Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Prophet Saleh (A.S)

Prophet Saleh (A.S)
The tribe of Thamud was living happily in the land of Hajar which was located between Syria and Hejaz. They were enjoying the green gardens, big springs and rivers, the productive land and beneficial animals of this country. But gradually idolatry and corruption got over spread among the people of this tribe and consequently God appointed Saleh, a pious man of a noble and respectful family in Hajar, who was quite well-known for his knowledge and ...

A History of Hajj (Pilgrimage)

A History of Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Hajj literally means 'to set out for a place'. Islamically however it refers to the annual pilgrimage that Muslims make to Makkah with the intention of performing certain religious rites in accordance with the method prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (saws). Hajj and its rites were first ordained by Allaah in the time of the Prophet lbraaheem [Abraham] (AS) and he was the one who was entrusted by Allaah to build the Ka'ba - the House of Allaah ...

Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy

Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy
Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy S.J Hussain Vol V No. 3 & 4 , 1400 A question has puzzled some believers a great deal, namely why did al-Husayn fight with the sword, while his successors refrained from doing so, especially as all the Imams subscribed to a single and coherent ideology. For, if al-Husayn, in spite of the small number of his followers rose up against injustice, demanding his usurped rights, why did Imam al-Sadiq, for ...

The Chaotic State of Religion

The Chaotic State of Religion
When Islam appeared, idolatry had distorted and transformed the °an¢fiyyah through its widespread customs and ceremonies. The disbelievers were in a state of chaos regarding religion. They severely adhered to their idolatry and carried out its customs. They carried out Prophet Abraham’s ceremonies, such as °ajj and sacrifice in a defective, distorted way, and mingled it with superstitions. For instance, besides bowing to and worshipping the ...

The Leaders of Islam

The Leaders of Islam
Following Imam Ali there are eleven leaders in his progeny (Peace be on them). The first of them is his son, Hasan, then Husayn, then Ali ibn Husayn, then Muhammad ibn Ali, then Ja'far ibn Muhammad, then Musa ibn Ja'far, then Ali ibn Musa, then Muhammad ibn Ali, then Ali ibn Muhammad, then Hasan ibn Ali then al-Hujjah al-Qa’im al-Mahdi al-Hadi ibn Hasan, Master of the Time (May Allah hasten his blessed advent). They are all rightful Imams, one ...

The Theory of 'Alam al Khalq and 'Alam al-'Amr

The Theory of 'Alam al Khalq and 'Alam al-'Amr
The Theory of Khalq, and AmrIn theological philosophy, the domain of. being has been divided into various classifications from different angles: necessary and contingent, essential and accidental and so on. One of the divisions is into `non-material' (mujarrad) and `material' (maddi). The material beings are subject to motion, change and alteration. The non-material beings are free from matter, movement, change and alteration. A material being ...

Factors Stabilizing Cultures throughout History

Factors Stabilizing Cultures throughout History
Some cultures or cultural elements certainly seem more stable than others. Various theories have been proposed accounting for their stability, and it is quite useful to study them. First, we should keep in mind that some cultures have not at all remained firm due to their elements being general human virtual facts -in fact, they should be regarded as man's virtual elements “as they are.”Studying these cultures may make their scholars and ...

History and types of Fast

History and types of Fast
Imam al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib, peace be upon them, is quoted on p. 49, Vol. 2 of al-Saduq's book Man la Yahdarohu al-Faqih saying that a group of Jews once visited the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and the most learned man among them asked him about several issues one of which was: "Why did the Almighty enjoin fast upon your nation during day-time for thirty days after having required previous nations to fast for a longer period of time?" The ...

The History of the Islamic Calendar in the Light of the Hijra

The History of the Islamic Calendar in the Light of the Hijra
The History of the Islamic Calendar in the Light of the Hijra  Hakim Muhammad Said  Vol X No. 1 , Spring 1984 Reprinted, by courtesy of the editor, from Hamdard Islamicus, vol. IV, no.3 {1981)  The course of history is generally thought to be along a progressive path, but there are occasions when its progress seems to come to a standstill, and it becomes quiescent and inactive. The release of energy in such situations is converted ...

History of Kaaba: The House of Allah

History of Kaaba: The House of Allah
In the province of Hejaz in the western part of Arabia, not far from the Red Sea, there lies the town of Makka. In the centre of this town there is a small square building made of stones, about 60 feet long, 60 feet wide and 60 feet high. Since time immemorial this town and this stone built house has been known to world travellers. This is Baitullah, the House of Allah. Its sanctity and antiquity is older than history itself. Tradition goes that ...


  The things that a person leaves unfulfilled in this world and those that need to be done only after the death of the person, he entrusts to a person close to himself whom he deems capable and willing to comply with his wishes. It is the bounden duty of a person to comply with the will of a dear departed person to the best of his capability. The Prophet (a.s) had appointed `Ali (a.s) as his wasi with the confidence that he would comply with ...

Sciences Disseminated by Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)

Sciences Disseminated by Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)
  As for the sciences of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him, they were an automatic extension to the sciences of his fathers, who inherited them from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. The historians unanimously agreed that the Ima`m was the most knowledgeable of the people in all sciences and arts. The proof of this is that the religious scholars and reporters narrated countless sciences on his authority.( Khulasat Tahdhib ...

How to Send Greetings to Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?

How to Send Greetings to Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?
When sending greetings to Prophet Muhammad,· some say: Peace be upon him (PBUH)· others say: Peace be upon him and his family (S.A.W.)· some others say are more generous and say: Peace be upon him and his family (Aalihi) and his wives (wa Azwajihi) and all his companions (wa Sahbihi Ajma'een).Now let us see how the Prophet himself thought us to send blessing for him:The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said, "Do not salute for me in short!" The ...

Awaiting Jesus (pbuh)

Awaiting Jesus (pbuh)
For us Muslims, Jesus' (pbuh) second coming is of utmost importance. Born as a miracle of God, he invited the Israelites to the righteous path, performed many miracles in their presence, and is the Messiah and God's word (Qur'an, 4:171). When he returns, the differences between Christians and Muslims, who actually share the same values and have the same belief in God, will be resolved. According to the Qur'an, Christians are the closest to ...

Faith in the Message of the Holy Prophet [s]

Faith in the Message of the Holy Prophet [s]
It is obligatory to have faith in all that has been conveyed by the Holy Prophet and the Imams including what they have said about the Prophethood of the past Prophets, about the revealed Books, the existence of the angels, the account of what is going to happen in the grave, its punishment and its reward, revivification, its horrors, reckoning, the 'balance', the path, speaking of the limbs and organs, the existence of the Paradise, the Hell ...

when the two parties met

when the two parties met
Is it the 17th or the 19th? Imam Abu Ja'fer Muhammad ibn Ali-al- Baqir (as) is quoted in Bihar al-Anwar and Da'aim al-Islam as having said, "The 17th night of the month of Ramadan is when the two parties met, and the 19th is when the lists of the pilgrims is written down, and the 21st is when successors to the Prophets passed away and Jesus Christ (as) was raised to heaven and Moses (as) passed away, whereas the 23rd is hoped to be ...

Moses and the issue of seeing God

Moses and the issue of seeing God
وَلَمَّا جَاءَ مُوسَى لِمِيقَاتِنَا وَكَلَّمَهُ رَبُّهُ قَالَ رَبِّ أَرِنِي أَنظُرْ إِلَيْكَ قَالَ لَنْ تَرَانِي وَلَكِنْ انظُرْ إِلَى الْجَبَلِ فَإِنْ اسْتَقَرَّ مَكَانَهُ فَسَوْفَ تَرَانِي فَلَمَّا تَجَلَّى رَبُّهُ لِلْجَبَلِ جَعَلَهُ ...

Umm-al-Banin -- The Mother Who Bore And brought Up a Hero

Umm-al-Banin -- The Mother Who Bore And brought Up a Hero
The woman, who bore and brought up a hero such as Hazrat Abbas (SA), the standard-bearer to Imam Hussain (AS), was Umm-al-Banin (SA). She was the daughter of Hazam ibn Khali and wife of Imam Ali (AS). She was from the courageous family of Bani Kalab.Aquil arranged the marriage. Her maiden name was Fatima, but when she bore Imam Ali four sons -- Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar and Uthman -- she was called Umm-al-Banin (i.e., mother of sons only).Her sons ...

Historical Evidences of Hadrat Abu Talib's Firm Faith in Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

Historical Evidences of Hadrat Abu Talib's Firm Faith in Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
In that great highbred house and under the care of that merciful father, from whose high instructions and great school Abu Talib had graduated. He entered from the wide gate of life armed with the high principles of the great house and the glorious past of his fathers. Since heredity had important effect in forming the personality of man, as the psychologists said, so Abu Talib had made infinite use of this heredity. Abu Talib was a clear image ...

The Tradition of Ghadir and Its Continuity (Part 1)

The Tradition of Ghadir and Its Continuity (Part 1)
Another argument of the Shi’ah is the tradition of Ghadir. Khwaja Nasiruddin says that the Tradition of Ghadir is mutawatir. Mutawatir is a technical term. A tradition may either be mutawatir (continuous) or khabar wahid (isolated). An isolated tradition does not mean that it has been reported only by one person. It is a tradition which has not been reported in a convincing way. It is immaterial whether it has been reported by one person ...