Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Mahdism Doctrine for Unity of Ummah..

Mahdism Doctrine for Unity of Ummah..
Islam today is at the crossroads, its image in the contemporary world is not positive. Muslims rightfully struggle for self-determination, justice and democracy in their own land is being devastating onslaughts by the monarchal and dictatorial rulers with the help of villainy interests gag them.     In an era of globalization, there is an urgent need to send the message of harmony across different faiths. As for Islam, it is the ...

The Son of the Prophet

The Son of the Prophet
Imam Hassan Mujtaba (as) was the second Imam. He and his brother Imam Hussein were the two sons of Amir al-mu"minin Ali and Hadhrat Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet. Many times the Prophet had said,"Hassan and Hussein are my children". Because of these same words Ali would say to his other children, "You are my children and Hasan and Hussein are the children of the Prophet." Imam Hassan was born in the year 3 A.H. in Medina and shared in ...

Who And What Of The Mahdi

Who And What Of The Mahdi
The Mahdi is not only an embodiment of the Islamic belief but he is also the symbol of an aspiration cherished by mankind irrespective of its divergent religious doctrines. He is also the crystallization of an instructive inspiration through which all people, regardless of their religious affiliations, have learned to await a day when a heavenly mission, with all its implications, will achieve their final goal and the tiring march of humanity ...

Intercession in the Holy Qur’an

Intercession in the Holy Qur’an
There are about 25 verses about intercession in the Holy Qur’an. The word intercession (Shafa’at) and other words derived from it have been repeated 30 times in the Qur’an. The repetition of the words underline the significance of the issue of intercession. These verses may be divided into seven groups.The verses referring to the divine permission for intercessors:Who is he that shall intercede with Him except by his ...

The Knowledge and Generosity of Imam Hadi (AS)

The Knowledge and Generosity of Imam Hadi (AS)
The Tenth Holy Imam, Ali Al-Hadi (AS) was the first son of Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad (AS) and Sayyidah Samana (SA). His father named him after his grandfather, Imam Reza (AS) and his great ancestor Imam Ali (AS).The child was brought up by his father, who taught him the knowledge of the Imamate (leadership) and about the religious sciences.In 243 A.H. (857 A.D.) as a result of certain false charges that were made, Caliph Mutawakkil ordered one of ...