Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Theory of Necessity

The Theory of Necessity
The Theory of Necessity (Sadra’s theory in the interpretation of causality and its relation to human freedom) Before explaining the theory of necessity, it is noteworthy that the reason beyond calling this theory "The Theory of Necessity" lies in the fact that according to this theory the relation between cause and effect is both the relation of existence and that of necessity. The dispute between Muslim philosophers and theologians on all ...

How to Better Understand and Study Hadith?

How to Better Understand and Study Hadith?
Narrations (ahadith) make up one of the most important sources of Islamic knowledge and are subsequently greatly utilized in various different Islamic sciences. In order to best make use of narrations, it is imperative to have a good and correct understanding of them before making or basing conclusions based off of them.A correct and deep understanding of narrations will not only deepen one’s understanding of Islam, but also perhaps ...

The Difference between the Bismillah of each Surah

The Difference between the Bismillah of each Surah
The 'bismillah' preceding one surah is different from that preceding another surah. We were saying to which word the preposition and the noun it governs in the 'bismillah' are related. One of the possibilities is that the 'bismillah' of every surah is related to some appropriate word of that very surah; for example in the Surah al-Hamd it may be related to the word, al-Hamd. In that case 'bismillahi al-hamdu lillahi' would mean: With the name ...

Evidence that the Imams knew of their martyrdoms

Evidence that the Imams knew of their martyrdoms
The topic of Imam al-Husayn’s (as) knowledge about his own martyrdom is something that is not hidden to any researcher of history and can be proven in a variety of ways:1. In general, all Shi‘ahs believe that Imam al-Husayn (as) and all the other Imams had and have prior knowledge of events and knowledge about what would and will happen in the future. They acquire this knowledge from the Holy Prophet’s (S) teachings and divine ...

How can we participate in reviving the name of the great Eid of Allah?

How can we participate in reviving the name of the great Eid of Allah?
Everyone according to his ability and his style can be diligent in reviving the great Eid of the Khilafat and Wilayat and be himself a missionary in this field. We cite some examples as follow: Fathers can: 1. By buying sweets, new clothes or small gifts for his wife and his children. 2. By increasing his children’s pocket money on Eid Ghadir leave good memory of this day in their mind. 3.  By asking his children ...

Receiving one’s Record from Behind the Back

Receiving one’s Record from Behind the Back
Then he who is given his Record in his right hand,”‌“Soon will his account be taken by an easy reckoning,”‌“And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!"“But he who is given his Record behind his back,”‌“Soon will he cry for perdition,”‌“And he will enter a Blazing Fire.”‌ (Al-Inshiqaq: 7 to 12)The Qur’an has talked about people who get their Records with ...

Please define and explain vicious circle (daur) and infinite regression of causes (tasalsul)?

Please define and explain vicious circle (daur) and infinite regression of causes (tasalsul)?
 A vicious circle is a situation in which an attempt to resolve one problem creates new problems that lead back to the original situation. It is also a fallacy in reasoning in which the premise is used to prove the conclusion, and the conclusion used to prove the premise For example, “A” depends on “B” and “B” depends on “A”. The conclusion is that “A” depends on “A”. ...

The significance and the purpose of specifying the signs

The significance and the purpose of specifying the signs
Specifying the signs before the time of reappearance has its own advantages and benefits both before and after the occurrence of the signs. As we mentioned, some of the foretold events are related to the hardship of people before the reappearance of the Imam (PBUH) and warn people about the situations that they may face if disappearance is prolonged.These prophecies urge the believers to turn to Allah and supplicate to Him with the hope that He ...

The Reasons behind the Burgeoning of the Shi‘ah during the Period of ‘Abbasid Caliphate

The Reasons behind the Burgeoning of the Shi‘ah during the Period of ‘Abbasid Caliphate
By: Ghulam-Husayn Muharrami Shi‘ism experienced ever-increasing expansion during the period of the ‘Abbasid caliphate. This fact had some reasons and factors, some of which are the following: 1. The Hashimis and ‘Alawis during the Period of Umayyad Caliphate During the Umayyad period, the Hashimis—including both the ‘Abbasids and the ‘Alawis—were united, and from the time of Hashim when the ‘Abbasid campaigns started and ...

Protection From Any Alteration

Protection From Any Alteration
The transmission of the Qur'an, from the day of its revelation up to the present day, is flawless. The chapters and verses have been in constant use amongst Muslims and have been passed on perfectly intact from one generation to the other. The Qur'an we know today is the same Qur'an which was revealed to the Prophet some fourteen centuries ago. The Qur'an does not stand in need of historical proof for its identity or authenticity, (although ...

Avoidance of Sins is a Must

Avoidance of Sins is a Must
Considering the tradition quoted above one is compelled to conclude that it is necessary to dread sinful acts and to be ever cautious of the vices. Only then are the good actions of any consequences. The good deeds must also be performed in such a manner that we strive to emulate as closely as possible the examples set by the high ideals of our Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). It should not be that good actions are rendered null and void due to sins. It is ...

The Spiritual Significance of Jihad

The Spiritual Significance of Jihad
And those who perform jihad for Us, We shall certainly guide them in Our ways, and God is surely with the doers of good. (Quran XXXIX; 69)  You have returned from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad. (Hadith)  The Arabic term jihad, usually translated into European languages as holy war, more on the basis of its juridical usage in Islam rather than on its much more universal meaning in the Quran and Hadith, is derived from the ...

Given the fact that the religion of Islam is the only right religion, why does the Quran speak of the possibility of the followers of other religions being saved from the Fire?

Given the fact that the religion of Islam is the only right religion, why does the Quran speak of the possibility of the followers of other religions being saved from the Fire?
What is the interpretation of verse 69 of Surah al-Maedah? Can we deduce with the help of this verse that Christians will also go to Paradise? Isn\'t such an interpretation opposed to the rightfulness of Islam?Concise answerIt has been stated clearly in Islamic doctrines and in the most sacred book of Islam, i.e. the Qur'an that those non-Muslims who stay on their pure God-gifted nature and do good deeds while Islam is not made known to them, ...

Is it true that the Messenger of Allah (S) once missed his Dawn Prayers?

Is it true that the Messenger of Allah (S) once missed his Dawn Prayers?
I wish to know whether the report which says that the Messenger of Allah (S) once missed his morning or Fajr Prayers is true or not. (I had seen this topic being discussed in a book that contained Allamah Tabatabai\'s answers to questions.)..Concise answer This issue is among jurisprudential topics and has also something to do with theological themes. There are reports and narrations transmitted in this regard but jurisprudents are not ...

Apostasy and an example from history

Apostasy and an example from history
In this connection, I would like to narrate one incident that happened during the conquest of Mecca. When the Prophet Muhammad (known as "mercy for the universe" in the Qur'ān) marched into the city of Mecca in the 8th year of hijra, he declared a general amnesty for all his enemies. However, the same Prophet named seven or eleven persons "who should be killed even if they are found holding on to the cover of the Ka`bah!"21 Those who like to ...

Why did the Shi'a Separate From the Sunni?

Why did the Shi'a Separate From the Sunni?
Why did the Shi'a Separate From the Sunni? The Shia-Sunni split is not a recent phenomenon. The root of this division can be traced to just a few days after the death of our Prophet (pbuh&hp). Shi'as believe that the Prophet within his lifetime unambiguously appointed Imam Ali bin Abi Talib as his successor, and the caliph of the Muslim ummah (nation) after his death.However, Sunnis believe that the Prophet did not decicively fix the ...

Authority from a Shi‘ite Perspective

Authority from a Shi‘ite Perspective
  In this paper I propose to describe the teachings of Shi'ite Islam about authority in a manner accessible to Catholic partners in dialogue. For this purpose, I will contrast Shi'ite views on these issues with those of Catholics, and those of Sunni theologians, and I will also mention a few of the differences of opinion on these matters among the various Shi'ite sects and Sufis. To begin with, we need to clarify what is meant by authority. ...