continue sit-in protest in front of Sheikh Issa Qassim's residence in Diraz

Bahrainis continue sit-in protest in front of Sheikh Issa Qassim's residence in Diraz
- The sit-in started when the Bahraini authorities stormed Sheikh Qassim’s residence to hold him under arrest over the content of sermons he delivered called the regime to make social reforms and practice equity amongst the people. Earlier, dozens of people rallied in Bahrain ahead of nationwide ceremonies in commemoration of political dissidents and pro-democracy campaigners killed at the hands of regime forces. Demonstrators took ...

Grand Ayatollah Noori: Jannat al-Baqi, sign of righteousness

Grand Ayatollah Noori: Jannat al-Baqi, sign of righteousness
Grand Ayatollah Hussein Noori Hamedani, a Shia source of emulation, released a statement on the anniversary of Jannat al-Baqi's demolition by Al Saud in early 20th century. The text of the statement is as follows: In the Name of Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful The month of Shawwal marks the anniversary of Jannat al-Baqi's demolition (the oldest Islamic graveyards located in Medina) by the arrogant regime of Al Saud. This ...

Uganda launches probe into 1979 Muslims massacre

Uganda launches probe into 1979 Muslims massacre
An investigation has been launched into the killings of 67 Muslims in Uganda following the fall of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in 1979. Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, who announced the probe, said a team had been set up to “carry out a thorough verification exercise of all the claims by victims of the 1979 Muslim massacre and report back within three weeks.” “The findings of the verification exercise will form the basis for ...

Sileh Rahmi With the Spiritual Father

Sileh Rahmi With the Spiritual Father
We are indeed indebted to our parents for our physical, mental and spiritual development. But mankind could not have been guided right, without a spiritual father. The essence of spiritual guidance which consists of rules of conduct as approved by Allah have come to us only through the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and it was the sustained and unsparing effort of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) which guided mankind to the path of salvation and eternal ...

Dividing Inheritance

Dividing Inheritance
What is a wife's share?Imam Ali (AS) was once interrupted while he was delivering a sermon from the pulpit by someone who asked him how to distribute the inheritance of someone who had died leaving a wife, his parents and two daughters. The Imam instantly answered:"The wife's share becomes one ninth."How?This answer is in fact the result of a long analysis with a number of steps. Ordinarily, we have to decide on the original share of each of ...

Society and other matters of ordinary life

Society and other matters of ordinary life
THE PRESENT AND THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE Within the situation which existed, revolution at any time, or in any place, will have, political, social and economic causes, which impel a group of people to a movement-by force-against the existing situation, whether because that situation represents a deviation from an ideal which has been portrayed and is present in the faith of the umma, or because that situation does not respond to the aspirations of ...

32 Shiite Muslims from Netherlands, Germany visit Imam Reza Holy Shrine

32 Shiite Muslims from Netherlands, Germany visit Imam Reza Holy Shrine
Head of the youth and students office of Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly stated, "This group of Shittes and elite students living in Netherlands and Germany who had come to Iran for having a cultural trip visited Razavi Holy Shrine, its Qur'an museum and central library. Referring to this visitation as the first experience for many members of this group, Seyyed Moslem Jazayeri added, "Pilgrimage, visitation, and enjoying the spiritual atmosphere of ...

Cooperation between Iranian Quranic Institue and Pakistan

Cooperation between Iranian Quranic Institue and Pakistan
Director of Iran’s Jameat-ol-Quran cultural institute said a branch of the institute has been launched in neighboring Pakistan.Sayyed Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabei said that the institute has also signed an agreement with Pakistan’s Education Ministry on cooperation in teaching the Quran in schools. He noted that 20 books published by the research section of the Jameat-ol-Quran institute have been translated into Urdu. "When they ...

Study: Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence

Study: Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence
The research, conducted by Dr Viren Swami from the University of Westminster and colleagues looked at body image issues amongst British Muslim women. Dr Swami explained: “In the West anxiety about body image, for women, is so prevalent it’s considered normal. This study aimed to explore how these attitudes differ within a British Muslim community.” A total of 587 Muslim women aged from 18 to 70 years from London participated in ...

How to lead a good life?

How to lead a good life?
Once Imam Sadiq (A.S) always implored to God for recompense in the everlasting Hereafter instead of rewarding him in this temporal life here, because the reward will be everlasting in the perpetual life after ...


Workaholism One may become engrossed in the work one does, the purpose of which is simply accepted-or accepted through the leadership that initiated a project and then became stultified in the process. Indeed, the work itself becomes an object of worship in one's outlook; so much so, it does not leave room for any other viewpoint, unless it be in agreement with that of the leadership. The consequence is that people may distance themselves, ...

Media and the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Child

Media and the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Child
Childhood is one of the most important stages in one’s life, because his personality and tendencies are formed during this time, in addition to physical and mental growth. The importance of protecting children from the media invasion and the obliteration of identity:  Childhood is one of the most important stages in one’s life, because his personality and tendencies are formed during this time, in addition to physical and ...

England: Teenage girls arrested after they hurled racist abuse at Muslim couple travelling on a tram with their baby

England: Teenage girls arrested after they hurled racist abuse at Muslim couple travelling on a tram with their baby


by : Sayyid KhomeiniOne of the disciplines of reciting the Qur'an is the presence of heart, to which we have already referred in this book, when we discussed the general disciplines of the acts of worship; so, there is no need to repeat it.Another one of its disciplines is meditation, by which we mean that the reciter of the noble ayahs should look for the destination and the objective. Now as the objective of the Qur'an, as the very luminous ...

A Woman May Work in Every Field

A Woman May Work in Every Field
What is the Islamic view regarding the work of the woman in special fields or fields which do not match her nature as a woman? A woman has the same right as a man to work in any halal work she chooses, and the Shariah does not differentiate between the work of a man and the work of a woman. There are, however, some specifics which may concern the woman in her wifely duties and the natural state of motherhood. Her wifely duties may dictate that ...

Al-Shabaab kills 18, takes 20 hostages in Mogadishu

Al-Shabaab kills 18, takes 20 hostages in Mogadishu
The attack began around 8 pm on Wednesday evening with a suicide car bombing at the Post Treats restaurant and club, after which gunmen stormed inside the nearby Pizza House restaurant. Both venues are popular with affluent, young and diaspora Somalis and were busy on Wednesday, with customers breaking their Ramadan fast. "The operation is over now and the gunmen were killed by the security forces," said Mohamed Ahmed Arab, spokesman for ...

Quran competition planned in Pakistan in Islamic Unity Week

Quran competition planned in Pakistan in Islamic Unity Week
The Iranian Cultural Center in Islamabad, Pakistan, plans to organize a Quran competition in the city on the occasion of the Islamic Unity Week.According to the website of the center, it will be held on Wednesday at Karachi Kompani Mosque in cooperation with Sawt al-Qura al-Alami Institute.24 Quran reciters and memorizers from different parts of Pakistan will take part in the contest in two categories of recitation and memorization of the Holy ...

Afghan air strike kills ISIS commander

Afghan air strike kills ISIS commander
Mohammad Hanif Rezaee, a spokesman for Shaheen 209 Military Corps in Balkh province, said Hikmatullah, along with his bodyguard, was killed in an Afghan air forces airstrike in Moghol village of Darzab district on ...