Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید


  The advancement of Islam and its penetration into different peoples took place gradually. In the terminology of the Holy Qur'an those persons who preceded all others in embracing and propagating Islam are called as-Sabiqun (the preceding ones) and in the early days of Islam this precedence was in itself a criterion of virtue and superiority and even amongst these persons one who preceded another one enjoyed a more honourable position. Hence ...

the Qur'an, Hadith, History

the Qur'an, Hadith, History
The 18th of Dhil-Hijjah 1410 AH is to be celebrated in the Shi'i world as the 1,400th anniversary of the declaration of Ghadir Khum in which the Prophet said the following about Imam Ali: 'Whomsoever's master (mawla) I am, this Ali is also his master.' This event is of such a significance to the Shi'as that no serious scholar of Islam can ignore it. The purpose of this paper is to study how the event of Ghadir Khum was handled by the ...

The Expedition of `Abdull¡h Ibn Ja¦sh

The Expedition of `Abdull¡h Ibn Ja¦sh
The Expedition of `Abdull¡h Ibn Ja¦sh In the month of Rajab of the second year, the Holy Prophet sent `Abdull¡h Ibn Ja¦sh and eight others on a reconnaissance mission. The Holy Prophet gave him a sealed letter and asked him to open it after two days of walking and do as he is directed to do and not to force any one of his followers to follow him. Having walked for two days, he opened the letter in which the following was written: “If you ...

Leadership of Imam Ali [a]

Leadership of Imam Ali [a]
Ali ibn Abi Talib is the Imam after our Prophet (May Allah's blessing and peace be on him and his descendants). The Holy Prophet addressing Imam Ali said: "Ali, you are my brother, the heir of my knowledge, my successor after me and payer of my debt. You are to me as Aaron was to Moses, but there shall be no prophet after me." The Holy Prophet also said: "Greet Ali as the Commander of the Faithful, listen to him and obey him. Get knowledge from ...

Before Karbala

Before Karbala
YAZID DEMANDS ALLEGIANCE   Yazid, in order to assure his kingship, needed the submission of his political rivals. He ordered the governor of Medinah to take the allegiances of Imam Husayn (grandson of Prophet Muhammad and spiritual leader of the community) and Ibn az-Zubayr [1] (a political rival of Yazid) right away, and if they refuse, to kill them. It was late in the night, but the governor immediately sent a deputy to call them. He found ...

The Holy Prophet’s Universal Mission

The Holy Prophet’s Universal Mission
Universal Invitation to Islam The Holy Prophet’s Universal Mission Although the faith of Islam appeared in the Arabian peninsula among the Arab nation and the Holy Prophet was an Arab, Islam was not a local faith that is restricted to the Arab nation. To prove, the Holy Qur'¡n addressed neither Quraysh nor the Arab nation; Rather, it addresses all people. In some verses that order Muslims to perform certain tasks and responsibilities, the ...

Persecution after Karbala

Persecution after Karbala
Yazid and his infamous army achieved their object of eliminating what they found as the biggest obstacle to their oppression and tyranny by slaying at Karbala Imam Husain (a.s) and the small group of his companions. If it were a struggle for power, the persecution should have stopped after Karbala. The fact that the persecution and atrocities continued against the women, children and Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s), and Imam Mohammed al-Baqir the ...

Hadith Ghadir

Hadith Ghadir
The Prophet of Islam upon returning from the farewell pilgrimage stopped in Ghadir Khumm, assembled the Muslims and, after delivering a sermon, chose 'All as the leader and guide of Muslims.Bara' says: "I was in the company of the Prophet during the farewell pilgrimage. When we reached Ghadir Khumm, he ordered that place to be cleaned. Then he took 'All's hand and placed him on his right side. Then he said, 'Am I the authority whom you obey?' ...

Danger of Takfiri movements’ growth as a general challenge in front of Islamism

Danger of Takfiri movements’ growth as a general challenge in front of Islamism
Author Shahroz Ebrahimi (Assistant Professor and member of Political Sciences academic boards in University of Esfahan) Aliasghar Sotodeh (Ph.D student in International Relations from University of Gilan)   Abstract Islamism is a process which has been considered as the most central changes in Islamic world during a few recent decades enjoying more power after Iran Islamic Revolution in 1978 to come up with a pattern of political-religion ...

Naming Fatima (A.S.)

Naming Fatima (A.S.)
Naming newborn children is considered a principle divine rule. Allah Almighty named Adam and Eve the first day He created them; He also taught Adam all names. Man, too, has followed this rule and practiced it ever since. Naming is an essential rule for civilized people. People's names vary according to different times, generations and languages. There may also be a relationship between the name and it's meaning; although this is not always ...

Imam Hussein (as) was surrounded by the enemies of Islam

Imam Hussein (as) was surrounded by the enemies of Islam
Omar bin Sa"ad yelled, "Woe unto you! Attack him while he is busy with himself and his family. By the Almighty! Once he is free neither your right nor your left flanks would be more lucky." They swooped on him, raining him with arrows which were so abundant that they lodged in to the tent ropes; some found their way to the women"s mantles, startling and causing them to cry and enter the tent; they looked at Hussain in the expectation that he ...

Karbala': The Bank of the Euphrates and the Graves

Karbala': The Bank of the Euphrates and the Graves
The effects of the revolution of al-Husayn began to appear through the poetry of lamentation for the martyrs of the revolution and in the poetry of regret and repentance by those who had stayed away from giving support to the revolution or had actually participated in fighting against it. The relative paucity of such poetic references in the first period after the revolution is due to the fear of persecution by the Umayyads who launched a ...

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib's (as) behaviour towards Kharjite

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib's (as) behaviour towards Kharjite
It was the battle of Nahrawan against the Kharjites (Kharjite means one who rebels against religion) and Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) himself was fighting like any other ordinary soldier. During this battle a man came to face him and in the encounter lost his sword. He realized his hopeless plight of standing before Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) without any weapon in hand. Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib's (as) hand was raised for a blow when he saw the ...

An Account of Ya‘qub and Yusuf

An Account of Ya‘qub and Yusuf
Abu Hamza Thumali narrates through a correct chain of traditionalists that one day he performed the morning prayers with Imam Zayn al-‘abidin in a mosque of Madinah. After the prayers, Imam returned home. Abu Hamza Thumali accompanied the master. When they reached the residence Imam instructed his slave girl, Sakina, that she must serve meals to anyone who came begging to his door as it was Friday. Abu Hamza Thumali says that he asked, ...


  Many historians and writers criticized the policy of the Imam and considered it extremely idealistic and unrealistic. At the same time these critics appeared to be so impressed with the intelligence of Muaweyah and his wiliness that they considered him a statesman of the highest rank. Critics of this kind usually look at consequences instead of looking at the circumstances which brought about those consequences. The best way to reach an ...

The Arab's Inferiority vis-à-vis Iran and Rome

The Arab's Inferiority vis-à-vis Iran and Rome
The Arab's Inferiority vis-à-vis Iran and Rome As we have already noted, people of °ij¡z used to have a tribal life in the desert, lacking central government to unite them. They were mostly involved in tribal conflicts. For this reason, they were wretched and backward and were not noticed by the people of the world. The Arabs were so entangled in the narrow sphere of their tribal atmosphere and were so involved in the prejudices and dogmas. ...

Yazid’s order: allegiance or death

Yazid’s order: allegiance or death
History bears witness that Yazid was determined to kill Imam al-Husayn (as) in the case that he refused to pay him allegiance. In his book of history, "Tarikh Ya‘qubi", Ya'qubi writes, "In a letter which he wrote to Walid ibn ‘Aqabah ibn Abi Sufiyan, his agent and governor in Medina, Yazid commanded, ‘When my letter reaches you, summon al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali and ‘Abd Allah ibn Zubayr. Make sure that you get allegiance from them on my ...

Among Muslims there were some famous teachers

Among Muslims there were some famous teachers
The Prophet (a.s.) paid too much attention to education. He cared much for the spread of knowledge and sciences and for the struggle against illiteracy. He made the seeking of knowledge an obligation on Muslims and ordered knowledge to be written down lest it would be forgotten.[1] He blamed those who did not learn saying, “What about some peoples who do not learn from their neighbors or acquire knowledge?!” He imposed punishment on those ...

The Historical Speech of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in Ghadir Khum

The Historical Speech of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in Ghadir Khum
This is the English translation of the speech of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in Ghadir Khum. It is well written and documented with lots of references.O Allah! Send your blessings to the head of your Messengers and the Last of your Prophets Muhammad (s), and his ahlul-bayt.The Farewell Pilgrimage:Ten years after the Immigration, the Messenger of Allah ordered to his close followers to call all the people in all places to join him for last ...

Who was Yazid?

Who was Yazid?
In order to learn more clearly as to how far the views expressed by Imam Hussain (A.S) about Yazid are indisputable according to the history of Islam, one should refer to the following remarks of Mas'udi in respect of Yazid."Yazid was a pleasure-seeking person. He was a man, who kept beasts of prey. He had dogs, monkeys and panthers. He always arranged wine-drinking parties. One day after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S) while he was sitting ...