Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams

The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams
The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams  95 - 148 A.H Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi  Vol IX No. 1 and 2 The period under discussion (95-148 A.H /712-765 A.D.) began and ended in the times of the Vth and VIth Imams. The persecutions of the Shi'is continued unabated from Mu'awiya's time to almost the very last days of the Umayyads, although this dynasty in its latter days was considerably weakened by internal strife. Zayd, the grandson of Husayn, ...

Origin of Shi'ism: Political or Religious?

Origin of Shi'ism: Political or Religious?
1. IntroductionIn the polemical writings of the Sunnis, it is asserted that Sunni Islam is the "Orthodox Islam" whereas Shi'ism is a "heretical sect" that began with the purpose of subverting Islam from within. This idea is sometimes expressed by saying that Shi'ism began as a political movement and later on acquired religious emphasis.This anti-Shi'a attitude is not limited to the writers of the past centuries; even some Sunni writers of the ...

Ismail and the Great Sacrifice

Ismail and the Great Sacrifice
The Young Man Who Offered His Life In The Path Of TruthThe brave soldier of monotheism had finished his fight with the idol-worshippers of Babel. Thereafter when the residents of the town knew well that he was the messenger of God and the only aim of his mission was to make people aware of God and the realization of His Radiance (Noor) and when the influence of Nimrod ended in Babel, he took his wife, Sarah with him and, bidding farewell to ...

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was Very Kind to Children

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was Very Kind to Children
Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was very kind to children and loved them very much .One day, he placed his two grandchildren, Hasan (A.S.) and Husayn (A.S.), on his lap and began kissing and cuddling them. A man who was passing by saw what the Prophet (S.A.W.) was doing, and became very surprised. "I have ten children," he said .And I have not kissed even one of them. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) heard what this hard-hearted man said and became very ...

The Neoplatonist Roots of Sufi Philosophy

The Neoplatonist Roots of Sufi Philosophy
I didn't know you were the eye inside of me    You were a secret essence both in body and soul    I asked you show me a symbol of you in this world    Suddenly I realized you were the whole universe.This poem expresses the idea of the oneness of God-universe-human beings. It is possible that the belief of oneness of humans and God in sufism is carried from neoplatonism. In the trilogy of ...

'Kitab al-Irshad' by Al-Mufid

'Kitab al-Irshad' by Al-Mufid
Dr. I. K. A. Howard Al-Serat, Vol. 3 (1977), No. 3 Al-Shaikh al-Mufid's full name was Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Nu'man al-Harithi al-Baghadi al-'Ukbari; his kunya was Abu 'Abd Allah. As well as being called al-Shaikh al-Mufid, he was known in both Shi'i and non-Shi'i circles as Ibn al-Mu'allim. He was born in the year 338 A.H./949 and was brought up in a village. His father brought him to Baghdad for his education. There he ...

A Critique of Saqifa

A Critique of Saqifa
Muhammad ibn Ishaq, the biographer of the Prophet of Islam, writes in his Seera (Life of the Messenger of God): Umar said: “And lo, they (the Ansar) were trying to cut us off from our origin and wrest authority from us. When he (an Ansari) had finished (his speech), I wanted to speak, for I had prepared a speech in my mind which pleased me much. I wanted to produce it before Abu Bakr and I was trying to soften a certain asperity of his; but ...

Imam Sajjad\'s Deep Love for the Holy Quran

Imam Sajjad\'s Deep Love for the Holy Quran
Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Sajjad (as) held the Holy Quran dearly to his heart. This is evident from his sayings and behaviour with regard to the Quran. For instance, Zuhri has reported having heard Imam al-Sajjad (as) saying:“If the inhabitants of the East and the West all perish and I am left alone with only the Glorious Quran, I will not become victim of any desolation”. (Al-Kaafi)What the Imam (as) implied was that even if the entire ...

Idd al-Ghadir - Islamic History’s Greatest Event

Idd al-Ghadir - Islamic History’s Greatest Event
The formal declaration of Imamat of Imam Ali (A.S.) at Ghadir Khumm has been unanimously described by the learned historians and scholars of both sects. Here a brief account is given to show what great arrangements were made to declare Imam Ali (A.S.) as the successor to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). Ghadir Khumm lies in Juhfa between Makkah and Madinah. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was on his way home, after performing his last pilgrimage, ...

The sermon of Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.) in Al-Kufa

The sermon of Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.) in Al-Kufa
Sayyeda Zeinab (a.s.), the daughter of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (a.s.), gave the following sermon in Ibn Ziad’s palace: "Now then! O Kufans! O men of vaunt! O treacherous men! O retreaters! Beware! May your lament never cease and may your wailing never end. Verily your similitude is that of a woman who untwirls the threads spinned by herself. You have broken your pledges by deceit and there remains nothing in you except pretense, ...

The Baqi Tragedy (In Holy Madina)

The Baqi Tragedy (In Holy Madina)
As we approach the 86th anniversary of the tragic occasion of the demolition of the holy graves of Baqi in Medina (which took place on the 8th of Shawwal in the year 1345 AH), we are greatly saddened at the injustice. That holy piece of land is the burial place of great personalities without whom the history of Islam is incomplete. It is the burial place of four of our great infallible Imams: Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba, Imam Ali Zainul Abideen, Imam ...

A Brief Account of the Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

A Brief Account of the Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
The First ImamAmirul Momineen Ali (a.s.)Father: Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim.Mother: Fatimah bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Munaf.Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abul Hasan and Husayn, Abu TurabLaqab (Title): Al-Wasi, Amir al-Mu'mininBirth: He was born in the Ka'ba [1] , in thirty 'Am al-Fil (the year of the elephant).Martyrdom: He was martyred by the Khwariji named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam at Kufa during the month of Ramadhan in the fortieth ...

Contemporaries of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)

Contemporaries of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)
The research about the kings with whom the Ima`m, peace be on him, coincided, is, according to modern studies, an important matter, for it reveals the programs of their general policy. The psychologists say that political events affect all the branches of life including the general conduct of every citizen. The kings with whom the Ima`m, peace be on him, coincided belonged to the Umayyad family, who, according to the laws of genetics and ...

A Glance at the Early History of Islam

A Glance at the Early History of Islam
A Glance at the Early History of Islam By: Abdullah al-KhunayziI am now before a man's biography, which the fancies played a great role to distort. The mercenary pens deviated from the way of rightfulness and threw a thick cover over the truth, exactly like what they did to every clear and shiny truth, just to defame and distort this great personality.I am before a man, whose biography left prominent lines in history. He was one of the ...

The Kings in the Age of the Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)

The Kings in the Age of the Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)
We should have a short break to talk - in brief - about the kings whom Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) was contemporary with, and give a picture about their conducts and the misfortunes, and distresses the imam suffered under their reigns. Al-Mutawakkil Al-Mutawakkil son al-Mu’tasim assumed the rule in 232 AH.1 In the same year Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) was born.2 When al-Mutawakkil assumed the rule, people were afflicted with a natural disaster that ...

Hazrat Ibrahim-Friend of Allah

Hazrat Ibrahim-Friend of Allah
The earlier times speak to us through history. However it is a different matter that we do not listen to them.They announce loudly that great historical revolutions have occurred only when a courageous youth had come forward with a strong and unwavering decision to do something important. On the other hand the weak-hearted, who are unable to make any change in their mode of life can never change the course of history. Worse than that, if timid ...

In view of the fact that Prophet Jesus (AS) is alive, why does the Qur\'an use the term "mutawaffik" which means "I will cause you to die"?

In view of the fact that Prophet Jesus (AS) is alive, why does the Qur\'an use the term "mutawaffik" which means "I will cause you to die"?
he verse 54 of Surah Aal-e Imran says: "Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me..." According to this verse, Prophet Jesus is dead? If God takes His servant\'s soul, doesn\'t it mean that he is dead? You are saying that Jesus ...

Saqifa and the Logic of History

Saqifa and the Logic of History
In these series of article, I had called attention of the reader to the tendency and the readiness of most of the Orientalists, to accept, at face value, many of the false statements and spurious claims which were put into circulation, long ago, by the historians who were on the “payroll” of the governments of Damascus and Baghdad – both heirs to the government of Saqifa.There is, for example, a consensus among them that ...

Martyrdom of Imam Husayn and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars

Martyrdom of Imam Husayn and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars Seyyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi Vol VI No. 3 & 4 , 1401 THE 1400th year of the hijra caleadar is nearing its end. Since the last two years or more a substantial amount of time, energy and money is being spent of what has come to be known as the commemoration of the end of the 14th century of hijra and the welcome of the 15th. Seminars are being held, articles written, booklets ...

Medina: the Roots of Karbala

Medina: the Roots of Karbala
The sacred blood of Imam Hussain, his family, and his companions (peace be upon them all) was spilled on the plains of Karbala on the 10th of Muharram. Their mutilated bodies lay on the sand with their heads raised on spears. Women, children, and the sick Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) were taken captives. (Bayt Agency) - Surely Ashura is a tragedy like no other tragedy. But the reality of this tragedy was not limited to the year 61 AH. The ...